-A4 - The Canadlan Civamoion. Ftida.March 9. 2W07 Solberg takes shot at Turner the "(.oniservative beartland. Abter that, bis speech iargely focused on Turner and bis move over to the I iherai pariy afier sitiing as ais independent for a whiie and prior to ibai, a Conservative. He said he thinks ifs ironie tbat Turner would do what bes so diametrically opposecl to iloor crossing." Turner bas arguecl that when be made bis decision to foin tbe f iberais, be didn't cross the floor poti 1, 0ýIM 'Solberg weîsi oi5 1( lîkeis Turnei's pasi year in pîslitics as one wbere be 'Jumped off tise (( onservative) siîp and flouis dered i tise water for a wbile before being resccîed by tbe cap- tain osf tbe Titanic (i iberai leader Stephaîse Dîoîs). Ile added lise tlsinks Turner is goîîsg ts "gel wba be deserves," pointîng ts tise tact be'll bave to aisswer us Isis conssiitueists. abosut bis decisicsn 10 go red. "Hopelully justice xviii be biog, Turner acknowledgcd tisai Soiberg "dissed" bîm wben lie siopped in Milton ibis week. "Yes, be llew A the way lrom Medicine Hat 10 say tbai,- Turner wroie sarcastically. -Your tax dollars ai work." Solberg and bis staff were i tbe area vîsiting tbe Service Canada centres luis minisiry (sversees. Melaiîie Hennesse y coisb u ciihec) ai rnlseniiîsseytgŽniitoýii- canadianchampios coîn MEI.ANIE HENNESSEY / CANADIAN CHAMPION Federal Minister of Human Resources and Social Development Monte Solberg chats with Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh. Notice is hereby given that the Town of Milton intends to close the unopened road allowance known as Part 9, Plan 20R-3575, being the portion of Brown Street locafed between Town Hall and Victoria Park. This unopened road allowance is being closed to facilitate the construction of Town Hall. The Administration & Planning Committee will consider this item at its meeting on March 19, 2007. This notice is provided in accordance with Town of Milton Property Disposai By- law No. 34-95. Further information with respect to the aforementioned Notice may be obtained from the Deputy Çlerk, Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario (905) 878-7252, extension 2109. 2 for 1 March Break, Student Transit Fare (with student ID) Ali day long March 12 - 16, 2007 Swim... Slkate... Socialize... Ail around town Maps, schedules and tickets available at: --SnobeIen in court on firearms charges Milton resideni and former Ontario cabinet mînisier John Snobelen will return 10 court March 19. Snobelen, 52, bas been cbarged witb careless siorage of a firearm, uisauiborized possses- sion of a firearmn and unlawful acquisition of a firearm. Tbe date was set Monday ai Ontario Court of justice in Milton. Tbe charges stem from a searcb ai a Miltosn bouse january 9. Police seized a Colt .22-cali- bre seîssi-autoisaiic pistol aîsd ammunition. Tbree days later, Snohelen iurned bimseif in 10 police and was laier released. Snobelen served as minisier of education from 1995 10 1997. lie was alsîs a Mîssîssauga MPP Cocaime suspect to return to court Apr. 3 A suspect in Haltoîss largesi ever cocaine busi %viii returis îs court ns Miltonî April 3. Bramptons resîdent Aviar Saîsdbu, 3(), svas cbarged witb pocssessionî osf cocalîse for tise pucr- pisse of trallicking alter a truck was pulled over February 4 aiJames Snow Parkway and Hwy 401. Police allege more ihan 200 kiograms of cocaine xvas discovered iîsside. Tise cargo bad a sîreet value osf up 10 $20 mii- lions. Tise returîs court date was set February 27 wben Sandbu appeared ai Ontario Cosurt of justice in Milton. Sandhu bas beeîs released on bail. -e4- MI0L i FORD LINCOLN 655 MAIN STREET EAST. MILTON www.galngertord.com *U M L FAMUNR . qfflVME . PÉIM . M ~LE1 IR W