Al 0 - The Canadian Chamnion. Fridav. March 30. 2007 Now Booking For 2007 & 2008 Anniversatics Birthday Parties Christmas Parties Plea.sejoin us anytime on Saturday, Apnil 14 or Sunday, Aprif 15, between the hours of 1 Oam and 5pm. We have our wedding professional on hand to help you plan your perfect wedding or simply tour you around our beaut if ut inn. Carr considered for GTTA board RcgionAil ( hairman Gary 11 î.nspoî iaîion ,oithoi iiy s board ol directors. The local politician has been nominated by the provincial governinent lor appointment Io the board, as recommended by regional council. The appointment is pending review by thse standing commit- tee on government agencies. Eight members of other regional and municipal counicils in the GIA were recommended by their peers and approved for ternis of up to, tbree years. "It is a clear indication of thse cmmitmet ofI tic t i ilicy have. chosn to nominate the hecads of their counicils to Gary Carr GITA," saîd Rob Maclsaac, for- mer Burlington mayor and now chair of tIse GTTA. The GTTAs mandate is to ensure that ail levels of govern- ment work together 10 develop a long-range transportation plan in consultation witb a broad range of stakeholders, including students, seniors, people wo.h disabilities, businesses and indusiry. annuil pssenc1gcl tip." and1 [noi c than two million cinclcs on, CGTA and Hamilton roads, the GITA wîil play a vital rolc i developing a plan to tackle con- gestion and co-ordinatc and improve transit systems across the region. The agency is responsible for regional transit and transporta- tion planning, purchasing tran- sit vehicles on behaîf of munici- paliries, the future management of GO Transit and ultimately the operation of thse GTA fare card systeni for GTA and Hamilton. Council approves purchase of 4 buses The Town's plans to purchase four buses for its transit systemn are rolling ahead. Town council approved buying the vehicles [rom Pearson Bus Sales Ltd. at its Monday night session for $1 .6 million. The low-floor feature of the buses wiIl make then easily accessible for those witb wheelcbairs, scooters, walkers, shop- ping buggies and baby strollers. Currently, thse Town contracts Oakville Transit buses to provide service for Milton. Council approved around $1. 5 million in the 2007 budget for thse buses. The variance hetween the hudgeted amount and the actual cost will be funded [rom develop- ment charges and the transit and transportation reserve. The Glenerin Inn 1695 The Collegeway, Mississauga 905M28-6103J Miltony A Church for YoWr Heart, Mind & Spît Sponsored by ~ The Sanctuary of Miton Who: The people of Milton "S What: Good Friday Service and Taste The World Celebration A free event to celebrate our Good Friday and our changing Milton culture by bringing S people together to taste foods froni over twenty countries. Corne and celebrate Good Friday together and connect with other people from Milton while sampling foods froni around the world. When: Friday, April 6, from 6:OO-9:OOpm Where: Milton Sports Centre Banquet Roomn 605 Santa Mari B"vd (Du"y R&. west of Hwy. 25) <enbmîo at rea of buM&Mn) Additional Wno can b. foun at www.thesanctuà o d et e inomto abute - - Bug pe ase c 1-80: 37-22 er eii vv .ntro et. - ei fo by t e e n of Onai WEDDING OPEN HOUSE April 14 & 15/07 If you or someone you know needs help with a gambling problem, please calt the Ontario Problem Gambling Heipline at 1-888-230-3505 or in your community: ADAPT (The Halton Alcohol, Drug &Gambling Assessment, Prevention and Treatment Program) 905-639-6537 (Burlington) or 905-693-4250 (Milton) Ail Services are Free and Con fidential