Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 2007, p. 24

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24 - The Canadien Champion, Friday Marcir 09, 2007 Townlîouses For ~!~J7J B!~IJ~I7 ~ 7 ~T ~ Articles Cars for Sale M.!~5~5!5, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ For Sale OAKVILLE- 263 bed ORIGHT o Ton Fhahetir 12srw vs 'rive Gnîffrehs I I i ,,, i iii I ** *. CARPET have severai 2003 Honda Cîvîc LXO r i i i ayy. ris.-' Hapedale Mali aiea Lerethxre Mesegeceet 905-070-3330 Fan MILTON fursîvhed roxc for rest Cisse lx ail ocenîties final esd lest Celi 905-091 0314 i raam Savaîmîli, J rxxcv $OSOlmth Der- nylThscpvsn Hanse 410-200-3343 CAMP BEL LVI L LE roxc fxî rent s large hxce se 10 acres cîîh psxl. Near 401 $SSOlcth triades set- ellileatîiîlies, leandri & perrîsg. Cali 905-054- 5777. Stephen & Paula Penman are proud ta annoance tire birtir af tiroir ton, Joaeph Landon et Yaie Nec Haves Hospîtai, Connecticut, January 7tir, 2007. Deiigirled Grasdparents, Brion & Heatirer, Great Grandmother Esteite and Usd0 Jasas cira celeome Landon citir mach ove. Boy? or Girl? 1'eI~ yo~r f arniIy & friends with Birth Anno~nc~eh'tents ~ ~ana~ian ~fIjanî~ioîî Carpenler Hospice, Burlîngion on Wednesday, March 7, 2007 Beioaed cite aI Jîm and precinos motiror ai Michael, Tracey (Wsltl, Andrea Mire) and Patrick. Mach loaed Grandma ot teelve grand- cirlidren Teresa wao a dedicated wite and mather who ciii alto be mîssed by masy seing relatives and fronda. Frienda may cali at lire KITCHINO, STEEPE & LUDWIG FUNERAL HOME, 146 MIII Sireet Nartir, Waterdown on Thursday tram 7-0 p m. and Friday tram 3-5 and 7-0 p.m. Prayer Vîgli toi Teresa on Frîday et 3 p.m. Fanerai Maso wiit be cetebrated et ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE CHURCH, 715 Centre Raad, Waterdown on Satar- day, Marcir 10, 2007 ai t i a.m Receptîso ta lolioc n the charcir heu Prîvate nierment t vo desîred, n lieu ai lîscers, donations to Wsrid Vioîon, The Corpenter Hoapîce or Sleeping Chridren Araand The Warid csald be apprecîated as expressions ai sympatiry LEACH, Hannah Ana' Peacelaliy oarroonded by her lamîly on Wedneoday March 7ih, 2007 ai Miiion District Haspîtai. Ano nec Mcçolioch), n her 79ih year, wîte ot tht laie Lionel Leach Lovîng moiher ot Ken (irene), Daoe 18ev), Dehnie (Bih) McDonaid, Lînda (30e) Wright, Mary Wayne) Gardiner, Donna (Flick) Paieneode and Doris (Andyl Ochichi. Proud greadmother 0126 grandchiidren and 17 great grandchil- dren. Dear sioter ai May Romano (ihe laie George) and John McCalloch. Frîendv eîii ire receîved ut the 3.5. Jones & Son Foneral Home 11582 Tratalgar Road, norih ai Maple Avenue, Georgeloco, 905 877-3631 on Saiurday Marcir lWh trom 1-2 pm chere loverai service cîlI ire heid n lire chapel ai 2W pm Sprîng iniermeni Conîngabo Cemeiery, n lîea ol liocero momorial conirîbotîvos io Si. George Anglican Charcir, Lacville or lire Credîl heiiey Hospîlal Oncology Department coaid ire apprecîated. To tend eapressîons ot sympaihy vîvît cww.