Arrests made in break-in spree The Canadian Champion, Tuesdav. December 5, 2006 - A3 Milton detectives have arrest- cd three men in connection witb a two-month crime spree învolving a dozen break-mns in the area. The rash of break-ins started ai the end of September and a task force was estabhished to investigate the incidents. Among tbem was the theft of a 2001 Ford F150 pick-up truck and a 1996 F250 pick-up from Dufferin Aggregates' Milton property These two vehicles were later found abandoned in a rural area; both were severely damaged, police said. Two pick-ups were also stolen from Dufferin Aggregates' property in Acton. They were later recovered undamaged. At a local siorage unit on Nipissing Road, more than 70 units were broken into. Stolen was a 1988 Toyota 4Runner, along with other property val- ued at more than $5,000. Thieves also stole three golf carts valued at more than $21,000 from Indian Wells Golf Course in Burlington. The sus- pects took the carts for a joy ride before leaving, causing exten- sive damage to the golf course and uts greens, police said. Break-mns also took place at Sherman Sand and Gravel, Trafalgar Golf and Country Club, Glen Cairu Golf Course, Hilton Falls Conservation Area, Oakville Executive Golf Course and Spot Free Car Wasb. Two men, aged 24 and 21, both of Ontario Street South, were each charged with il counts of break and enter, theft over $5,000 and misehief to pri- vate property The former was also charged with 26 counts of breach of probation. A 17-year-old maie from Milton was charged with break and enter. The investigation is continu- ing, and more arresis are antici- pated, police said. Anyone with information is asked to caîl Det. Const. Mark Underwood at (90-5) 825-4777, ext. 2428. \Armed man robs lingerie store Police are asking for the pub- lic's help in locating an armed suspect after a lingerie store was robbed at gunpotnt. Police received a caîl from an employee of La Senza, located at the Milton Crossroads shopping centre, at about 3 p.m. Thursday reporting a robbery A man with a black hand gun had entered the store and demanded money fromn the tîlI, police said. An employee opened the reg- isier and the robber grabbed an undisclosed amount of cash, whîch he placed in a wh ite gro- cery bag. He then ordered the employ- ee to let him oui the back door, and he fled in an unknown direction. No one was injured. Witnesses saw a red pick-up truck near the store leave at the same lime as the gunman. Police aren't sure whether it belongs to the robber or a poiential witness, and are asking thai the dnivcr make contact with ihein by calling the num- ber below. The suspect ix dcscnhced as white, in bis latc iwentics, fîve- foot-nine to six feet. with a medium build. At the time of the incident, he was wearing a blue bomber- style Tommy Filfiger jacket wiîh a six-inch red strîpe through the chest area and the word 'Tommy' down one sleeve and'Hilfiger' down the other. He also wore a pair of beige pants or laded jeans and black boots. Anyone with information ix asked to caîl the Milion police station at (905) 825-4777, or (905) 634-1831, ext. 2415, or Crime Stoppers ai I 800-222- TIPS. Calabrese À Italian Bakery & Delicatesse Bread Pound Cakes Ail Haveurs FresbCut 1 quohsc Balsam,; mnSAVE501 I pl 5.0r *8. Product of USA Pm 79e wmpa 5-80. Aubiatmic re- 6Akm*iwîîWhoMs, 6-Speahor ry Refmaahe Panais osFiai WFiant PasangerSou a mare. mi cý 9% e- @i duct of USA rsulw r* m 1- M l lelb b l OR OR OR $S.og$ 89 1$4 8.0/108 SI5411 o ! 101100 SPECIALS INJ EFFECT PROM TUESOAY, DECEMDFR 5, ECLR TREH ronte t TO MFON0A>Y ECEMBER 11TH, 2006. WHILE DUANTIIE is 'RoULATOuR E HOU30 a S SPm M .-Tur. 8:3n. Go 327 Bone Street S. éWhite Oak's PaaFrdy8:0a-8prîoU~ 905I~-875-030 3 ~fYoapn 11L4 v J ~s: cpii a