26 -The Canadien Champion, Friday Marchi 09, 2007 IeelHelp ralHlp eai Hep GeraHep ~ IGniHep GI eIa ep 1-111Gei lHeIP ea ~ H ep 8 GnIlHop :-- -' 1- l F -sferutîsFai S Butter food. Butter people. Butter benefîts. Butter oppartusîties. lits rait butter -at Wenty's. That'swhy raure pleaseitto affer pou a career hure. vie are cnsotastlp tookîng for deicateit, service- orienteit isivîduas tîke pou. Joîn us ut our RECRUITMENT OPEN HOUSE Monday, March 12 2pmn - 6pmn e 5051 Harvester Road Now hiring CREW MEMBERS Fuit-timne & Part-timte day shifts & ltt night closing shifts Strong customur service okitis and a great attitude are kup. In retors, poutil unjoy flexible uchudules, above-average pay, free career apparut, muai discounts, unit mucti more! If pou are sot able ta attend the opus basse, please appty sn person ta a manager asytime or e-mail pour resume ta: ctiris-straughan@wendys.com Wendy's = oppartusity & itiversitp we ndy s.-corn Travel Sales Consultants Flrght Centre is seekîng talented people who wann to turn their passion for sains and travel into a rewarclisg corser With our ongorng expansion, we have a number of openîngs iv the western GreanerToronto Ares. Ssccessful candidates wiii have proven costumner service yod soles skîlls, soîrdi work history, a strong acaîdemnir background, und international nrovel expenence.We olfer o competitive salary with uvcapped earnîng - potential, fullirndustry training, awvard-wînnîng )C . benefits, und excellent tnavel perks. L O Apply onlîne today at www.fligttcentre.ca/careers ,Wý'LIGHT CENTRE An engaging unit dpnamic poang mas (31 peurs uit) cuti atisor reqaires Personul Asaistunt(s), Barlinglon locution. This pemson(s) wiii bring ideux and plan cuti hum, hio fsmitp unit frienda tocards meuningful csmmanity participation which may in- volve volanleer csmmitments, necrestionul, educa- tionul, andit sher activities. Nec initiatives for coor- mni involvemeni ara waicumeit. 10-20 hrslwk. $2tlhr. lu start. Affernmsns 1-6 p.m., Tues. 6-9 p.m. Occasionai weekenits. Min. one pear commitmant. 'Mature, cabra, flexible, creatisa, in encollent physi- cal condition Le. heauble 10 wulk ai a fast puce uit leasi 5 kslay. -Direct esperienco with uduts euth aatismn an assaI. *lnteresi ait akiti in une or more of: music (piano, collu, vocal, gaitar), painting/drawing, environorent, cooking/nutriton, theatra, social justice. *Vaiued attitude tocvards people wdth disabîlities. Wilingneaa 10 advocate for participation in csm munity. -Escellent English communication okilis (verbal andt cnîtteni). Faciiitp cilh MS Word, Internet. 'Relateit post oecandsrp educatian and qualifica- tions, universily dagree preferreit. 'Runining espenienca an assai. 'Aulîom nelalei trIaining provîded. To apptyi: Pleatie senit u curreni resame unit caver letter (deisiling wity titis ta of personut interesi io you) ia p.neif t75@gmait.com Pleaoe nuie. We aresa fsmîly, vot as sgecy We wel- came ail relevant applications, housser, ssly lPuue selected for as intervew wlI be cantacted KIDSI KIDSI KIDSI --Agea 2.-- Wanted for TV & Movia Jobs! No Fees! Mun/ Womun 16-65 prs. Neuduit for seman! No astras Parente Cali: (416)221-3829 SEURT OFFICERS1 IWanted for Caledon IGelph, Cambridel & Milton ara. Muthave vuhicle Drflar/ udas Exp. Manager P/T & FrT Service staff IT f Av vvgagivg and dyvamic younv9 mari a maraivoný er (31 yearo old) wiuh autîom, requires a peroal ftneoo traînier 10 develop and implement a complete fitneso program incladîng otrength training, aero- bics, stretching, nutrition, and îoornialîsig. Traînîng woald înîlially olarl aI home (Burlînglon location) laI- er aI a local gym. Mon 10 Fni 9:30 a.m.