Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Mar 2007, p. 23

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The Canadian Champion, Friday Match 30, 2007 -23 L~!~iIIUL * * * A * * . .Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 0 e ~Rentais 170-196 e Leisuoe 200-239 e Community 240-299 . Fax: 905-878-3187 Email: *Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e Heip Wanted 500-5 Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ali ciassified ads aiso appear on Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cati: 905-878-5947 Ad submisslsn by mail or ie penses: The Canadian Champion, 555 ledustriat Drive, Side Dean, 2od Floon, Milton, ON L9T SEl Deadiles: Mon., il arn., for Tans. pubtication, Thars, 11 arn., ton tri. publication. Specîi eatane & Hoidnay seadlines eîay Vary. Payeent: Wn accept cash, cheque, Intnrac, Visa, MasterGond, Americas Express. Ail ahs Placed are non-refundable and ne «0dBfi wilI lie Isued. Business acceunts cas be npened with as approveti credft application avoulable tnem year Sales Consulhant. CHECK YOUR AD THE RIRST DAY IT RUNS la ensare the information is correct. Contact yeen Sales Consaltant withie 24-ionrs if as enror appears. An enror in a Fri. pablicatin mess he reponttd no taten than Mon., 1 1 ar. ANNIVERSARY Pl/iu/e t(IM Moue(Hs i I IM j OP(MM H BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY ~F or Sale MnFoSaI an nding rsoson5lis Drivewa actonoae ment Large masur lmi ing r 1 heaedpol h,v/M.yaDeî(,ýnttIOId ianharpio.6 151111 HUAI 1 lOOth Birthd Sunday, Aprili1, 2pM - 4pm ~:Please corne and celle : with this lotely la Best Wlshes On9 ENGAGEMENT He a#ked - nd $ho said, V Congratulations on this new path you have We 1 W 'q Julia Habljak preeîiousdaughter of Sue of Milton and the iate Rudy Habijak Granddaughter of Olga and the late Mauijan Hrgovic of Mississa and Mat hew Emanuele chelrished son of Laura and John Emtanuele of Oakville Grandson of Mateo and Antonietta Emtanuele of Mississauga anoned theïr enht TuM day March2007 announc g yon a fred 2, t Much to Ce g famity s a Ses rn u:iii lu Motgje GEORGETOWN con- MORTGAGES do. 1-bedroom plus den emi 100% set -employed, in Vctoria Gardens . 95% NO CREIT, Masn f00o wakout to Perfect PotHl Os0 dischurged prisate putio. 416-949- frnhse for mone bankrupts, 35-40 y 2008.ta 20 years flow umortizutio50 .c aulbetfor sule 416-777-0878 E!1Apartmenws tor Milton ara euw Coneles Fer Sale Greut opportuntyl mn tgagesslu Fsr ta ther ifis OAKVILLE, c/en Abbey, 1-9n5-337-7773 Apatiments5 1Bedrosmo Des, Newer MM FlasFr RenI. bulding, Neural DecorOWTWMlo www.rnees.o 005 489 4904 al bdrm c 1 loft bdrm. www ~ ~ ~ l rnrsk om j ecory newly renosated, brîght - trial spacîsus, appron. 1000 M Cenommo Spucial REMOVE ysur crîmîsai sgt. i0 ci. Seat & records Fast We do Par- Sydro. 5//90/mIS, ns WORKSHOP- North But- dons and US Waîsers, pets preterred, lington aust south of Oerry Don't be embarrassed. 1- asaîlable Aprîl 1t. Rd., 2600sqtt., Seuted. 