Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jan 2007, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion, Friday January 26, 2007 - 27 m-ii Sale Healslpl Agcet Sales offic Sales leui Salesse0 kem als Rotait Sales Help _ _ _ _ _ Aueglents& Agents& Agents__ CU T M R È VC Ca/ligan of Canada is a market leader ir an JIN THE FAMILY' Grwn ulngo ae itrbtri 0eeplosively grewing indastry and we invite you to NOW HIRING ___________ GrwngBnlnlr aeddsnuart oking for jan aur îeam le Bramptan an a part/ falltime p aubi fevurne t Ener-Gard Energy Products toc., by February 2nd. Fax: (905) 336-1507 E-mail: ad Required For Buse' Office: FULL TIME OFFICE ASSISTANT Te receive castemer arders nia telephane an fax, perfeem general effice dattes as mail aa semae Acceants Payable and Acceants Receivable fanctiens asieig ACCPAC tee Windews. Attentien gieen te detail a must. Hoses: Men-Fri: 9am-5pm Reguirements: Microsoft Word/Excel; ACCPAC (Windews) eapeeience an asset. Please send year resamne, inclsdieg salary expectations tei: MICO - Medîcal lmaging Clinios et Octante mnc AtIn: Office Manager 1235 Trafalgar Rd. Salle 306 Oakvilte, ON L6H3Pt Fax 905-845-7161 Email: candersen @ Applications received until Fri. Feb. 9th, 2007 indeSaes Insd e SaesI N\eJTI S le Georgetown as Ioakieg fcr mntivaed, energetlc en- disîduas cîth great communication ekilla en areas af personal trainera. receptiar. cansaltîrg and member- shîp salea. You mast be fit ari n tho pracesa of beoming filt Esrnîngs 5sed an cammissians, ha- nauses and service rendered. up ta $40,000 anrually Fas resame te 905-877-8169 Attention: Elsîna Please arroIove wletrnarig wyyo alui bea g.oo ania forMei finessaeruv'y and lOrri yo wu enjoy sales in los biess SalesHelpSales Hetp ~~ CONCEPT FORD DETAILER / CLEAN Up DEPARTMENT We are canrently tsaking for a reliable indisidual to aoie our award winning team. Haurît csmpetite rate, beseits. 5 days per week. Please tas resumne, or apply in persani John Haden, Sales Manager H ewa #7 - Geargetown Fas: 905-873-3309 A2 TOYOTA GEORGETOWN Requises PART ADVISO Entry Level position. Ssme dneîing reqaired. Fas resamne in confidence ta: Doug Dookstader 90"477-4619 SMetroland West Printing Group Menrv/and We-st Priînting Grvîiei a diviioanof Metronvd Media Groîîp Lsd. one tI Oniaritti premrier prîntnn anda distributionaiîviîiptiniiî. i/at ait iininediate nîpeig jî r a Printing Sales Repreaentative Sheet Fed Division hla rvlvnd WVest Prîntiîîg Groi iajuv/I eri e prnrîriîiiari quiati prinirr vi ciatte ll</oforri tu ov<ofn/î-r prîi ful ia/t n h a fai aset îîit det, / press. Io<ilions. Thte îiav/liitî' faiiaan ilî /rî c iistini foc iid axial vi n/ ila i irînrti arian(inii.iîiitr ia'ir i ad e'îîîrng i lia-ni ti te Souill/ent Onîtario. Sun n fit hil iviiiui ofiltu Cio ta-ta ri en piive iint- ti ralpiniing A rin/bet' clin( liis reqîair'd, il tria i rotala likt1 nivit j 1/ a teata/ar fi te' nnedaiisiiii- n/lin <avvni av trai Ii/e m/ unein' tar iri Intenseî ln l aîar latt i ia. a, d iiag met'lrndusa 5inav thI/e siih.ea t lini' inno latine than thinî Fi'/naaný 9e/i. 20017. inn. Il ara'I - 1arn v/al/nipplu'ara l. a'a , nrî i Gold Beok, a diviaioe of Metroland Media Grovp Lsd, ta aeekîeg a dynamîc individual for the fa/I time poaition of a Jr. Programmer for van on/tee buainess dtrectvry ta a Local Onlîne Baaineaa Directory aervictsg ne- grena acrosa Soathera Ontario. providing cvasamera wîsh a com- plete liating of ail buaaneaaea in their local commanty. The qaalifîed candidate wrIl ho a self mofivated and crestive prolo- lem aolver with excellent verbat and wrîtten commanication ahi/las