Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Dec 2006, p. 10

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A10 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday December 26, 2006 Datelin e Date/mne i a fi-ee listig of coming events cilv The c o/umiîs uvailale to local t omnuu- il itV gicips ttc ass i ii proiioting hc[nu c'seits. 0111.v c/Iita/ilc of iiciiiplcit f 1?11c cîîiîiîuî tY gioups inav ulse 01, is eVic . >.VeCinil -iiv gu4aiantconîe issue cl j>î(icXCIocst (th /e aie possib/e il ideoin il s v.t Noî ces jccî Pateline shoul d bc /îuided in ut thle toffi cifofThc Chamnpioîn, 875 Niain Si. F. Jaxed to (90,5) 878-494.3 op e mciled tc il-> îc)iieti@hlîontseaîe/îl. it iin ITh' .fina/ tleadliiîe s noCiiiiFi ctavfoi Tuest/ay's eeitiin aiid iîiCii Wednesdav for Fiiday 's edit ii>. Date/ic iienis aient accepted bv telep/îoiîe Wednesday Dec. 27 Aduit volleyball takes place at tbe Milton Leisure Centre fromn 2 tî 3 p.m. The cost is $350 for the bCîur. Centre offe rs training for career in construction Pro gram bas 2 parts i Young peop/e between the ages Cof I8 and 30 arc beîng gîven an opporiunity lu train for> a construction career witb a sM Bur/ingion ctîmpany iboghte iReg Centre for Ski//s Develcîpment and Traning. Best of aIl, a joîb îs guaranîeed ai ihe J end of the program for successfu/ grad- uates with tbe company, Scott Stcel BOVi Erecîors. CANI The Metal Building Sysieîns Frectors & DO Certîfîcate Program is a two-pari pro- PLUS gram ibat consists of' eight weeks in- CI class, hands-on training and 10 weeks tif monittîred and paid work placement. [if Young people like îo work Cout-U dtîors and are interesîed in traveling across Canada îo work, aIl expenses paîd, thîs may be tbe progiam loi- ihern." saîd Nancy' Moore, senior pro- grains manager ai IThe (,cuire.I Prograin held in Burlington TRAII PADS i-lie pi cgri is filed ai Ih lic ire>, Bui/ingion training /icîl itix and î,ikcs 51>.icents otiti>cmjtb stes v îhîn the lîrsi ew weeks Cil he prograru. Sindenis learil bossmetal building ssierus arc huîlî, drawing, blueprini rcading, welding, cladding and roofing. Th ey a/su gain certification in fa/I arresi training, standard fîrsi aid, WHM/S and Cl workp/ace ctommunication ski//s. SUPE/ Scott Steel Freciors lut hbas projecis CLUMI .C a à, CCiss \as &, H c. b.i aiîiac.and Jamaica. "We're /ooking for people who want to build a long-tcrm career," said Dan Scott, president of Scott Steel Erectors. f For more information on the pro- gram, visit or or ca/I Kat at (905) 333-3499, ext. 121, to register for a fvree information session. Milton District Htospital htilds a tne-tîn- Cne brcastfceding dm/e cwîîh a cerîî/ied lac- taioCn consultant lrciîvi1:30 io 3 p iii For moire informatiCon orti C akt' a apîptoint- mnti, caI l i /ic/k, ai (905) 878-2383, exiî 710. Thursday Dcc. 28 MiltConl District Hospitalfro/c/s a oîîe-on one brcastfeccding clm/e wiib a certiiîd /ac- tatiotn consultantIrcîni 7 Ioî() p . i cor ilmcre informnatiicn or io niake air appoitinenI cal 311/ Hicks ai (905) 878-238 3, cxi. 7()/0. Fr/day Dec. 29 Express the Arts takes p/ace at the Miltoîn Café on Ontario Street (opposite Sptîkes 'n Slopes) romn 7 to 9:30 pin. leaîurîng an tîpen mike nigbt witb potery guitar antI an art ga/lery. Sunday Dec. 31 llieTown cil Milton htî/ds ils New Years Eve be/I ringing tradition ai Vctcîria Pîark in frontîî ci/ Tcwn I/aIl ai I1I:45 wlt/i i>esnlnsai 1/ ug/î I csier 1Iallairad l'eycîswt ccime Cuntiry /citcage Parkici/c/s i> New Year's 1Jvc Gala loin7 p.îiinI ,1î.nî svii/i a lîve band, ,îlenti îcciocn, pai y las turs, a /l/ci diinc'r, laieiniglît snack and mrie. ickets cîsi $65 each tor SI125 foîr a ctoupl/e I tcr mocre informnatin, ca/I (905) 878-8/5/ or visi i www. c tînniryhecri tagepark.comn Monday ]an. 1 l'lie Mayor and Council New Years Day Levee takes place froîn I130 ici 3:30 p.m. ai Milton [Town Ha/I ftor a mcci antI greci wîtb Mayor G ord Kranîz, inhers cif iown ccîun- cil andt he Miltton Historica/ Soîciety Tuesday Jan. 2 Calling New Parents, a free drcîp-in prto- grain for parents and babies agcd 6 inotn/s and yciungei-mccix s ii/ia puiblic bca/îb nurse ti cisccîss parcriting ,anc/inlaîli carc. Ilte grcicp niîccis a i e iîcss t.irîi Ia Ycaî s Cecntre t' î410 13> tue Si lrccî1 30 tic 3 30 p . ['For mocre inf/orman,iicîcaIl (Q05.) 825-6000, cxi. 7299. Registration Imgins tor a work-s/îtp ftor expectant parents ca/led Thai New Baby0t which tif/crs ini/riiaitilou o llotîss ill)/î yciur tlder chlîd wîb i/le iransitioîn lai hing a big brother tir sîsier. iTbe workshcîp is /ree and takes p/ace Januai-y 27 ai tbe Ontario Far/y Years Centre/Milion (ommuuity Resource Centre, 4/0 Brouie Si. S., frtîîn 10 îo /1:30 am. tFtr niore information, cal/ (905) 876-/244, exi. 22. VI' 304 S CANISTER i ' ~ FI ITER SW MSRP$23.99 CAREFRESH 9988 ORIGINAL SMALL q~PE BEDDING)q> nn RÉIV

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