800298-5520 905-878-532& Tom 905-332-5858 ITOaagetu2 lfî,ie/Busiesa --- bdrm apartments. SpeMoegage, acaîlasîle May 1/s/ Ing Ca/i 416-723- a OFFICE/COMM ER- $SMONEYSS Csnsslîdate 480/1 CIAL spane for DbsMrggs1 5~ Minas resu qt No innome, Sud credît ACTON t bedrsom Mîts îSI OK! apartment Asailable t 51 .200/mIS Ontarîswîde Fînunniai Aprl 1sI. 200 Churchll t 854-1687 Cl 0- Corporation 1-888-307- Road, South. No pets.t 5-1687. MILTON Masse 2-bedroom upu tmest P mie Dows own location. $1,O00mth at-sclusve. Must cee! 905-330-7066 BACHELOR apart- ment, Mil/on Main Srreet/51th Lice a/eu. Single tenant, n0 pers preterred. $850/mth c heat. gos-87s rrssý MILTON 2-bedrcsm. st tioci oi Scuse îcaîiubie Anril t St. t OkO0/mt c sti/ities, bedrosm, 2cd flior acaîlable May lot. $790/mth a/i incissice. teterences. Ns pets preterred. 905-878- 2737. Z lFa'sFor Rent ACTON Apartments. 1 & 2-bedrooms asaîluble April & May. Fridge & stose, laundry taiite reter no doge 519-853-4374. Open 7 days/week. Same day approcal. DOWNTOWN MILTON Milîside Towers 82 Milîside Drlon. Attractive quiet build- ing. Spucîsus brigkt c/eus 1&2 bedroom ucits wîth laundry tacîlîty and social room os site. Regalar resident ecents Open 7 days & evenings Cati 905-876-1249 MILTON 2-bedroossm apar/ment. prîcate en- trance, Asaiiable May t st. $950/mth a/i/ities înclsded. No Smoking. .908-854-6208. M JUSI inclut Ca/i May MILT upu/t Sydri 1-BE hîsto Roci tîrep $675 utilit c/se IRTkii)Ar ACTON t -bedroom apartmest, 5650/montS plus Sydro iirst/last, trîdge/stose. Acaîluble April itt No pets. Cai 519-853-4721. and 3-bedrssm apar/- ments $795/msctk, $925/msctS and 995lmsîth, Avuilable îmmedîately, iccludes heatîSydrs/cable. Park- ing extra. Cal 905-877- 6563, I ACTON t -bedroom ** upper tIser of hanse. \ Large deck/gas fine- V L place. $900/montS utilities incladed. Avaitable Man lost. 519- 853-0921 ACTON 1 -bedroom. g g * Available May lost. Fridge, stove, atititien included. No pets. s Firet/tast/reterenceo re- Laugirnd. Cati 519-853. fl 4 ACTON -ero * aparîmeot March lot. 200 S7Olmonth utilities ie- nluded. Qaiet Building. No-pets. 192 Churchill Road South. Cai 519- brate e 853-121 dl! AO~Nî 3-bedrom, Iytien. 1 -bedroom $50Olmonts plus util- ties. Georgetown 1- S bedroom, $700/month plus hydro Cal 519- 853- 5080/519-853- 5352 JEI AVA LABLE NOWt Tinen won'f lient * Bright apacione, con- excitsng venienitly located 1- chosen! bedraom sei Guelph Street. Adulte only. No ove you! pets/smoking. CuIt flow 416-570-6578. BALLINAFAD, beauti- fui 1-bedroom main floor apansiment on ns- gotate propert. Private entrasce with satetlite co n ne c t i o n, $e0lmonth utilities in- cluded. No smoking. Singles only, nlo dogs. Cati 905-877-7000 to v0ew. BEAUTIFUL country S settîng between Georgeton and Acton. Bright 2-bedroomn base- * pa ti ment ap&argment. Separ- Flefs Fer Reu ate laandry room, lots l isted Bachelor of indoorloutdoor stor- s trom Mittosi Maill age. $900/montS enery- itilities and cabie thing included. No pets. led. $e75/montli Cali 519-853-9743. Craig. Anailabie -0NTW George- tut 59-2399073 town, large 1 -bedroom. ______________ $785/month plus Sydro includes appli- ON 2-bedroom anceslparking. No nient. $825/mth + smoking/pets credit 0. Fridge and check tîrot/last/refer- încluded. nces. Asaîluble imme- abie Aprîl lot. Ca/i dîately. Cai 905-877- 878-5000. 4427. GEORGETOWN 1, 2 iDROO suies n and 3-bedroom apart- DROM uiesin monts $795/montS, ric building sn $925/month and îwood, with gas $995/month. Asaîlubie laces startîng ut a Augaut r sîs includes i/montS us Seat/hydro/cable. Park- ies. Cali Elizabeth igeta al9583 Il. Jono Asso- 6n2eta8o4g. 7

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