Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Mar 2007, p. 26

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26 -The -Canadian Champion, ITuesday Match 06, 2007 GenalHep IHet ep ienraHep [l GnIlHep 0 mrl Hep 1 eri Hep ainiHeoIP ~ Hep sao&Spa Hep r Stevens Resource Group Inc as hCrui ol ortyCu JO)É ý-AiH Laborers, Order Pickers, Forklift Drivers, Cierical Poaitions March 7, 2007, 4pm-7pm 11 -225 Main St E, Mitton ON, L9T 1 N9 P: 9050878-7789 E: mî Brîng an updutad rasumae - Bring a tniendtl Students over 18 Welcome Ali upplîcuxto wîlI hava tirair nua entared 010o a draw The bxutique ol the vtuoîing îxdxotry hometurfCEEwNCA Wark outdaars deliaering actreduted laen treatments. Pravide an excellent service that keepa aur custam- ers retarng year aller year. Leam aad grec wîthin a pîeasurable wara enaîlraneent. REOUIREMENTS: Clean drining recard, physicallo fit, gsad cammunica- tian skilis, cara independenty. We train na eap. req. Salery $800.0Owk. Pleae upply by tus: 905-791-8879 Or emuil: DRVE NEDE - AZS CE Fraser Direct Transportation has un immeditlle fulI-lîme opening for local short haut. Bondubla, minimum 5-years driving expeniance wilh dlean ub- atrucl, TDG carl, slraîghl truck und/or forklift un aaset. Able 1toilt 501b. Speak, raad, mrite English. Réféences raquirad. PIeuse saad/drop resume 10: t24 Guelph Street Aclon, ON L7J 2M2 or Emuil: No phore colIs pleasa. GENERAL LABOURER POSITION AVAILABLE Fuli Tf me - Day Shift Steel Wurehouse (Milton Locution) Ovarheud crane. Training provîded. Competitive viage and benafits. Fax Resume ta: 905-693-9936 .3D SCEC INTR .T $5- $25 I par cluss. Required part-lime for lunch Ihour and aller school progrums sn the George- * own/Millon area. We are lsoking for ovtgsîngI ndioîdvols who have experience workîng with chîl- dren. Must have own car Fax resume 905-526-0700 Emaol:hamiltonstaflxupervisor@madsciesnce.on ca Milton-baaed Diotribxoter reqxirea: SEASONAL WAREHOUSE POSITION Studeot or sîmîlar. Weekduays snly. Early sturts tx the duy. Resumes tx: ugaydon @vaodenbuosche.csm or tus: 905-878-4501 OFFICE SUMMER SMIENT Monduy-Friduy; 7:30am - 5:OOpm. Resumes ta: or fao: 905-878-4501 merry Maida of Mhltiiion as aspanding. Wa are cx renîty xxoking for ResmdealLC~leer *Weekdaya xn y *Compatti va puy *Driners Lcence palferrad I Please Caill 905-875-0391 - ý Lcl ompany Seek DAY SHIFT Some heuey lifting. Relîabilît a must. I Coui: 647-409-9999 Joian aburafena and fullrnz uor m $4000 pantif r morrnthdfuue. i Cotct ua t (Fax)i 416252548 Wodride emahlum stflpCo.fxle Bvrlîngtvn location, This pvîsvn(s) wil bring idvav anu plan with hîm. bis tamily onu friands tocards meanînglul comrrvnîfy participation ahîch mxy rn- volve volunlteer commîrmants. recreationol, educo- tional. and other octîvîlies. New initiatives for corr- munîty involvement are catcorred. 10-20 hrs/ck. 629/hi. to stort. Affernoons 1-6 p.m., Tues. 6-9 p.m Occosionol weakands. Min. one year commitmant. -Matvra, calm, flexible, crextîve, in excellent physi- cal condition i.e e haoble to calk ai a fast pace ai least 5 knviday. -Direct expérience cîth adulix wîth utîm an assaI, *lnteîest and skill in one or more of: mvsic (piano, cello, vocal, guitor), pxîntîng/drxcînig, envîrosment, cookînglnutrition. theatre, scial justice *Valuad attitude tocords people wîth dîsabîlities. Willîngnaox to, advocate for participation rn com munityt -Excellant Englîsh communication skîlts (verbal and criaen). Facility wit h MS Word, Internet. *Ralatad pool oecondary education and quolifîca- lions, unîvaîsify degrae prafarrad. .Rurnng expérience an assaI. *Autîom related training provided. Toaeppiy: Piease aand a carrent rasameaend.