Yoa wli ha a team playen workîng and capabte of workîng non technical ataiff le thia noie yoa wl be respoasîhîs for maîntaîning and adding fea- tares ta a PHP/MySQL weh application s well as wrîtîng acripta tei aperate on large test filea. The aaccessfal candidate mit I have working knewledge of PHP, MySOL, Linan, Apache 2 and HTML. Yoa mast have a minimum yean smo diplema in programmîng or computer science or eqaîns- lent esperience. le addition, yoa mîlI have a minimam of ene year experience asing PHP and MySQL. Desired skilîs mith the falfam- ing programs are an asses; Per er Raby, PHP 5 mith go esperi- ence, AJAX and knomledge et MVC pattern. If yoa moald lîke te mork for a leader in the media indastry thia op- portanity may be the rîght one for yos. We otter a competitive compensation and belelis package, as melI as eppontanities for future career gromth. If iterenled pleane torseard your resumne no ltier than January 26h, 2007 toi; into@701 .com We appreciafe the inlerest f at applicanta however on/y fhose seîected for an interview wi// be contscted. No phone cal/s or agencies please. RETAIL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVIE Thse Retail Advertis/ng Sales Represenlative 15 responsible for seneicing andi growing our existing client base andi w/Il increase sales revenue through new business devetopment. Position Accountabities: Deve/apînig sales programas that meet aur clients' business needa. Prospect new buainess by contactîng sdvertîsera rn csmpesîtor publicatiansasnd revîecîeg new buaîresaes en te ares. deaelop cresîrve prapoais fan prospective adverlîsera, assist clients in ad design and caardînste witt Praduction ta eraune accuracy ut ad cartent. pramote apecîi festures and sdvertising progrsms to clienta, s/I in- paper advertiaing and f/yen diatributian pradacta, negstîste ratea dîth clients, wttîn acceptable gaîdelînes sel by the Adverttsing Manager. Where apprapri- ste. ca ardînste apecîi caverage wîlh Edîtorial, addreas client concerna ei a tîmely and prateaaîsral marner. asIate andicor aurpasa irdîvîdual necapaper. section, & apecîsî festure budgets ComoetencieslSkilis and EKperience: Strsng cnîBten and verbal cammunication skîlîs. ss/îd lime-management and or- garîzatianal ski//s, praticient an Microsoft applicatians, primant/t word and escel, abtltty to baîld nappest for constructive and effective relatisnishtps, sbility to make qa/ty dectsisns withîn a dead/ine drives envillrment, castomer locus, abî/ity ta worh bath individua/It and in a team eneiranment & ability to seI and pesmate maltiple adeertîsing prsgrams at one tîme. N you are inlerested, pleane torwnrd your resumne la no tailer than Januar 26t.2007 Budington Fbst Sleep Country Canada al Canada' a tading apeciai 55 mattresa ratai/en. Carrent/y we have apportas tans ta, in sur Hamiltn/Burlington tam as a fut/-lime commisnioned... SALES ASSOCIATE vit ara looking fan highly matîvatad, cempetitîva sales profeanronals who have a auccanatal track record in cfoning big-ticket commiasion satan. A thonough knewiedge et al/en a/ong with a ntrong castemen service orientation ana key tactors in aur neqaînamanta. With sun powantul anaontmant of bransi nama prodacta, consistent advertnsîng support and anparallalad customne service, you have an eanng petential in encans of $60,000 yaly. vile a/s offen a comprahenaive benetit plan. As a growth nnîantad company, mie provide engoing, protasaienal training. If you tees you can contnibata tai oun nuccasa, pleana submit ynan nesame to: .. Ernaîl: jobs@elieepcountry.ce LFax: 416-242-4260 ea NiediAla'aaaa [Idi. The Oakvît/s Shopping