Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jan 2007, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 23, 2007 OPINJION Go Campbellvlle An initiative hy a greup ot cent cnîied et tizenis and busi- niesses te tevitalize C.anîphelivilie shenid he tongi atultîd. i -cd hv tarmer Peter i.atnbrk, the greup lias se fai met once and a sccend meeting wii bc hfid tinis weets te mes e ideas aieng. "\\c, as a greup, ssant te have a ttrm uindcrstanditig ef what we weuid like te sec acrernpisbcd te hcip revitai- ize C amipbiiviiie anîd bav e sertie idecas en hess te make tiemi happen beleore wc pres- crit tl te atvene cisc:- sid i atnbrirk. Vi\e reails are 0nisytii tire s ers caris stages, et decidiîg svbiai sic tait pois slibis de (te relineds the st Atlici -iritlie planining, the gi etp ssiil i sek fief[) and tnfpnt rein tue ofs ie Miton îtid etiiet r senn bodies, lic siî. Supeortivs'o ethe ti tict, atn e'tritei \Va IdC 3 C îuiicitier Janî Mewbray bias potiscr tibe noies troin tire initiali meeting eoi lier \Veb site fei residents te vtew, wtt \i take tire cenir - tin et ait te sec if direction, locus, anîd commnient wviti oeiess Ille mieetinigs. sihe said. iTh lic wbe thig îs cxcitng and i comemnt Peter Lirtbrick for begîn- nîiig tll ticiîtîess. 1 io ec it ss et ks and Hl d (Iao v is ii IliS i sset te tej A\nd wce Si att the giettp iinets te knesv t tics\ hasve Ilte hacittig ofi lieit ttuitîinliî titi iole informtSonii \,s s N1\iesshi,ss \\L1 ch ite ai C lick on tit li' aîtîaîs 200t7 it blis c', sec tin Readers Writ Send you lene it nxlCh n1o tiel dM,tit li st F Many of this community's needs flot being addressed DEAR EDITOR: Iii tetiers pitd iii tire janîtary 12 Chbamptin, the peeple arc spcakingý tint arc titre pîutaiias iteliitg? De tbcv even rcati tbe local iesîspa- per, svhtcl bas informatîion abtlut wbiit the people need? Yes. wc necd a hetter bits sysîci as i sveuid lasvc to casc my> cr ai bottie, but the urnes are wrîîng far uts' shift. Yes, it svas betier ssýhen tiiere \vas a grttîers store dttwnîewn \vberc the sen irs if our town ctîutd takec a sbort ix aiR anid pick up sertie ftood. Quati Greents \vas a geutd store serviîtg mnany peoiple iii tibe aiea. i weuid giadis mun al gruirerv business fer the dewntewn etîre. siere a sandwich can be pîîrcbased miic cbeaper than at a restaurant and tbe surrounding residents' fooîd couiri be heugbt for tieir cnnsumrpîiîîn. Yes, we need tri îbînk buîw te serve aul these people wbîî arc ceming te Milton. Yes, people witi got etsewhere if itte are tIti riereit ,r iii ssý,aiking disiaitteC' liasve tlite arts aittage t due Ioi buik butrrllo 1 asiare tirai ittset tcar ii rtrive iii itiese griteers stores. Millton critcti ne bhat sînait bustitess gt ltwsrttîey gelti I a sitiali tuîsîîîss. C tutt ai tice itait gîtys xv ctist. luec aie tians [tiere. Vie artc caiteri i anti i xiii sas' tire Stîarsiitg Marvins.- Ail lootk ai the footdr banks cring ftor more trîuîd i wtttld say suppot bîîsîîtsses in ibis area Money could be better used ek DEAR EDITOR: I'm wriîing regarding the frtidrais- îng ftor baby Htîity Tayloir. Wbîte i tbink the generosîîy of' the ctîmmunîly bas been wtînderfut ftor the famtily i ranit help buat feet that te be fair ti ait the peoiple xvaîîîng foi MRIs, lite money weutid bc better put iîiward an NIRt mnachinte foîr Miltont District i icislitai. Ratîter iban Htiily~s famiiy paying $3,000 ti ly te Calga quieker tban the ie n foroînto, wiulidn't everytite if tite tests here? Tbu machine sun save tter familles tire to aitîtîber proince. CT scanner extremely important for Milton tirtssitesis îh DEAR EDITOR: as tlic it sItles Tbis is sncb a great community wben îî conmes te sup- )\C ti iatI itusc' perîîng our bospitai antd otber lotcal needs. tii isc ticedî Io lic For exampie, i'm constanuty aînazed that our stiait )tîti tait alitît i communiîy consistentiy out-raises the mucb iarger mar- is s -uti ît-tus i ket tif Oakville ai Christmas for the annuai Salvation Army drive. -crs te bc avvare However, we have anotber sucb need now, and ils for vys aie impttrant. a new CT scanner at our bospital. bireaks iiii ruîîîîng Recently 1 bad to visit the emergency departnment. for rir il iteei looiîtk wbat turned out to be a perforated appendix. In order te titi are Irsving iii diagnose ibis initialy, it required an ambulance ride te Oavletu use their CT scanner. tuttr famitlles t)it For those of you wbo bave sufferedi fromt appendici- bc wrk-ng por, tis, you know A t00 weil the excruciating pain one exesionkî "th experiences in the lower abdomen. For those of you wbo expresitîn the have flot experienced thîs, just ask someone wbo bas. yen bave iiid tIi The need to travel to, Oakville for a CT sean delays Tbey arc aiways your treatment for severai hours, and in that tie your pain doesfrt go away. The ambulance ride to Oakville t titrai anti smaii accentuates your pain and suffering, as you feel every i. bump-in the road along the way M. TAHA This isnt to take away from the medical professionals COURT STREET in any way whatsoever, as theyre fantastic. Finally, a nurse aceomparnes you for ail these hours, ;eveesitting and waiting. This takes themn away fo.ohr ry ti gel ait M Rt Many of you are aware of this fundraising eampaign theywer offred for the CT scanner, and 1 know many of you are sîtîl thcywcretiftrcd deciding wbether to give, or deciding how mnuch t0 give. tl tc hetter fer Thanks to the generosity of some higb profile ctînir bc dette Miltonians over the iiolidays, the fundraising goal is now within siglît. 1 urge everyone who can to give what d be asatiaute to you cati to put this eampaign over the top now. exîîcîse ofi gtuiig beHaving expenienced this need firstband, I for one wili bcwtiting my cheque. G. MUNNINGS MILLSIDE DRIVE DARRYL R. DEMILLE MILTON aIit (Caîîablanl 0Damupîon Mor tiiùit Ncw;,per s 1860 875 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editoriat Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wenly McNab Managing Edîtor Karen Miceli Production Manager F n (l is Circulation Manager Office Manager The Canadian Champion, pabtiîhed every Tuesday and friday ait 875 Main St. E., Mitton, Ont., L91 3Z3, is a diviiion of Metrotand Media Groap Liii. Gtoup Pubtinher tan Oliver 'At,.,ti , rtt t, p'dt, A-," t i0 ___%Ctitîi tingle Bll Fund aUIE WAY OF MILTON TV AUCItON MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE ShowcaseMîton e ,1t 1Wc Aads

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