Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Feb 2007, p. 23

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The Canadian Champion, Tueaday February 27, 2007 - 23 InsSals IsdSae Sales HeIp Sales Help H dal ________ _____estra_______Rsturat____in Agent & AentsMeTLaI: Efýôejf Dental ra:etî ~Ru nt ~~~n Agelts __&AetsclOpotnt i1ê i Al fý F Y tg CEt oi u Are you in RETAIL SALES now? We're Iooktflg for. Mei ru t.Are you nterested in a mach Sunrise of Burlington Now Hîrng Bartenders for Pleekao hicaion THE BURLINGTON POST, BEeRrtllb Wait Staff/I Servers Great workg condi- advsoofMtoadMdaGopIc, We're seeking mature, talented, experîesced peu- Casual Weekend RN'S I RPN'S tin Bus beneits iu seeking an eeperienced pie wîth a background in seling in a retari environ- P-T Care Ma ag r B stf hefs Hascr t s Email resumne to ment to become La-Z-Boy Sales Frotessionals. * Kitchen Saf& C ee ot wisncuhil Insides Sales Representative We offer a genieruu Compensation Program, Volunteers Needed Plas *pl in peso wit -eun t peekabookid.csmr The quaifîed candidate auili be a motîaated, Inde- rr ar s~, - oa.4kra Com ii enfîtPa, Paesou aîîg Lic. Hairdresser I daylweek or7 Spaor 905-829-3007& Aci-cement~~~a an a unqe n if n."Qû pendent self-starter witir prevoss telepirone sales esperience. Yvu posaeaa eecellent aristen, gram- matical and verbal communication slllo yod be la- miliar aîfh Microsoft applications. In ibis raie, yos ailI be cuatomer locused and aili baud strong reiatîonshîps wîth sac aod earstîng cli- ento by ensuring lirai thein adoertroîng needo ara met. Ysa cul be gaal-srîested and capable of meeting aeealy budgets aubhin a deadlrne-tocused envîrnment. If your goal is ta cora for a leader in the media sn- dasfry Ibis oppsnfonîty may ire thre rîgirt ose for ysa. We offer a competitiva compensation pack- age as weil as possîbîlîties fon future career grswtir. Pieuse Ivrward yssr resume ns later tiras Marcir 9tir 2007 to, or fax resume ta: 905-321138 We appreciate tire intereof of ail applicanto, irowever, omipe tirose seiecfed for us interview wii be cootacfed. No phrone catis or ugascies pieuse Industrial Sales Mississauga based Corporation Seeking: EX- PERIENCEO AGGRESSIVE INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVES wif h CLOSING EXPE- RIENCE. Electîloal & lndustrial Janitorial Product knowledge a DEFINITE ASSET. Fuli training is provided. $500 /wk fo start plus bonuses. (3 positions avaiuable>. Cali Johnny @ (905) 361-1414 Extl. 227 opportunity to wora ait i Canada's fastest growîng iîgir quality furniture sowroomo- Lazboy Furni- tare Gallerles. You must have reliable transportation, excellent verbal and asrfen communication skillo, sonme prevroas retaîl asperience and s flesîble ociredale tirat permîts yuu to asra on weekends and somne evenings. We have openîngs ai- OakvilfelMisslssauga Barder, Brampton, Bunlinglon, North Missin- sauga and Etobîcake if's easy ta applyi We take applications by tale- pirone snly- 24 irsurs a day- simply cali Cirarlie at 905-789-5800 - wiren prsmpted ta 'enter as exten- sion'- ysu dial 150, tiren diai #6151 to respond 15 several questions. TAYLOR MOVING. est. t959,cunrently