îtioneaandsanloneralhonît com Gilbey, Myrtle Myrtie Giibey passed away peecelaiiy on Mener Sth 2007 n Aurore n her 90fh year. Sire oas predeceesed by her iras- band 00011 Oiibey, irer brother Ai Dans and irer parents George and Agnes Dune, inng lime retideets ot Mulot. Myrtie miii be miseed by hon nieces and aIrer famîty membena. At hon neqaest, a pnivate faner- ai ciii take place et tire McKersîe-Kocirer Fanerai Home 905-878-4452. LoUera ai candoience may ho eh Ion tire famiiy et ccw.mckersî ~~îngEeenh ~ngEeen~ ~ : i. 'os ,ff~44& ~K4ae4esa Sat. March 17~'~ Georgetown Lions Club Hall I (MIII St., bhind Memonat Amena> 7:30 pm - 1:00 arn $1 0.00 ea. ~&e~ aîsuW~a ge e~o dasa J Powell, Hazel Paxsed awey peecetutiy citir irer famiiy by irer aide as Tuesdey, Marcir Stir 2007 et Poat inn Village ix Dekeilie. Hazet cas tire beioved cite attire ete Sasdy Poceil. Sedty mîased by iror nieces Domine and her iruabesd Mike Cocirrase and Keren Kesdrick. Cirerîsired nanny ta Tam and Cirrintine, Jooepir, Wiif lac end Rita. great sassy ta Lauren. Great ount ta Cirnisto- phor and Amande. Feciiy asd frîends wiii gatirer n Montreai et a tater date for a greveside seroîce Memoniai donations lx tire Lauren Aiysoa Cacirrane Trust fund c/o Bank ai Montreal 3 Taibot St. E. Eiym or, ON or by contecting tire McKerxîe- Kacirer Fuserai Home 114 Main St. Mutas 905-878-4452 Lettero ai candaience mey ho teft for tire facîiy et wcw mekervie- kacirer ce SCHULTZ, Etyse Ana (set Bioemînk( if a wifir groat aadneaa that ce annousce tht sud- don paasîsg af Eiyoe an Mxeday, Marcir 5th, 2087 et Sunnybrtttt t-ieaith Sciencea C entre et a rotait 0f injeriex auatained n a mxtxr vehicie occident chue acting ta a gxsd Samaritan. Sire ciii be deepiy misted by her seing huabasd Michael and hon chu- dres Dauid and Jensifor. Sire s prodeceaaed by hor brstiror Michaci and ix xurvived hy hon brather Daxîd ted aistora Linda end Arioso. Eiyae cea bort in tire Duteir Weat indios (Curacea) ted grec up n tire Scarbxrsugh ente Sire gradaeted trom Trent Uni- oorsîty (Paychsiogy( ted thon carked for over 25 yeara aitir tire 805k xl Mantreai cirore aire sorved n a eariety of financiai positions. Eiyso wtt e axer o! nature ted ixotd ta irike end biko le and eraund tire ssrth Haifon Huis area. Sire aise heid a deop fasci- ratite for art, muoîc, end iteralure and lire csrld arvund ber. Elyto cas an individuel cira aictyx put othera tiraI and cea there for aIrons tirroagir gaod tîmes and bad Thanir you to tire stefi 0f lire Cnitîcai Care Unit end everyone ciro esaîslod doring lus di!- ticoit tîme. Tire tacîiy received trienda et tire MacKînnon Femîiy Fanerai Home. 55 Mîli Sireel Etal, Aclon, l-877-421-9860-tali fret, on Thorxday. Marcir Otir, 2007 tram 2-4 pm end 7-9 pm A service n Elyxes memoîy ciii ire heid on Frîdey, Marcir Otir, 2007 ai 100 O dock ol Trînîly Unîted Chorcir, 70 Miii Streel East Ados Onlaria 10 ueo ot tiacers, dana lions 10 lire Broce Traîl Axtacîxtion cooid ire apprecîated ard may ire arranged lirroogir lire tuner- ai home oral hep I/aoc broceiraîl orgi n Meconîam donations ta The Wîiiac xv Cela, e vi v Fouridation Miie,, ON L9T OMO are truiy apprecîated. i.,naivdava, c ,reas (,raisdiiss. o Rememheriag you iv easy, Yaure miîh us carry day. Missîîsg you iv tnp hearsavise, 'fivas isever gars amay Yoiir sîssîle mîrîr us irîreven, Weiîsiss tise haîrd Wr iauched. Our hrrikers heants moisi tetiver, m M îved sv muî,h. M repsake ver pans. s aras, W s iraI Iseants. R a g sos a)iiîayv. G dB/e y g y ~~nka ~olTh~ks M4CLEOD, Joaneae Deceirîber 7. 