1u 1 - ý from DATELINE on page 921 1-888-2DONAIE. The Halton-Peel office of the Scbizophrenia Society of Ontario bolds a family support group for friends and fam- ily members alfected by schizophrenia and otber serious mental ilinesses. It takes place at 7 p.m. at the North Halton Mental Healtb Cltnic, 19 Willow St. N., in Acton. For more information, caîl (905) 876-1647. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear entrance), invites students in grades 6 to 8 to drop by betwecn 3:30 and 6:15 p.m. to play a game of pool or jusi bang out. Higb scbool students are tnvited between 7 and 10 p.m. The Fine Arts Society of' Multons Evening Group of Artists meets from 7 to 10 p.m. The informaI environmient provides artists witb an opportunity t0 exercise their draw- ing skiffs. For more information, caîl (905) 854-5753. Milton District Hospital holds a one-on-one breastfeed- ing clinie with a certified lactation consultant from 7 to 9 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment, caîl Jill Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 76 10. The Milton branch of the Canadian Cancer Society bolds an information night from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Hugb Foster Hall, 53 Brown St., for anyone interested in leamning about volunteer opportunities. For more information, caîl Sbaron at (905) 332-0060. Volunteers are currently need- ed for ils daffodil campaigil Marcb 29 ro April 1 and tbe Relay for Life june 15 and 16. Tbe Town of Milton presents a seminar entitled The Difference Between Good and Bad Fats at 10:30 a.m. at the Milton Leisure Centre, 1100 Main St. F. Ifs free for centre members and $5 for non-members. For more infor- mation, visit wwwmilton.ca. To register, caîl Tracy Hasselfeldt at (905) 878-7946, ext. 2706. Tbe Milton Historical Society bolds a presentation on the bistory of the bardware business in Milton. lt takes place at tbe Waldie Blacksmitb Sbop, 16 James St., witb coffee at 7:30 p.m. and tbe presentation ait 8 p.m. * Hearing for Li3feg Audlology Centre & Dispensary 1WE ARE HERE TO HELP Our range of Audiology services and benefits include: The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 9, 2007 - B23 SAnnual Golf and Travel Show starts today event will returo for an l8tb year wben tbe Golf and Travel Sbow swings inîo tbe Metro Convention Centre today Until Sunday, tbere will be bundreds of vendors sbowcasing everytbîng about golf under one roof, witb a first- ever golf equtpment swap bigbligbting tbe event, as well as an appearance by PGA pro Hank Haney Marcb 10. Anotber main attraction of tbe wcekend will be tbe opportuniiy Do go lncad-to-bead wîob a number of sports personalities - încludiîsg Toronto Argonauîs (irlondo Stcinauer and Cbris Hardy and ex-Hamilton I iger Cat general manager Neil Lumnsdcn - on a Nintendo Celebriîy Best Drive Cbarity Cballenge, Also part of tbe weekend sbowcase Find Oui What YoUr Home is Worth On-Line Vistt: www.haltonhomeevaluaîon.com wwvw.arenapro.com YOUTH-BOYS/GIRLS OUR\ TO17 YBS.BOLB la a a t 1I1TH /4 5 & 6YR. OLD OUR 905-451-9275 35TI> MENS YEAR TtAMSINIVIBUAL 905-840-7370 SUMMER HOCKEY BEGINS SURA ARC 1 2-4 Pa, 73 Babcock Terry Kochanowski, Rimai Real Isiae Cintra 905-878-7777 