iras a position open in tire role of PT Sales Co-ordinator Tis full tîme position (Mvnduy lv Prîday-35 hours par aeekl is deemed entry levai andis ideal for sameose vnterîng the workfsrce ais a înterested n costumer service. The startînog rate of puy is $12.25 par irour. Please aend resume ta tire At af Rick Taylor Fax: 905-632-8130 email: 1y Georgetown Volkswagen Hstopositions avaîlable. SERVICE CONSULTANT Fax rasamne Attastion: Tom Broan SALES CONSULTANT I I PAIA1IED HOE AELTH GARE HUMAN RESOURCES CLERK We are ioolaing for an energetic candidate. Eoper- ence aurh HR, Payroll, WSIB, Healih & Safety, Fît- ing Preoentatîors.Telepirona and computer alll a must. Poition ta doart ASAP Apply before Mar 14th, 2007 PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKERS HOME SUPPORT WORKERS 1 & 2 Compettîve wages, Evenîng & Weekend Shift Pie- miumo. Now hiring for Actas, MiMton & Georgetown Send Resumes ta: Paramed Home Health Care Salle 301-1515 Rebecca St., Oakeille, L6L 5G8 Fax: 905-847-1038 e-mail: phs--oakville@estendicare.Com =1e otlRes taurnt 181Hol estaurnt NOW HIRING MANAGER - Front Desk Agents req'd rmmedîaieiy for *Cok smaiait Campbell ville ok restaurant Great for * ishwashers someona vvith expaîr- - Raom Attendants eoce loohîsO iv have * Night Cleaner ow busines on tha Banquet Porters fuivra, Must ha able *Rsarn aer to mali iask, work etuan evr varioos shifts and ha To appiy vend ivauma. salf-motivated. Holiday Inn Select Cali 905-854-6191 2525 Wyecroft Rd cil if Book your Ask UsAbo ut.. Recraitmenad 2 weeks on Workopolis for only work UD plc n c C a 90 .87.24 aa 90*83- 14 Cal 90-782 4 tlit. e . o Rea ist 10 - 13 Pîvores toiso S-oo 196 r (.g..or Sai Notce t4rs 2six Sevies00 - 76 Hoose loi Sala 100 Open orses 102 Piie Soles 103 Towahousor loi Sols 105 Apvsmeats / Condor foi Sole 11 0 Cotoges for Sola 112 foins loi Sole Renr & Wonted 115 Ost of Tocs Pispeseae 120 Pispertv Ounîide Casado 125 fasng banteil 130 Lot & ureage 135 Investiront Pispeoliea/ Bus. Pîsp. 140 lnudsstnial/ Commercial Sporie 145 Offre & Buiness Spore 150 Stoies For Sole, test / Wonted f55 Isestlaeni OpporirnOoes 159 Businss Oppornîner 160 Francirises 161 f ssuronro 162 Prolossiovol tiiertory 163 toc & f snnI 164 f400igoger & losns 1 65 Bïrouts IChorixiedl 166 offc/liri indil tqsipsosi 161 Business Sorvies / Porosali 168 (amputer /Itrsei Serc r169 Mportmnn & flot loi Rosf f10 Furnsrhed OpotnaO f172 Short Trs Renols 174 4oîrinents & Flotantsed 115 Crndomniums for Resi 180 Houses for Rorr li5 lsobnouses for Rosi 90 Iorsisg Wanfed 191 Rauos for Rent & Wonted 192 Rasm & Board Aoailarbla & Wanisd 193 Shored Mcorsoodaoso 104 Reiene biig 195 falir & Lsdges 196 Vastesn Pispersies 200 Renoiir Ouside Carodo 205 ted and Breakfast 20f Cotfuges tsi Roni 209 Mobile Monos & Parlas 210 Movor Monos 2ff Reorection vehiola 212 Carmpers, lioiers, Sis 215 Camping [quipsoint 225 Sports [quipsoent 230 Aviation 231 Bant & Supplies 232 Sisenobles 233 Paols & Supplies 034 Resors, Comps 235 frovel 236 Hobier & (lef 237 omns Colomn 239 tbims 245 Adoptons 246 Biridoyr 241 conîsng ixonir 249 Engagements 250 fornhsosisg Marnioge 251 Maurnages 252 Monivexsories 253 Graduations 