1957 l-ebruarv' Jii, Jiiii7 Wr, the tanîîiy of she lare Joaîsxe MacLevîd, moulil like ro esseîvd a masr hearrfeiî aod sincere rhask sou tri ail vvhsî have iselped us rhroxgh srich a difficuir and sad noie. Joaiste's dearh mos suddeîv asd very' rraxissaric whîch added ru aur sadoras. Wr grarefsîliy aikaismledge ihe sards, phase caiîs, vîsîrs, blamers, bond, asessages aI supprîns and dotarrots ovode t her aseaory. special rhaxks mi ev'eryone atd rheir families ai Trailcox leasing lsc. of M ississîssauga. McKersie Kocher Fuserai Honve of Mîlron for aheir cure, axd Deacan Jar cf Hoiy Rosary (.harch oh Milsos for his iovely service, Pirase he assxred that everv oct of kindsess miii aimays he neaemhered. Wr reeerensber /ier (erre. The MaeLetd and Manhall Fanîiliea MCcAIN, R. BRUCE Octoher 22, 1941 Fehruary 23, 2007 Thr fassily vi she lite Bruce MeCain mish ro cosser van hesnrfeli thooks sîs famiiy, lnîrods and iveighbvvrs for ployais, cards, fvod, Damer' aod phase colis os the passîag ofoar bard Hasbasd and Fanher. A speciol nhonk yoa v also esîended ta Ren. Jaha Bexham aad ro the monderfal staff an 4 Easî, Oakville Trafolgor Hospirai for sheir care ond support. Thank yoa ro the McKersîe-Kocher Fanerai Home for their gaidance and assîvrons. Ail the kindoîso thon hos hem showa a thîs lime of eeed miii olwoys he rememherrd. MeCuan and Pollen familles Thank You no Jen asd Maxîne ut WEE PLAY CHILDRENS CENTRE far hosiJag Amelias 3rd Birthday Porry. Eneryose had a greas sîme! Yoa dîd a monder fui oh easarîsg Amelias hirîhdoy ports was lots o f fax! Frem Ameliar Thornaa, Je'anie and Rab Crewe ~able OAYCARE reqaîred . - Befare end uSer vehool n Robert Baldcis aiea. Pleave cali 905-e93 186$ vgit~i Availabie EXCELLENT reliabie alloidabie, daycare DAYCARE aoaîiabie n Expenîenced pîavî0er. Derryi4o7 aiea Hol CPR. Fîrvt-Aîd. tex re italian meals and unîpit riva-saurer snacks Reitresces Perfect ton Mîvsîvsou and receipîs. Ceil Net- ga-bausd camauters lue 905-824-0044. 905-024-1988. rîv~, ors of vii hum mer vpace avouable pedeat Ian JKJSI< M. W, C, scvedaie. Cali ovir- t78-367t ~~~&Daace PIANO LESSONS Otaiified Teaciron A.R.C.T., L.P.P.. POP. RCM Examo, Recitai, Recreatianai Cati (41 6(-930-7D33. Leave message 30 PEOPLE canied lx loto ceigiri up la 3Olbs le 30 days cash irecir recards i os-i coaching 900 t04-0310 POOL but, piolet- sîooal vents cîih evero apgrade 1,, siait $000 cartir ai accessa- ries Brend nec n box Cxvi $5 oxa, mast seii Si StO 519-722 4077 MOT TUBS Wane- iroase Direct Opte iv Publia Saivîdais ai by eppoltiatel. Fenteotie seoîngsi ww.cbi.cdca 905- 083-8230 BALDWIN (Encxne( ai- gae iscluding benchleenphxneslieers- 159 prxgrem, end Teak butter & hulcir Cou 519-050-1560 for de rails. A dm159 raya, cherry- cood, doabie pedesiai lame, t choîro, ballet, heicir, dxveiaîi cas- virection Nec stîli n boxes. Cati $îîooa Secrîlîce $2eaO sos- 507-9458 A Kieg Fîilacivp Mat mess Sel Nec s pies- lic. CosI $1000 seli Ion $450 805-507-8458. BED, Amazing bengaîn, guets xrthtptdic pîl- lxcstp set, ttW le plas- tir, cenrenlo $250 905- 507-4042 ciii delixen. BEDROOM Cherry- cxad, Oed, chest, dretati, 2 nîghistends. Dxeeteil Canstructîxs. Nover spenea Cxst 88,000. Secnifice 51,008. 