Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Mar 2007, p. 10

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Ali0 - The Canaçitan Champion., Tuesday, Mai-oIc 6, 2007 Town council votes to take Land available for college ri ý1 -% *1 ëf ý 4 1 i0 ýn iL à à iLocal residents xviii scon sec ail tbe pedesirian erossovers ni Milion remroved tiox thai ioxvn COtincil lias x'oted to dIo so. -Flic decision io do axvay wittire crossox crs, whtcli aie sections on local busy roads where pedesîrians cati actîvate flashing yellow liits when crossing tue strect, was matie at couneis Februa-c 26 session. Staff recomnîencied tbe crossovers be taken down lot a couple of reasonis, sucbi as the compiaints tbe Town bias received about mnotorists not stoppiiig wheii the lîghts are llashtng and pedestitats îlot tetixattng tic ltglits lîrtpet y Also, staff condcited siuics ai the live crossox er locationis and fociiid onily one of Iliin is ac iuaiiy xvarrantccl on Onttaio Street at Rîidge Drive. A niid- biock peciesirian stgnal - winchi looks and xvotks iike a traflic signîal - xviil replace the crossover iti tbat locationi. The motion passed bv courn cil says iiîstead of tising pedes- trian crossovers ii the future, oîiiy itetsectionî pedestriati signais aiîd nîîd-block pedestri- an signais siîouid be tnstailed on mnajor (i tclxvys il wartr is arc fuillilled. t.urrintly theie arc Iwvo peclesti an c rossovers on O)ntario Street, one i Martin Strieet and ainotber on C.hiids Drixe. Flîre was one on Bronte Stri-et, but it was taken doxvn to inake way for a home ibat was Iloved. Staff xviii continue to mont- tortihose locations to sec il other trafftc conîrol clevices arc neecled. li's exp)ectecl to cost $1 50,000 t0 reinove tbe crossovers and itîstali tbe pedestrian signal. Miltonî noi lias a prime piece of doxvitîiwi lanîd Ioi offet a c ollegc or uiix'crsity, inîci -esid iii seîîîîîg Lp s'lup localiy At its incetiig lisi xveek tîixvi coai- cil approved dclaig a Maini Street property surplus to use it as an asset to ai traci a post-sccuiîcary inistitutioni. The ftormier Pigmetnt and C.lîcîîîical C.omnpanîy landc, wlîici is beîweeîî four and lîvc actes, ts locatcd oi the soutb stde ol' Maiîn Street between (Ontario Street and Tbompstin Road, adjacenît toi Geoirge Takaki, ebairman of the MLI)AC post-seconday subcommît- tee, ttuld counicii tbat bavîng a coliege ori AT MOHAWK RACETRACK .Ludky Milton Resident Wie *on the Baiiy QuarterMlionS Progressives at OLG Siots at Mohawk Racetrackt You Could WIN Over $250,,OOO with Progressive Siots! QuarterMillion$ is an incredible new progressive siots Iink with a jackpot that resets at a whopping $250,000! 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Tue platîs cail for 109 single- detaclîed homes to be butît at the souibeasi corner of Detry aîîd Tremaîine roads. The unîts coîne as part of a latg- et Mattamy developtiiett tiîat wîll hlave 2,21i6 homes. i ast year, coutîcîl apptoved 566 oil tiiose bouses. Ai îis poitt water aîîd wastewater capacity cîîuid oiiiy bc secuired loi- aiotiiet 109 cîîts ibi-ougli an agrecnt wîiîh tue Region. Coutîcil passed a byiaxv to change tue zonfng ou tic liarcel wbere the îîew uîîîts xviii sit fttit future develtîpmeni tul tesîdetîtial îîîcdîum densîty Accessibility plan approved Mliltotî's 2007 accessibiliîy pulan receivcd a sîanîp tif appi-oval fi-oni iowii ctiuiicil iist xxeek. Tue plani fi-oin tic Miltoni accessilt- îty adxiso-y ctîîîîîîîtee is desîgîîed iii iinpttve access to opporicinities foi- ail Million resîdetîts. Il t utiîts prtilec s siatci ltii this seat, suicl as coiiuiig iti rcev atîc etîsurce icTtîxvîs scelsîte is accessible, etîsut îîg disabiltty trainîing for Towvn staff cotinuecis aiîd deveitiping a prttcess ftor tex iexx îg site pîlatîs, iTle Onitariaiîs \virtl [)îsabiiities At requîtes a iuicipaity iii prepate au t esibility pla anual>. Mayors going to Queen's Park Regitutal t. lairiîain (a-y aîîd tue four local maxtits wiii tak<e tue mes- sage of tliiietai-iaîess fir Halioiî cana- paigiî to Quecti s Park i lui-sdax Flic initiîatixe anuîs lii taise axx'ate îîess about tic luîîds tlîat xviii be necci cclt ii ake xvay f1i li) e 300,000 plus residetits tic Prosvinces Places iii (,ios pîlant desigiiaîes iilii 1 ii alo. li ~tt I lie fi( îotiiai tai xii liairk ai I 0 a.i Ioi tel lie pts ut ii gox'erici tuai thle Regîîîî anid ilis iiîtiiîic ipalities tii t ttc oiiitdaie tic extra resicletît- calcd 101 xx ilîtInt fiiîaiî c ti asssaî e rîîî tic Protincte. Regiotial ctiuicil xviii aisti coiîsidci a motîionîî ii tîtat effect toitrttîsv q Congratulations to Our Big Winner!

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