254 9snnocmns 255 De*t 256 Obîitonas 257 In Messanm 25f Coîds of thonko 259 tenders 260 begal Nosices 261 Publis Notices 262 Coi Pools/ tromspoOroso 263 lors and fosad 265 Campeuros 267 Peromais 268 Support Graupi 269 Mannes! ove fn /Out 270 Molieris Melpors 21 Niursery Surhl 272 Doîrnis Osorfablo 1 Dyovrr Ofoniol 214 Regîsucoss 278 Tloiui Service 279 bessons 280 ploces il h4oislit 282 Isiro(So Befloiy Services 284 beaih & Moseore 285 Soniors Services 286 fi ss Services 28f Parry Services 289 Coterîng 290 Medins Plonser 292 Osniolagy 293 Psyrhks 294 brasan Sesries 295S froseneni clubs 296 Bingo 207 Fsneral Directoxs 298 Ceseteiy Plt 299 morket Basket 300 f Ireers & Oelivery 301 fors Service 302 Ios Supplia t oordîng 303 Poaltry & lîeok 305 fuisîiOre 306 Clasluing 307 torgain Cessre 309 Articles for Sole 310O Bicycls 311 Asfiles Wofasis 315 OusOions 325 Woîehsous Soles 326 f record 330 Chritmas lrevi & Silo 335 Wbadtovs / Fiioloovr 336 Aniques & Os 340 Baby Meeds 345 Rostaurant tqoipmnt 34f Irdostial [quîpoosf 350 fors tqsipovsr 352 Oppleonres 353 Computei & Vddo 355 I.V Saund Syrste 360 MAusical Instrument 365 Pots, Supplies, tardsg 370 Phofogrophy 375 Swop & trade 380 Tickets loi Sole 385 Cosfoi Sose 400 Cor Wanted 405 Trks for Sale 410 Trocks Wosiol 415 Vass/ 4 Whevl Drive 420 Sports Cors 425 Antique loas 430 mrioriycles 435 Osto Parts / Supplies & Repors 440 0ufr Leasing & Rerfol, 445 Ours f inoncusg 446 Insursî Servie 460 tixov y MOqoipsiesi 4 Coîxer troinrng 500 Csrxoi Csunreling & Resuner 501 (arlyentgne 505 Drivers 509 Seneisi flelp 510 Rvuil Opportunifior 511 Sonner Onpaloirseni 512 Solos 5po Help 514 Skrlled & Tsshriîol HeIs 515 Camputer/ Il 520 Oficoe HeIp 525 Incîe Saler 529 Salai Iolp & Agent S30 Reoîl Soies 532 MspOol I4xdicul / Dental 535 Vvtxrisary Ielp 536 Holistx lesh 537 horel / Restaurarr 540 Portins Vxlp 541 txsrirrg Opporlonîses 545 ornesrr Ielp Worixd 550 DonesfOr Hxlp Ovoîlslîx 555 has Clxsnisg 556 Voluoxers S65 fnplrvneni barird 510 Tolenr Wonred 575 DeOfons, tlssng loi Sorbogo Benurel / Hosling 702 Plsnbint 104 Mordyns 105 Chimney Cleosîs9, Ropoir 106 tîsstiral Sesvies 101 Mlosonry & Consîsso 7Ot Corpentry 709 Painting I Osrorosing 110 f400îng & Storoge 115 Corper Cleonîsg 718 Oropes I Opbolsnesy 120 tîssmokng, loilorusg 72S Floorurg, Corpefong 130 Gadlenng Sopply, Londscupung 735 tice Service 136 Snnmp Renovol 131 bocnsowsu Soles, Reprs 738 Snow ussovol 140 Coursos 146 Applianse Ropoîns 750 Seric Orerioq 160 Boy? or Girl? Teil /our farinify/ & friends wif M BirMh Announc-eomenfs BUSINESS HOURS: Adjustments: 875 Main SUtreet t Every effort is made 10 ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please Seea Mthoe ON LOT check your ad on the first insertion. For multiple insertions of mn cap-tte Oa o5mthe same ad, credit will be made only for the first insertion. ~d~f d,)Mondai' to Fridai' Credit given for errors in connection with production on ads is ~ ~ ~limited 10 the printed space involved. Cancellations must be ' VISA i ~~made by telephone. Do flot fax or email cancellations. w - -A U-àiFy-fr-om--Tfa-m-5pm 1 905-849-4766 1 7,7771

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