Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jan 2007, p. 19

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w The Canadien Ch4eppig, Frtelay Jnjiqry 19, 2007 - 19 - k q~j ~i~w * ["I~ ~!~ 'YA [~ ~ ~ Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 14016 LLÂ"~¶II V "' *Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Com7munity 240-299 - Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: sMerchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-410 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. to Fni. 9am-5pm BONUS! Al cIassified ads also appear on *Srie 0-9 o ICUAINcl:958854 ENGAGEMENT S We are thriîîed to announce the - engagement of our children * Da rci Howden, - daughter of Ken Howden and Sandi & Max Buehier ~ - John Dobbie, - son of Debbie & Paul McCormack and John Dobbie Sr. (Rosemnaryt Best Wishes from ail ofyour - Extended Families & Memphis 11i COSTLY - MILTON townhouse for Home Inspection sale, immaculate. many Pitails upgradles/kîîches, 3-car FREEfReport receais drîoeway/garage what pou need ru know fence/deck. swîmmîsg BEFORE pool. close te Mai You ist your home 905-691-1664 for sale Free recordei message TOLL FR88 PRIVATE Sain 1-866-901-3906 Georgetown. newer r ID# 4000 MaOtamy townhome, RE/MAX Real Estate Walk te SaperStore, Centre toc. Malt and GO Train. 3- bedroonis 2-bath- .6. rooms. tînîshed tower Costiy Mîstakes tevel. waik-ont 10 to Avod fenced yard. Askîng Before Buyîng $257 900ý Cati 705- a Home Free Report 429-8240 receais how te once thoasand 0f dollairs and pears of expens mS Ais. en Free recordedCo"FrSl message Toit Free MILTON New 1-866-234-3310 1 240sqft open con- ID # 3001 cept, spacieus 2-boi- RE/MAX Real Estate ronm/2-bathroom Centre Inc groasd leset condo in a __________________ beautful enro design ATTENTION Prînate Seti- adait building in quiet ers 0% Commission MLS resîdentia area in- listing $995 James Boyd cîndes 6-appliances Brokor cf Record Porteai- plus many cnpgrades. 905-319- Serîous end asors oniy 7707, 1-866-414-0017 piense. $259.900. 647- Brokerage 226-0144, OPEN House Sundy Janunry 14/07 2-4pm [MIj Office/Business Se'mi-Detachei. 2106 Sit- Spc weii Court -3bedroomri 3 Sbathrooms, fînîshed OFFICE/COMMER- basement wîth fîrepiace & CIAL space for tease, 3pc bathroom & large 1600 sq S îtto tanndry room New Roof Heîghts. $1,200/mth + 1 999, hamacs & carpets utîlîties. Cati 905-854- 2005. Hariwooi 2001 1887 Must See! 905-332-5166 to Iýïea dc l OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE from 1,200- 2OOOsci.15, Medîcal/Ot- hice bnilding. 3006 Der- ry Rond, Milton. Cati Steven 416-653-1991. BIRTHDAY appy lst ofa to our tilMe prisesmm May alyour dream eome true ' ) Love you aN Mormny. Pddy, Ha Busnss Oppututies JOB uit home. $487.68 Weokty Assemble Prue- acts, Mait or Computer Work. Free Detaîts www TopJsbRevîew com Write CHRJobs, 372 Ri- deau St, 6916, Ottawa ON, KiN 10G7 Ref# AiS5 TURF Logic Franchise Opportunîty 100% Pestîcîde-Free Lawn Care High-Tech, Low Incestment Protected Terrîtory. Ouldoor Lîfe- style, Fuît Support Sprîng is Comîng Sooni P 866-239-4056 Proesia l REMOVE your crîmînai recordis Fast. We do Par- dons and US Waîvers Oon't be embartassed t- 800-298-5520 Mortgage, SSMONEYS$ Consotidate Debto Mortgages 10 100%/ No income, bad credît OKi. Ontnrîowîde Fînanci Corporation 1-888-307- Fiais For Rent 1-BORM basement apt. sharni entrance, cabte, parking, tanndry, inctudeni $750/ mIS. first/ tant, refer- onces tequiredi acaîtabte Februaty 1 t. Cati Gary @ 905-878-0410 aller 6pm ACTON, 1 -bedtoom, Jannary 1lst $790/month. Cati 519- 853-3309. DE FasFor Ront- We are now acceping applications for: 1 bedroomn apt's for: Feb let, Fnb 15th, Mer let à Mar 151h For more information and/or to make an appointment, "ATTRACTIVE" large 11111 bachetor apartmn n Utii ties/caSte încluded s" 695/montS First/last. jNo pets Ploase cati 519-853-1213 1-OEDROOM suites in historie building tr iIey S-Maya Roctîwood witS gas firep aces startîng aI $675/month plus utilities 2-bedroomi Aanins& basement apartmerrt in Fiais For RanI Georgetonn month-to- ILTN Lrge2-bd-monte, 5895/month ILONrvt Lare oned Cati Elizabeth Gnoui Iordat tripe on Johnson Associares vi od Pîate Reaitor 905-877-5165 irkîng large kîtchen, Iback- ACTON t-bedîoom a r I /d ec k B a apartmenr Acaîlabie îm 50/mIS plus hydro meiatey, 200 ChurcSh vilabie Match lot il Road South No onrad 905-876-5581 pets Cati 519-853- 905-893-0780 0087 ILTON 3-bdrm, ACTON 1 -bedrooni washrsoms, weî apartment $650/month hted. waik in en- plus hydro, first/tast ince, S app bsmt frîdge/stoce Avaîtabie tfor rent Cai 905- îmmedîately Nn pets 5-2157 Cati 519-853-4721. ACTON large t-bed- EORGETOWN Tra- room in quiet neîgh- Igar/i Oth Sîderoad Sourhood $850/month .rge t beiroom sec- includes auriies dI finor farnihouse Frîdge/ stoce/parkîng îrkîng/utîiîtîes in- 905-703-0168 / 519- uied. Renocateni 853-8423ý rst/1Lastý $850/mIS - - bruary/March roti BEAUTIFUL 2-storey ismotcng/dogs pre- 2-bedroom apartment ted, 416-274-7547 in Victorian hcme 4-appliances, Acaîtable February lt 3CKWOOD large 5900/montS plus 00 sg 5t 2 plus bei- utîtîties. Cai 905 877- om apartment on 4465/647-838-9481 per lecet. t Stock 10 amenîries, GEORGETOWN 50/month plus hydro. 1-bedroom separate nîtabte February ist entrance Prîcate, witt Ili 519-856-9854 yard Weii maîntaînci Acaîlabte Febru- ary/Mnrch Cati for de- OWNTOWN MILTON rails. 905 681- Mîlîside Tawers 4228/905-873-4981 82 Milîsîde Drie. -- Attractive quiet build- GEORGETOWN large ing Spacions brîght 3-bedroom. main floor, dlean 1&2 bedroom Vîctorian building. car- unîts wîth iaundry pets, famîiyroom wîth tncility nnd pîne fisor and fireplace social room on site. Lnundry area. eguiar resîdent ecents $1 250/month plus utîtîties. ACTON 2-bei- Open 7 Clapa room, main floor & ocaRnfins $700/month plus Caîl 00fl67-1240 utîlîties. Cai 519-853- www.reaî 5080 /519-853-5352. M M y Ai Ci M iig Ira ap 87 GI fai La Pa Fii Fe Nc fer 12 up ait $7 Au Ca D Pi Ffats For Rant GLEN Wiliîams. t-bed- room main ftoor spart- ment No smoking/pets, 5800/month pins utîlttes. First/fast, Cati 905-873-1113. UMEHOUSE. Bei coantry senting betsseen Georgetown aod Acton. Bright 2-bedroom base- ment apartiment. $900/ niont, everything îndnuded, No pets, Cali 519-853-9743 ROCKWOOD 1 -bei- rooni basement apart- ment nr newer hnme, separate entrance. No smoking/pets Ait inclu- sive $575/month Avaîlabie February it Cai 519-856-9854 LUXURY Cendo bidg in W For RsIs GEORGETOWN 9621 Trafalgar Rond, large 2-bedroom farmhnuse, r e n o cnat e d. $1,150+/mth, No smokîng/dlogs pre- tnrrei First/Last, Feb- tuatri/March lot 416- 274-7547 MILTON 3-bedroom country bnngalow on t acre lot 'Open con- cept 51 .500/mIS plus auriies 416-500-7901. OLO part of Miton. 2- bedroom fîrst floor of hoase Aoaîlahie îm- medîntey Reterences' prefer no pers One cfiid weicome. $1 080/mth c utîlîtîns. 905-878-2737 ACTON 2-3 bei rooni semi large yard 4-appliances înciudei ACTON. Lise on Fairy Lake. 3-bedroom, 2- bathroom. Charmîng 2-storey Centnry home, newty renooated, dou- ble garage, quiet dead end Street, 5-appî- ances. $1 ,400/month pins atîlîtres. Match lot. Non-smoker 905-873- 6760. - To~nhoses MILTON 3-bdrm town- honse. ctose to GO on Chîids Dr. behînd the Milton Mai. Asaîlabie Feb nr Mnrch, $1200/mth Cai 905- 878-6272 & teane a message. MILTON 3-bedroom tossohonse pins gar- age, Avaîlabie îm- Townhoaunos MEFor Ront GEORGETOWN newer townhouse. 3-bedroom apper levels. Waik to GO, shopping and schoois. $1,100/month pins utitîties. Avaîtabie îmmedîatey, Cai 647- 224-0066. OAKVILLE~ 2,3&4 bed- room townhoases avait nb/e immediatey through Match ltt 4 appiances, Hopedate Mal area. Lakeshore Management 905-876-3336 For CAMP BE LIVILLE room for renit in large home on 10 acres wîth Pool Near 401 $500/ mth incinies sateiitenti- itien, ianndry & parking, Cai 905-854-5777. dOWntown Milton Large S900/month plus. Cali $1,300/mth + Sae corner unit with lots Of 519-837-1218 days or utititiesý Cati 905- M Accommodation windows 2bdrms. 2baths, 519 855 3223 876-4499, cat in kitchen Laundry ROOM for rent in Milton und storage rmi ini unit ACTON 4-bedroom includes livcing space, Gymr ioor pool sauna house 2-storey utîlities. phone (eocept partyroom Indoor park- si 200/morth plus 2/3 elong distance), satellite. ing, ail appliances utilîties Caîl 519-853 prkn $800/mth 51650/mo 906-68f 0865 9801 1 Cal Ron 416-559-1907 I oig Eet et rfling Evîg v n ~ E ents " Cmn EivEents Sen Swe Spe --- - - - - - Love Lines Order Formg 1 MessageI LI - I 20 ___ S FO I _____ IT d Your etheart A rial Valentine Send a Love Line message in the classified section on Tuesday, Feb l3th, 2007 Deadline: Thursday, Feb 8th at 4:00 pm Fi out the form and send to The Milton Canadian Champion, 875 Main Street East or e-mail your message with contact info to: classifie»@ Phone: 905-878-2341 Fax: 905-876-2364 We'II enter your name for a Chance to Win a Dozen Roses f rom: 1

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