2-4 pin, 870 Mailad Crus., $354.0 Andrew Casait, Mincom Solutions, 905-691-7861 2-4 pm, 1140 Houston Dr., $M,0000 Damantc Manchisi, Prudîntial Town Centre Riaisy 905-878-9100 2-4 pmi, 159 Panlon Trait, $284,9 Citytan Hackenbraock, Ramai Real Estain Ceniri 905-878-7777 2-4 pin, 73 Babceick Tinry Kochanowski, Rimai Real Estate Centre 905-878-7777 2-4 Pot, 1140 Houston Dr., $290,000 Damentc Manchiti, Pradentia Town Centre Riais, 905-878-9100 2-4 Pot, 226 Sheosui Rd., M34,04 Rass. Mynna & Todd Wongan, Rimai Rîath, Spicialiants 905-828-3434 2-4 Pin, 1279 Bopar Dr., $4000000 Russ Mynna & Tord Wongan, Rimai Riais Spicittrats. 905-828-3434 2-4 Pot. 447 Peltit Tbai, $389,000 Stîphanie Kimmenîn. Rimai Real Datat Centne 905-878-7777 2-4 Pot, 26-30 Heisop Rd., $204000X Aadney Nîsîl, Kellen Wiirams, 905-878-4444 2-5 potn, 1044 Ranahaw Ciao., 0574,00 Chnis Barnnanîam, Rîmax Performance Riaisy Inc 905-875-3343 2-4 pot, 1632 NRnis Circia, $4500000 Dihna Tank, Roya LîPati Miadowtonni Riaisy 905-878-8n0n 2-4 Pot, 270 Bandait, $454000 Joyce Hageiri Roal LîPage Miadowttwni Riaisy 905-878-8701 2-4 pin, 624 Arnairong Bled., $350.000 Kanîn Camby, Royai LîPagi Meadatnone Riaisy 905-870-0737 2-4 Pmn, 460 Lowe Lae Kim Scott, Raya LePage Miadoittoni Rtatty 905-878-8707 2-4 Pot, 492 Kaeni%, $312,500 ingnid Haitingin. Raya LiPagi Miadtwttwni Riaisy 905-878-8101 2-4 Pm, 800 Cabot Troul, $314,860 Kelle Wiiams, 905-878-4444 2-4 pin, 204 Bandaii Cruo., $440000 BittY Irgiî, Raya LePae Miadowotni Riati 905-878-8707 2-4 pin, 742 Wittow Ae., $350,00 Ana King, Pradentia Town Cenre RalW, 905-878-8700 TUE I EI A PAG ihwasn mo, Ope Icse iq e .ýt \N11 bi c hadail t de(tanont a 1toi,> D0 Adisstin co-si, :n for adults oar $ inspire botb birdie and bogey players, plenty of give-a-ways and tbe Kids Zone - wbere tbe first 200 visitors eacb day receive a free putter. Sbow times are as follows: Marcb 9, noon to 8 p.m, Marcb 10, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Marcb 11, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Reading 1Writing iMath 1Spa for cbildren aged 12 to 17. Kids under 12 get in for free wben accompanied by an adult. Twiligbt golfers - 50 years and up - pay just $ 10 after 2 p.m. daily. For more information on tbe eveni, visit www.torontogolfsbowcom. elling I Grammar 1French 1 Study Skills Try. Learn. Believe. Succeed. Oxftord Learning is the onlv aftcr-scbool lcarning programn of its kind for grades one 18) twclve. First, we pinpoint bow vour cbild learns using our Dynamic Diagnostic AssessmentTM. Tben, wc create an individualized prograin tbat goes beyond tutoring to teacb your cbild to lcarn and study more cffectively - 10 reacb bis or ber ftll potential. Better grades, motivation and confidence follow. Give yisur cbild a'lifetime of learning succeoss Contact Oxford Learning toda. Sis oScesLEooRNINorGf 917 Nipissing Rd 1 905.693-9978 1 www.oxfordlearning.corn In Timbits Hockey, learning to laugb and make friends goes Frand in hand with devaeloping the skiffs of the gamre. It'a the perfect way to ensure young boys and girls get off 10 s good start in thîs great game. Tim Hortons is proud to support the kîds who play Timbits Hockey in Milton. The firan goal as having fun. Q T , t . 00