-l1:30 a.m., 4-5 x per wk. Minimum one year commîlment. Qualificationa/Experience: -Mature, calm, flexible, creative truiner, in excellent physical condition. *University, degree in a relsted field -Minimum two pears eoperience in titneos training *Valued attitude towards people wîth disabilities *Willîngneso ta advocate for participation in communt. -Open lu faking direction trom tamilp and friendo -Excellent Englîsh communication okillo (verbal and wriften) *Pocililp wth MS Word, Internet *Ranning experience an asset. -Direct esperience wîth adulîs with autîom an osset. Aatism related truining provîded. Compensation based on protessionsi qualifications and relevant experience. Please eait resume and cover tetier deiailing wtry titis position is of personat intereut fa you. Email: p.nei1175@gmail.com Pleaae sote. We aresa familp flot as agency We eelcome ail relevant applications; hoeer ooly those aelactad for as interiew e euS 0e costacet @*MTi tE OAKVILLU CLUB OPEN HOUSE-JOB FAIR Saturday,lMarch 10, 2007 il a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesday, Match 13, 2007 6 p.m.-8 p.. We are currentty iooking tor F/T sait P/T mature individuels to titi the toilowing positions: Evening Maintenance, Servers, lost Cook, 2nd Cook & Distiastiers ATTENTION STUDENTS! Seasonal Employment Opportunities F/T sait P/T Positions for the tollowi ng: Patio/Restaurant Servers, Child Care, Tennis Office, Lifeguards, Outdoor maintensnce/grounds keeping We are looking for a Certifieit CPR/First Aid & Detibrillator Tramner. Please bring your resumne and references with you. Excellent hourly wagas. No phone catis please. Opportunitles Available Immediatelyl We are currentip hirino staff for the Burtington and Oakvilte area for ait shifts. * Light unit Heany Labourer $9.50-$10.50 " Certifinit Forktift Operators $13-$14 " Crder Pickers/Packers $10-$11 " Machine Operator Positions $11-$13 *Assembters $10-$11 . Mont have your retiabte transportation Cali usait 905.637.3575 or drop by te brandi and ask for Vanessa Kimberley or Kathleenl *Piease brlng in pour resumne and 2 supervi- sony references* 895 Brant St. #6 (Briant andt Falrview) -)r randstad B2uZstit.c Osunar/Operator Courier drivers vvith ctean abstracts and fuit size or mini vons wvantad for current and future fixed routes in the fottowing areas: Woodbridge, Dovenaviera, Rexdiale, Etobicoke, Brampton, Mississauga, Oakvitte, Burtinglon and Hatton His. Juin our team and earn up t0 $4,000 par mont h. Contact un ut <Fax> 416-252-54l or emahilum@atipco.net OceanlAir Freight Coordinator Immediate openîng avaîlable euth a growîng inter- national freîght forwarder haoed in Hamilton. The succeosfol candidate wilI have the ability lv handie rate quotas, boakings and ail relaled documenta- tion. Yos wîlI posseso otrong cuotomer service and communication skîlls bath crîtten and verbal. onily thos wîlh a minimum of 3 pans international freighl forwarding esperience need applp. For consideration pleaue torcard reaumne tu anne@tradelinkinternational.ca mduli-i enoial propvriy mavagemevt compavy drioen lu provîde ouperior service lu i10 residento. We are currently seeking a Resident Manager Couple - Burlington This position in a full lime two-person rote in which the couple aould lise oni site with uccommodations prooîded. Primary duties include clesning the site and prooiding superior service lv residents for other duties as required. We offer a competitioe compeni- sation package with the opportunity for unlimited poosibilities. To apply etrait careersOnertica.ca or fas 416 364 1627 vertica.ca CASH-4300, otters temporary tînancial assistance to indîvîdualo who require immedîste cash for a short-term period uflime. We are currentiy recreiting for a FULL-TIME CASH ADVISOR for the Oskville location who is a positive and out- gaing individual that enîvys dealing wîth the public. Do you posseso otrong organizational okîlîs wdth a solid attention t0 delail? Are you comtortable han- dling cash transactions? Are you willing 10 work Saturdayo? If s, plesse email pour resume 10: stor4300@caahinc.ca or fax lt ta 905-339-0068 Previos esperience in bankîng and collections would be considered an sset. Now huring Pickers/Pockers * Auto Assembly Admin - 0/E - Reception - Accounting Certified Forkltft * Generot Labour 700 Dorval Drive, Suite 11t Qokviîle, T 905-842-5173 ConSt ~iod? Emaîl rasumae to: neil.cosby@odecco.co nurses (RNs), RMTs, and managers needed for growing medical spa. Cail 