- caver ltler <detaiiing chy Unis as af persanat inlaresl ta yaeu) la p.nei1175@gmail.comn Pleaxa nota. Wear ana fumily nrot an agancy We wal- comae aIl relevant applications; howevar, only those oalected toroan interview will ha cootacted PERSONAL FITNESS TRAINER An engagînig and dynamîc younig man, a marathon- ai (31 easis old( wîlh autîom, requîtes a peroonul fîtnass traîner lx develsp xnd implement u complété fîtnaoo prsgîam încludîng xtranglh training, ueîs- bîcx, xtretching, nutrifion, and îouînalînig. Training would înîtially atart ut home (Burlînglon location) lait- ai aI a local gym. Mon 1oi Fr 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m., 4-5 x par wk, Minimum one yeur commîlment. OualificationslExperience: -Mature, calm, flexible, creatîve traîner, nr excellent physîcal condition. -University degrea in a ielaled field -Minimum tus yesrs expérience in fîlnass training *Valuad attitude towards people cilh dîsabilitias .Willingniess toi advocala for participation in communily -Open lxo taking direction from tamily and friands -Excellent Engliat communication skîlls (verbal and crîsen) *Facility cîth MS Word, fInternat .Runnîng expérience an sset. -Direct expérience with aduits cîth aulîsm an asset Aulîsm relxted training prvvidad. Compensation based oni professeroai qualificatîons and relevant expérience Pieese amfail resuame and caver ltler dataiiing chy this pasition laot parsonet inlareal ta you. Emaîl: p.nei1l75@gmail.comS Please note: We are a famly, 0010 anOC Wgnc e weicvvie ain relevunt appications, hocever only tOose seîected for on interview ciii ha contacted. PENSKE TRUCK LEASING i, v gl Iia iranport, ivi sevic pr vid,.r FUELERIWASHER Burlington Inadviti rilvclin ti ks v"I i vIll bc ricin n ,i Jr ligli~ pc,.v iiiaielixai,. Qualifiations: * Basc nechtuaiial ap(itvid, * i vear rclated c,cri,.c * Air Irrake vcertification * utrreoi drver', lii. r i-i Pcnske î,llru-s a ý,uiiipItiiVv calaiýv anvd hl,,ili- t>easke Truck Leasing, Ato: looahan Kîîk t815 tronstone Dr Bxirliingtoa ON L7L 5T8i E-mail: oathax kok@pexcske ixm Fax: 905L336-e647 Springridge sp rin g rid g efar m .csm Are YOU a etierg i ti-task,.r ith atentin to e Vai Nuvld yo i ki lui w0rkvvit bone (e(ir and giutc0 PRICING & RECEl VINC Full-turne - 5, ii,.,.siinai w,.ekenrtc Fax resumrie 10 905-878-41 50, or Emvait 80 i nfoc/aprin gridgefanl corn Onl, ayyi.anunvdeuîuuuciderauuvn wîli be ,.ontaied. 7256Bell Schoôi Lune, Milton L9T 2Yt_ @TII Ovtvttt ut isu audCoacation 10 2007m nusn Tuiligesdoilay, Marchiv 13,i2007 Weo aorketcrrnyloinfoF/adPT maura indvae tofueheflwn posiions:573ening Mint le anSerars CaI Ciook, ndCxok &v itihwushe ATENTON STENTSFAI F/ n / i tin for.- thp ftlwi TensdOfic, Liearda1,200do7 Wie are cretylooking for f aniid P/rT 1 Aiok,d o & Defbrllto Taer with ou.l Excellant hor' uge. F/ n /oson caoa pIese.own Pano/eturnt Careers Chnl Fitne, Weare nas Laroens OepnlyGymw Vi8r loban no a6 G A W fer te hîgheFist comp& ensabso pag the indry. Plaebring yoresme rEand ta:rec eît ne Ae youse aTVcc trva kit-l? The hit TV trivia game choc is beck for a 2nd season and ioahing for contestants! if you've watched ltha show and lInougIal you coatd do beller, hara's yaur chance tai prove if! If you've iogged caunttess hours on ltha couch in frontalf the tube, naw's the lime ta make il pay off!f Go toi toi apply- SAW-WHET