Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Dec 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 26, 2006 OPINION1 HoId your head up high and be proud Its understandabie that we feel disappoinscd that Tht- Chaimpion's Salvaion Army Christmas Bureau Fund cisd- u't quste met-t its $25,000 goal by tht- original deadiine Thîsrsday afsernoon, However, tht- thousands we did raise - thanks to pri- vate citizens, community' grotsps and busint-sses - su sut-h a relativeiy short period of time is stili a great feat and ont- we're proud of. And who knows, maybe the- extension of the- bud by a day may have ended up briuging us to our goal. This was written Thursday - tht- deadliue for our Boxing Day edition and tht- original deadline for tht- Christmas Bureau Fund. Tht- fund, which was extended a day, wrapped up Friday. Nonetheiess, tht- final sallyt wili bc a significaus asUot antI do weii to help tht- Salvation Auuy continue its hum-anitarian work for local fasilies over tht- hcniicay-s and shroughosss tht- yetar, So lets holci osr hcads up highi anti bc prosaciof what wc accomplishced. Thank you so t-versont- who cionatccl and sec tht-finual tally su shss Frsdas s C hampion. Readers Wri«te Send youi letters te miltoned@haltonsearch com or drop tbem off at 875 Mainn St E. Womnan's help in car wash accident much appreciated DEAR EDITOR: 01n Decccmcib 1, i was sus oivcd tu an acc cient as a local car wash. 1 vvas \wsth mny sbrt-t-young chidrt-n and citcidcd to get our truck wash-d, sic tucc-ss'as a beautilul day LtIle did i kuow what borror w-as abead of me. About two-thirds of tht- way througbi, my vchsic was suddenly jerkt-d su tht- lt-t and taken oh track. i grabbt-d the- stt-trtng whct-i and trit-d to gt us back on srack when nmy Iront tre- dropped i nto a lboit- sutht- floous -ibtc xxwt-tt- stuck su tht- car svashi. My-rt-ason lor* wrsiug is becaust- i w ans su say a bunget-sauk-y-ou to tht- lady in tht- 'hcsc i-hnd suc. Sht-was muore- than w-llng su, do whatevt-r sbt- cnuld sulbcil) sus cbldrt-n and 1i ottfO tht- situatiosn. 'Sisew\vent abnnxc and bcyond w sas i cxpeci f t nis,tt and i want bt-r to kunow ht-)w nstscb i apprt-ci- at-d bt-r assistance. This wondcrfui womnassgave-nsucibt-r name and phorsc numnboe as a wstirsss su tht- tvetsbust sn iltht- chants t gos misplact-d. Al i know is that she iivcs su Milton and bt-r fbst nasie- s (,wcu. So (,wcn, if you happcu n rt-ad thts, tbauk yocs. tbank s nus.thatik Non 'sons w'trt- tht-rt-for snt- witb ant extra St-t oi hipsug bauds whcn 1i ucded is most, Fit-ast- contact unie through tht- papt-r -o i nsay- thank yotu nptrsosl AINSIIE SERNE MILTON Volunteer appreciation event was great DEAR EDITOR: Car (arc, Marks Work Wart-housc, Thauls yosu oAh oithose voiuusccrs fHome Hardware, i iarrop flouse wbo attt-udtd tht- Red C ross Voitsntt-cr Restautrant asnd Gallt-vy,'iThe Olceit-ldt- t \ppre-ciatson -vn tn Nos t-mblc-r 28 as i iouc- Rulliisslett Storet-C ravlo is, I n tnnn ni ltn: x ,tnnsa tsc, tm cormplimnts on a job wcil dont- and tht- awards handcd out t su any of our wondcrfîsl voluinsers. Tht- food, t-att-rt-cibytht- E.C, Drury- Cooking Schooi, was excellent and mut-h apprcciatcd, as werc tht- gifss donated by local bussuesses, Thank you su Terra Cotta Cookies, Ned Devines, A Country Mie, Scott's K',njnnp,icns i del nI ain t ,nîd iServsce-s fotisr donations. To our volunteers, thank you for another yetar's dedication, and wc loio- forward to ceiehrasing w'vith you al again in the- sttsmcr, JUDITH DOBBS, JACQUI STOKES AND ALLISON GOERTZEN NORTH HALTON BRANCH, CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY Thanks to Sobeys for generous donation DEAR EDITOR: In Noveniber the boas-d of directors of United Wav of Miton becarne aware that tht-lut-ai food bank was su need of [unding iin order to provide fresh produce te, the 160 [amulies in need of assistance to put food on their tables duning this hoiiday season. This fresh produt-e was needed in addition to the- non-perishahie items coilected through tht- annuai Firefighters Food Drive, lu response, a $2,500 allocation of ftsnds was quickiy approved hy United Way Bruce Gottzm-ann, senior diret-tor of operations, Sobeys Rctaii Support Centre, and Scott Allen, Sobcy-s Express Milton store manager, were approached su an-ange for tht- purchase of the prodtsce needed. Sobeys then very generousiy agreed to a rt-quest, su match tht- $2,500 aiiocated hy United Way with an additsonai $2,500 worth of produce - and tht- shopping began! This donation, over and ahove tht- close to $1 2,000 aiready piedged to United Wayt from the empioyees of Sohcys during the 2006 campaigu, resulsed in United Way heing able to provide ovsrr 3,256 pounds of carrots, unions, appies, potatoes, acoru squash and ciementines, as weii as over 500 packages of instant oatmeai, cookies, crackers and canned appie juice to tht- local food bank opt-ratt-d by tht- Sais-ation Arniy- of Milton for tht- usenme u-,c 5cod bains, Unsted Way of Milton staff and volunteers wish to thank Sobeys Express and Soheys Retail Support Centre staff, for their assistance in tht- organizasion of this dona- tion and for their continued support of tht- work of United Way in this community Tht-y truiy live up to tht- Sobeys mandate and are 'Ready su Serve'. ANNE EADIE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR UNITED WAY 0F MILTON QIijr 'anabîan Qlaîpîon Mlu, wiiriyNe pjp r Sttne 1860 875 Main St.E, Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editonal Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertivmng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy Mt-Nab Managing Editor Karen Mît-el Production Manager TitiColos Circulation Manager Office Manager FeirtCasa.s IThe Canadian Champion, pabtished every Tuesday and Friday at 875 Main St E., Miton, Ont, LtI 3Z3, is a division of Metrotand Media Groap West - Groap Publisher tan Oliver Aesnt q - a pt-d n th ne uc toninthat inth m anA f tpgaphna tnr.ttat prin fthtte adve tsAi ýpace oc(up4n-Aht, nnne li tent tnogethetnttth ateianaie al .uînnic,nrigtature, I not be harged iý,t the fudtanc ,fte aderitsfen t i Se pin fi it thpttt iahI& ,- t-t e putt shert î'nntuen tnt gîht tý CCAB Audited ,wppesAsocatin ~Q Na SspapesAsocati Jngle Oel fundr UNIED WAY r OF MILTON TV AUCTION MITON SANTA CLAUS PARADE ý .,ad 1h tû, t n S owcase»M W,, GALA « ___________________ j

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