416-670-7553 or emnail: csmith@puremedspa.comn lbeMa"& Ho)me Servsces We are looking fnr a tee energebic & dependcable people interested in wonlana as a 4 pemson leam, cleaning homes. Paid Training, No nightsl week- endts. Trnsportation provided, adsancument op. pontunitiea. No esperience necussary Applicaltions ai: 278 Kerr Street, Oakville maids@beilnetca, Fax: 905-845-925 INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVES FIV Part-Uore positions available $11 (b/rio $12.SOltrr plus comm. Espenience an asaet, cul train the righl candidate. Other opportanities camres available: LswncroTsçlnicians, Geinerait Field Labour Entait kgulf@greenIwncare.com Fax 905-631-5136 Bunlingion 905-631-0029 est 17 7Esiablished Security Co. Reuirus SECURITY OFFICERS for work in Burt ngion, Oskvîlte ares. Competitive mages & benefis Car an assei. Apply in persan 20 Hughson St. S. (7J #901 Gý 4 -.î- Fax: 905-528-4507 SURESLIM WELLNOuSSCLNc ISureSlmaunque &pogessve eght loscom-I Ipany is expanding. New Opening looking for weight IoosCONSULTANTSnBrlungton Area ol bO tained o adve & asscent waning to lose 1ceight quickly& permurently Taining provided. ta la 10@omil. l1Eb Caznab»lan (eijampion to place an ad Ca)) 905.878.23411 I-trogrammert Operator Fan o bup manufactur- îng companpy in Aclon. Min. S pro eaperîence. Knacledge of Machin- ing Center & Lothe an asaet. Fax resumes toi: 519-853-224 1 Intergrated Cure, located inl UFlamborougt requiresi Please Cati Bruce ai 905-689-7785 Aldershot Greenhouses Ltd. is iooking for sumesne to fill: which inciades dniving, ohipping andt gunara hulp. This is a pear round positon. Fax: 905-632-4022 Bsy Milton goil course now hiringfo lEmali [roccjc Fax 905-878-7430 BALLROOM DANCE INSTRUCTORS Needed immedîstely! " No esperience nec. Wl train! " Muet bu persunable Also Iriring: ADMIN. ASS'T. 1-877-622-3237 (Cati: M-F 12-5pm) Fred Astaire Dance Studio Hamilton Part-Timie Handyman Oakviite vanlous odd jobs, ptumbing, paint- ing, carpentry. 20-3Ohours/week $11 .50/tir. Fax resumne 905-815-0554 Si _& dled RAJR & INTERMEDIATE MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATORS North Amenîca Canstraction (NAC) bas immedîste openînigo tor Jr. & intermediate mechanical estimutars with 2-10 years espeni- ence in the ester and wastecaer trealment and heavy indastrial sucIons. NAC is a leader in the indusiry with in-hoase civil, mechanical, und electrical disciplines. These are tait lime, long-terra positions with fall benetits ut oar huait office in Marrîston, Ontario (Hwy 6 & Hwy 4011. AUR yooirself: -Do ou cent ta wark torsa compuny that traly valses uts moot important assai: uts people? *Do pas reunt toi apply poar enjoporent of usiimating in a chuitenging arganizatian thut warka on esciiing prajudos acroso the Country? -Do pou have a knocledge ai OuickPen or Acca-Bid estimating software together cith field espunience? This woald bu an assai. NAC la known for thre way we mueaI our people. Wu affun competitve wagus, excelent benufita, and a dynamic warhing unvranriunt Pieuse sand yoar resamne ta: RECRIJITER E-matil: lb@aeol. Pleese Inciade job te In subleci emrait fine www.nacscorld.com TRASMSO Milton Fuli-Timne Monday - Friday Werner Enterprae, a premier tranisportation and lagiatics compuny raîth caverage throagh- out the Unitedt States, Canada, Mexico, and China, is laaking for a: FRIH :-s EE _J This Milton hased position woald solîcît and broker customers' loado, usîng the Werner Value Added Services network oI carriers t0 meut castomer service reqairements and maxîmîze value and profîtability lv Werner Onterpriovo. This position is respoosble ton managing ans or more ussigned cuotomer accoanto as viel as supportîng ail Werner customers esho enlîsi oui Ireight biokerage services sond actîvely deveiop partver carrier relatîonshîps. Workîng knowledge of treîght hiokerage operations and customer service eaperîvnce requîred. AS400 or P.C. experience preterrvd. Please email or fax resurne te, Brad Appel Ernail brappel@ wemervas.com Fax 90!7-693-C63C tttpA,ý4 w. týýerne,.' Ofb .idde