Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Mar 2007, p. 1

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VJw UPhMILTON PUBLIC L>BRAR 2-* Mîltion Communîty Newspaper Since i86 N EW S Five vying for Ward 2 seat S PO0R TS IceHawks set to be sold wwmî A& E Composer up for $1O,OOO prize www Ituruusflowunhop cas. 15 ltnre' le VOî 2SI A -erln ,daGoppbiain*Vl 4 o 6 F-.ay .ac 3020 52 Pae .* $ 1 ». i CGRAHAM PAINE /(ANADIAN c HAMPION GIRLS BEST FRIEND: Sommer Nevins, 9, gises a big hug ta Ses three-year-oid Shih izu, Bandit, wha just returned home after a stay at the veterinacy clinic far kidney prablems. Nevins niather Seana, suspects the Uap' mlless is cannecteo ta the recent rassise pet food recali. Dog owner loses one pet others sick By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF lfs eveîy atîimal hivers worst îîîgbîmare - the sîckness or death of a belovecl pet. Mîlton resident Seami Nevins has experieuccd both of those sceiiari , lîrstbaud ru the past couple of ;sîontbs. lut February, Nevitîs had to, put down lier I 4-year-old (log Sadie, an Austrianlshep- lîerdlcollic mix. Site lîad becu sick sînce j anuary, Nevîns satd, witl symptoms of renal faîlure - sbte had to urinate and dnink a loi. 56ec also begaui fallîug dlownî the stairs. "WC" îust iliauglit site \v as oId," Nevîtîs saîd. Around tie same ime, hier tbre year-ahI Shîli Tzt, Batîdit, sîarted slîcwtug siuîilar sympioms. "ile was letbargrc andc not eaîîîîg well siucr February,' Nevîns saîd of the nîne-pound dog, adcling, -1 ibauglît lie was dcpressed becatîse ibe otlier dog lîad biet put dowtî." But alter heaning about the receut miassîve pet foocd recail, Nevins said she kuess sbe had ta, get Bandit to ihe vet night awav. Sure enougha, after soîne tests, Bandit was brouglît to ihe vet for a fîve-day sîay li was a diffîcuît \veek for bathi Nesins anîd lier uîue-year olcI daugliter, Somm-er. -I was scarcd lie n'as gorîîg to die,' Nexins saîcl. 'Hes a niember of our farîlv." Ou Marcb 16, Mississauga compaîîy Menui Ecîrds auuouuced the rccall tuf 60 imillicon caris and pouches of 95 brauds of "cuis aud grav-v' style pet lord manufacturcd at twa af ils U.S. lacîlîtres bein cen Decenîiber 3 aud March 6. ibis recaîl came afier daogs and cals begau dyrng of renal kidney failure. lu lîgbî of the recaîl and tbe fact sbe was feedîug bier dogs one of tbe affccîed brauds shte uîaîclîed the serraI codes on tue packages wah itie rues ou the recaîl notices - Nevins tan't bellp but sîrongly scuspect ils- ta blame.* ['ai utîateîy, Bandit retcîrîîed firme l'cesday and it Iroks lîke lie'lI be akay, bis rcescl -see CAT on page A4 Council says no to review By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF [he Town won't be conductîng its owO review of an environmental report on the power plant planned for local lands now shat a motion to do so lostitn a tic thîs week. In a 5-5 vote Monday nîght, counicîl ulîîmaîely defeated the reso- lution that called for the municîpali- ty to contract a law ftrmi and envi- ronniental consultants for up o $50,000 to assîsi staff tu asscsstug thc cruvîintnctal rcvtess documnt frot Transtaîrada lneucgs ( 1 CI- itie comnpai> that put Uic Si i il- litou planît plans lorward. J CE ivas awarded a 20 seat aon- tract b%, the Ontanio Power Auîlîrîts see TOWN on page All Today's Champion OPINION A6 CLASSIFIED A23 DATELINE B5 REAL ESTATE B14 ww mîtoncanachanchampîon.comr A&p L g, l, . n',, It'-Foii*r, g IDA -M&M s*-Sa,-c audo a T, - . ! Fl"n Bont, Pa - Haio Varur eteea tie% 5r M 'gpf * ShpAnd Sg,, -P&G Bm" - -G'.C f Tm-.S1 Your bouse isn't a comn1 Choose a Realtor who doesn't treat It like ose. Alan McDonald 6S ROYAL LEPAGI

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