News/ Oskvît/s Tvday, a dieviion of Metrotsnd Media n3novp il oeekîog an ENTRY LEVEL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK The qaalrfied candidate cull be a matîvsted. inde- perdent, self-starter wîth atrorg înterperaors/ ski/las 'ou cîlI poaseas excellent cîvreten and verbal communication skrl/sansd be tamnîrar cth Microsoft computer applicationa. le thia na/le, ysu cull be cuatomer tacased & cull bai/d atrarg nelationstipa citt nec & eaisting cli- ents by esurîng tat accaurita are kept up 10 date, If interested please tas your resumne by to: Fanx: 905-632-0951 We appnsctats the intenes t att applicaeto haweven an/y tase se/ectsd foan i nterview will bs cantactei. Na phrone catis an agencico pleaae. I -M1I ASr Arf A i 0POVI tis'N FO conckct cailbacku & maînlair coni'act with current clients. Yaur enthusasm ard irterpereeral aklla with preaiaua salea eeperience and a keawledge et water prablema and treatment are ar asaet. We al- fer an attractive compersatin package euth a ful range ot herefîta in a work eruiruemert that thriaeu an team work and challenge. To explore this opportunily turther, please submiit your resume to Tyler Avenul aI FAà.àST5SIGN5 Sîgn SI ciophic Solutiona Miode Simple. Inside Sales Representative Joîr aur aalea tesm and take yaur career ta the seat level. Reaponaîblitiea include helpirg cuatam- era ta take new viece af their aignage-related prablemai and appantunitien and carkîng with cas- tomera ta aesign effectiae aolutiana. Preaios salea or aige irdushry esperience net reqaired- we train. A s/id or-going baae cîth OTE af $32k ta $35k Career mînded applicanta preterred Emnail your resumne to Retail plumbing atore requires ail ltime sef matieated SALES PERSON Muat have plumbing knaw/edge and praduct krac edge. We ofer tap saary, gaad warking canditlana and grest taure. For interview C~iavilri Cati Eric 905-639-7876 or os bro Fax resamne 905-639-2266 Medial, ent MedcalDental HEARTHSTONE an apacale seniors condo reqaîs RPN (PT oîghto & evenîngs) Fax resame 905-333-9646, ornait: ine@ ara 1f expertise.Geera Dý S.R.T. Med-Stafi leae 1.6835 anorn e ail: hktrc riegrsrtmd ..s t otaff.comth SaPn Mai Saa trai ti fr beSt aOara Il a Caunna aivida nd inree riadh canre oearrnrmniarvas a raitai raavleotdcd nideilof rlrlgandervvri suporvn<licsnnruelS PnorcauI ras been airerae il HS rcvs ari 20 FIRSTIEALTHC CA/' *Ç6 PwMs neeaI ceeus ~ ~ MM coe 1ie0 Modylardbr fwdy Required for Home Care Support 1Cal18770595 1exl71 IEmal:humanresourestfirsaffcal 1Fa 1-9054477-195 (Prefer Level I/) 30 -35 Hoa c/eek Smal t iendly Clehodontic off ice in G3eorgetown. esse tas resame toi I 905-702-0560 The Healing Path is a iiew unscale Ciroractnie ,asd Wellnc,-, ('eîntre larîkasg Ian rani nivace nîn a Naturopath, Holistic Nutritionist, llomeopath and/or Registered Dietician t nuatel in nhe tusîcat and lugteait egg area as tlinin Ca/I 9/15-634-4-/I k= t lRturnt Ho etaurnt EXPRIECEDFINE DININ al he era CnaInn Cvontact Cvteen et: 1905-873-22231 Exciting Job Opportunities 350 Dundas Si E. Oakvitte 00e are laakîeg for enthastsatic, reliable Fa/l ime Mon-Fni. Stasnd Assistant Managers ta loin Willias Coffee Pub! 00e oSfer a rewsrdisg. tan, alt ceasul envînrmesl, campeîtive cagea; management training progrsm, benetits, mea discounts and oppartnity ton sdvsncemen mîttîn a quîckly gracirg campant, Please fax tour resumne to 905-257-3107 or emnailto wcplraagar@betneca or stop by on Monday Jan. 29th or Tuesday Jan. 301h between 3pm-6pm for an interview. Ct~ Eliployees! Place your ad im4 ft'j nbaCýjmpà Claufieds! A r-

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