Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Mar 2007, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tup-sday, Match 6, 2007 - Ag SCH~OLR~PO, quez,_ 11 '6MUSTANG MESSENGER"9 Megan Cheema Harbi Naft Caur/ney Caulombe MILTON DISTRICT 6IGE SCRGOL if's Marcb madness here in Mustang country! With trips galore, fundraisers. and spring sports heading our way, tbe days are jusi flying by! The studonts gui a head start on their spring break Tant week witb two nnow days to relax indoors. The weather seemn 10 be clearing Up. SO as we say goodbye to the cold and wet, why flot say bonjour to the Eiffel Tower and the rny sigbts France han to offer? A group of M.D. French students will bc doing just that as they venture off to France ibis week and next for a trip that is sure to be the expecience of a lifetime. Therens surely o botter way to, experience Frencb culture tban tu experience it for yournelf. Bon Voyage! For those of us wbo acen't 50 lucky. we ail bope you bave a wonderful break wbetber you're going away or stickin around good ol' Milton. Witb warmer weatber around tbe corner, we boere ai the Mustang Mesonger tbink tbat if's tbe perfect Urne to stress the importance of staying active! Yen. we know you bave very busy livon and exercining seems like a drag, but there's some fun ways 10 get active! This Thursday rigbt bore in tbe gym we ivill be holding our annual Hoops for Heart tournament. The proceeds go to the Heart sand Stroke Foundation mnd the participants get to npend tbe mfternoon playing banketbaîl. If you missed your chance to sign up, theres still ways you can gel involved. You cao donate some money to one of the students or corne mand support them on your lunch! For those of you furtuntate enougb lu be playing Ibis Tburnday make sure you gel those fums and pledges in ASAP! Su bankethail not your thing? Well thero are tons of spring sports starting up soon! Girls and boys soccer, badminton, baseball... there's nomething for everyone. Su listen to those announcements for news about tiyouts, meetings, and practices. Being active flot only keeps you in shape, but its fun and makes you fooT great Su gel up on your foot and do sornething! Well that's ail we've got for you Ibis week! Basically bave a good break no malter wbal yuu'ce going to be doing. Lot's keep boping for warmer wemther to catch up to un. Till next time! Next Course: March 12, 13, 14, 15 April 3 (4Weeks) March Break Tues. & Thurs. Evenings 9:3Oam to 4:15pm 6:OOpm to 9:i5pm www.youngdrivers.coml 905.875.0480o YOUNG DRIVERS MTO dpue beginner dril m ro mvide, ""DA'TELINE DRURIY" Ashley Carlisle Miche/le Staples Siephen Jackson E.C. DRURY BieH SCIGOL Jusi as se had expecied. our seresiling boys did us prnud tant week by receiving four tnt places, and five 2nd places aI GHAC! These boys seil be represeniing un for the seeekend of Marcb 3rd in Brampton ai OFFSA! Tbey are taking off on Februaiy 28 witboul any food in sight in order 10 drop a couple poundni lu seigh ti for lue îîpcoming numnamneot. 'We know the routine, and se could ot ho more excitod for more fantanlir renîjîls. Frnm the GHAC conîpeiitioîs, our second place winisers were Mike McClelland. Duncan Moffat. Mac Fitiman, Nick Ronan. Jarod Robb. Our firsi place chamipions seere Bobby Filîman, Kevin Iseasa-Madge. Allait Moffat, and Chons Flannigan. We are cccv proud ut our boys and are ciîeeririg lueni on ici OFESA compotition. Grab that tille! Speaking ni granbing tities we also bave bigh bopes for the upcomisg bnys sucrer leani. Practices bave niartei in the gym, an soccor in played seith a soccer bail, no1 a sosball. Eacly signs nuggent a vecy prnmising lino up full of ialented young guyn ready lu con dosen lueir opponents. A couple of 00w corners and some senior players are building up a tnugh team led by Mc. Tasev. We look forseard to a victory fitied season boys! On a slightly lens dirty, Ions sseeaty note... .get ready for your clone-up! Yen ladies and gentlemen, our nemi-formaI is taking place Marcb 2nd ai the Royal Ontario Golf Club. For a mere 55$ our ced carpet guents seul ho enjoying a professional photographer. a professional DJ. and some prime rnb sauce smeared on your bcand new nuit Iseil we hope nol.l Su slay dlean otherselse you may oi bo getling a dance seitb thal