GOLF COURSE Hiring for 2007 eeason F/T FT and seoxonol positions rn ail deporîments1 APPLY N P rRS FERURY24H t- d MARCH 3RD OR 4TH BETWEEN t2-2PM The OwIîs Neat (Clubhouse) 1401 Branle Rd., Oakvilf e --Nëdèà âeffriîan-', nurses (RNs), RMTs, and managers needed for growing medical spa. Cail 416-670-7553 or email: *Grounds Keeping Crew eFood & Beverage Kitchen * Pro Shop Successul opplicants must posseos excellent eus- tomer service skilis and have a flexible schedule for the duration of the golf seasor (May tcv October). Please fax, emtail or drap Off resumea ta: Carlisle Golf Club 523 Carlisle Rd. Carlisle, ON Fao: 905-689-2249 ornail: The Mailas Home Sex-rvicès We are looking toi a few energetîc & dependlable people intereotad in workîog on s 4 person team' cleanîng homes. Paîd Training, No nîghts/ week- ends. Transportation provided, adoancemeot op- portunities. No experience necesoary. Applications ai: 278 Kerr Street, Oakvitlle maids@bellnetCa, Fax: 905-845-9825 Established secsrity Co. Requires SECURITY OFFICERS for work in Buri ngton, Oakville area. Cmpattiva wages & benefits Co Car an asset. ~s Apply in persan Fax: 905-528-4507 BurTinîERFIeslxratîxn co mmdael eqîe unduviduala fsr sur Emergency Servîces Division. Rugbl candidates wulI pxssass gxxd communicaion skills, attention lx détail, physucalty fit, and abxve ail, a team player Drivers Lîcanse prefemred. Expe- ruence is s définuie assaI, bal are willing lx train 1he nighl perrons. Pleasa Isicard resumne to CNC Programmer/ Operator Fvr a buay manutactur- ung company un Aclon. Min. 5 yîs expérience. Knxwiadga of Machin- ung Cantar & Lathe an asset. Fax resumnes to: 519-853-2241 Service à la Clientèle ISB. compagnie ti- novatrice dans le do- maine du criblage de pré-emploi rechercha un candidat bilingua qui peut taire preuve d'une excellente com- munication orale et venite an fronçais et an anglisx Oui désire travailler en informa- tique o temps plein, envoyez votre cur- riculum vitae a mlebreton begîs cîth profesîonal training. The College of Applîed Lînguistico is offerîng A 5 day certîfîcute course @ McMaxter University March 2lnt-25th To regixter toroan Open Hos Mar. 7 cxl for more snfo HERITAGE PLACE Indepenident Senior Residence P-T Receptionisl Evenîrngx and week- ends. occavionol week duyx. Protîcien- cy with Microsoft of- fce applicatios.a Ex- icellent cuotomer ser- vice vkllv and experi- onice nr a ratîrement home sasîng conxîd- ered an assaI. Fleooe apply lv, Genaral Manager 4151 Kîlmer Drive, Burlînglon, ON. fax 905-319-6349, errxîl lorenos@ herîtxge-placeco wcc lrerilage-place.cO Seekingi Sales Consultants Esperienced la Windsw Caxaringa Full & PartTime Attractive Salary & Commission Fax resumne ta 1-866-229-2891 or Contact Angie 416-994-4400 s in hae Fuadusy a yrcat jobi vas sv easy. Just vpen 0~Ilt~1 cassificd sctions us ol us tvîvk. Phone 9053 s78-2341 uur emaîlý classifued@ milî Fun' flexible, tat pced work envîrooment lot Stylîstso f every level. On-goîng trainling, f ree equîp. incenlive. Management positions avoulable for sur new Maplel Faîrvîew locution. nFHrstyist UTechnicianl I Excellent Ioortiunitarl WIGS VILLE 905-634-9022 Reqsires: Small Engine/ Eqaipent Mechanics Retuil eny. un usset. Valîd drivers licence. [ BRAKE PRESS Rcq d for Amvd Brake P'resses. Open Over-Time. Top Pay. Unie,;, voir knvivc DO 1ýOT APPUIî Fax resumne: 905-336-0272 Fax 905-333-9461, Email 22IL')&$LR;12 wwwINTLcollegeof 1 Skilled & EM Technical Help

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