085-507-4042 MOT Tair iSpel Caver bext puce, BesI qeeiity. A thepes & caltant. Cou i 000-505-0050 averses ce Suth St. Burge expandang wsth ts t W noton Churchail & cur cri y h ring for t mou loi 5388 ociades car pet, pad & instailalios 130 yerdvl Steve, 905-033- 8182 FANTASTIC Nec Year Salei Nx GST or PST! Casîsa Uphxlvterîsg. We poy tht taxes on ssiav esd matchîng chairs. Sotas Irva $700, choira tram $249, disisg raxa stars frac 819.95. Fîeldv Furnîtune and Febnias 9am-gpm 805-032-8000 FREE Estîmatev Gai cxbbly chaîro, tîred lotis- ns cxxd finithtv3 Fieldv Custxc Weed Refîeivhîsg and Farnîture Repairs. 9- 9. 905 032-909a MOT Tain Spa- Bîend nec clou xpiîxnv, inciadine cover, 2000 codel 01111 5 crapper. Covi $10900 Secritîce $5.500 Cali 90S- 97i-i777 LEATHERl 3 piece lIeues vol Sole, ixeexeet end chair Nec, n plastic Cavt $0908 Oeil $2500 905-304-4873 POOL Table, Praiessiasal Senîev, Soiîd Wsxd, i 'Store, Ail Accevvxniev. Nec, Onu Bsxed, CosI $6.200, Sdi $1.950 905- 304-8984 SAUNA, 213 peroxe, t- home, cia d ployer eed 19h15. Nover used. Cxvi $5500. Sou $27S0. 905- 304-7775 mole spever Creai car, greai drive 905 070-7010 ~~el 2001 Mxetene ex- tesded mini eex 5-dxxn, 3.4-liter, 0-rylînder Bleck velenixi, giey intenîxi, trouer hitrir, tag ligirîs, rool rear, iînted cîndxcs, quad ceptîse seats, craîve, AM/FMI CD, reer heel, AIC, pxcer cîndoas, isc6v. minais. $4750. cor- tîfied. Cou eveningv 805-683-9215, doîtîme 4i0-844 2050 1990 Piymouth Voya geai Ooxd shape, îansîng, seedo irons- cîssixe ito,7006m beti oSer 905-070- 0500 oSer Spa. SANDYS dieeeîng, Oxce, xflîce & cxc mercial cieunîxa ver vices. Seroîne Acton. Cempbelivîile. George ison & Miltxri Ccii ix- dey lxi a Inox estimaIt, Seedy 905-070-7000 ~p~vements JGF WOODWORKING Hame esd oSîce resa- oetîanv, cuolsa caxd carrîng aed cabinets, kitchen, bath end bave menis Cou Grog 905 070-3020 Lt~OK ir~6ç BEST CeSirS Peîd Art Asîîriuex Cxliectîbleu ~ ç~ 9 Chîse, Crystel, Sîloti, Fîgenises, Rsyai Dxulîxs, Ocersoshi, Glavo, Pasery Etc Estate Specîeiivtv, Top Cash. Cali Jahel lflîe~îîa3ltî0(hîtae0e Tracy 9a5 331 2477 9oii't Miss BOXER pupples ver checred, home îeîsed, Peadliiie! lvi shxts, de-carced, M & F $i.000 Cou Moiidav FREE lx seing hame, ~ colt beugle (cipapers e IV ted iectrdtl, Jeke, ruesday i Ocanthu aid, haute and croît traieod, greet cixidt. i ireve devOitptd os tuer- Ihursda gy. Cou Chus 955-590- 3805 etOam 4 ~~îo~j~j Fnday 2002 Sabaru Outira Ltd 9SK, teiiy isaded cou CiaSSlhed HaunS ceîelaîeed, lîke sec Nec tiret leathon duel tuertaf Monday ta Fnday arîgîsel ledi acter, g arn fa 5 pm 514000085-042-0730 r Ce., e New Voeu Pries cornpany, as hird location openung in Mistissauga, et the 401, juol nonth of Argentia We are he fo0owtng positions If you are a stnong leader with restaurant experience, cari hire and train staff, are obvessed with cteanliness and details and have a passion for customer service and quabty burgers, you could be the AssI Manager were tooking for1 If you are fniendiy, energetîc, enjoy servrng customers arîd thrive ns a foot paced and multitaslnsng enivrconmervt, we want you ta be part of our teami If thîs soundo appeîizing ta you, pleuve forward your revume ta Michael Perrin aI Fax 416-963-4920

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