Marilyn Monroe beauty. Are you ready for your clone-up because that carpet in ready for you! Nom that see are feeling a li111e more arlsy, ue Sears Drama festival performance sens a big bit. Thfey pcefocmed -Thse Bright Blue Mailbox Suicide Note" under the leadersbip of Mes. Dupont and the mad directing skills of Nasha Browmildge. Kylie Casimonaro received a menit aseard for acting. Congratulations go oui to ber and the entire eosemnble, seboc bave aso been inviled 10 an upeoming drama festival. On thal drarnatir note, we seould tike lu make a quick mention that auditions are starling for our Dnury musical "Corne Wbai May." Il seil ho a cornedy of epic proportions! That is ail we kos su fan, tbey are keeping the details under seraps. Hoseever see will lot you kos more seben see do! Witb a dcanîatic record like Drurys il is promining lu ho a fanlastic show! More on drama and sport kids nexi week! Along witb buse incredibly amnazingly awseeome our snmi-formai wsea. Sonty if you didn'i go... toc, bad! "TUEar ROYALM REPORT" 9 Erin Hetherîngton Lindsay Johnslan Julia Rîiddell DISHGP REDINO Bien SCIGOLI The long awaiîed March Break han finatly arrived! Your Inside Sources have a few ideas on the bent ways to spend this joyous ten day experience, makxng the mont ot tis gift of lime. For many of us, catching up on homework and annîguments in a munt, an is nlarting that long-procrastinated projeect. Also. mauy of us have learned front personal expencunce that fimishmng the lu clans parc of driver training, such as Wheels or Young Drivers, ns besi doue over Macch Break. This wav. il gels doue quickly su the cea fun of driving can hegin. Some other suggestions arc makîng time for fneundn and family whn are not oflen visited, and cipping away aI the volunteer boums required for graduation. There is nnlhing more rewarding than making nomeone elsens day botter! Siuce there is stilt work lu be doue hefore March Break is officially here, your luside Sources have the latent updates on the eveuts of the week. The 'Welcome 10 Bishop Rediug' lunch hosted for the new students in semester twn was a huge surcens, witb many entering a .carb coma" fromt the excens of pizza. The LIBs honîed this event on Friday, February 23, and many new students reported feelings ni inclusion. This theme of inclusion is heing mcarid in Bishnp Redingos firot muhticultural night. which will be held ou Tuenday, March 6 aI 7 pm. With incredihle fond, a brilliant speaker and meanmngful artistir pieces fromt studenîs, Ihis event will definiîely accomplished ils tank of celebrating diversity. A hîîge congratulation 10 the Bîshnp Reding students who parlicipaied lu luis year's Sears Drama festival! Il han heen reported luai every rani and crew member were ai lueir peek performance for lue festival, and the Binhop Reding community in extremely prnud. Dan Santon won an award for bis vinioisary directing. while bis brother Mark Santos won and award for luspiring acting abiliiy in lue play The Girl Who Was Asked 10 Tucu Biuee, luhle other entiy, The Old Folkos Home, Cayla Crevier won an award for her brilliani theatrical performance. On lue topie of talent, il in a well known fart aI Bishnp Reditig luat lue Talent Show in faniastic every year. This year, lue Talent Show will be held ai Binhop Reding on Thursday. April 19 at 7:00 pmo. Auditions are currently being held for lue Masters of Ceremnny, and formo can 0e aequired fron nutide workroom 2. Wilu pleniy of trne 10 prepare, luis reporter hopes 10 mee lue whole sehool eiluer sharing lueir talents or nupporting lue talents of oluers. If anynne han questions about what kindo of acto are desirable, pleane mee Me. Vacca. Mr. Calzonetti or Ms. Lepore. Calling ail lutorot Student services in in great nced of tutors, especially in Math, Science and French. Tutnring ean he donc for community services houes or pay. and il cao make aIl the difference lu a persons Ilfe. Lastly, Bîshop Reding sendo their Ors i shen 10 the studenîs participating in lue London/ Paris/ Rome trip. who will he gone fromt MacO 9-18. Wc seitI nvinusly awail lue nînrien and pîctures luat are sure to accompany their returu. and wc anticîpate lelling our osen March Break adventurcn. PRPR FO TH R A AHAj 1

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