Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Nov 2006, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 24, 2006 - A9 Man arrested after vehicle bashes police car, flees A Peru Road mani was arrested last week alier a police olficer's car was bashed and a police pursuit ensued. The incident started just al-ter 3 a.m. ai Siots ai Mohawk Novenmber 15, police saîd. A mati got into an argumient wîîh a security guard ai the casino about parking, and police werc called. The man got into bis vebîcle and drove away relusing to pull over for police, wbo pursued bim. He finally sîopped and began îalking wîtb police, but tben got back into bis car and drove into tbe sîde oftan officer's car parked in front of bina. Hie drove off andl police followed bin borne. A 50-year old Peru Road man was cbarged wîîb danger- ous driving, failing to stop ai tbe scene of an accident and fligbi froin police. Senior cbarged with assauli An 85-year-olcl mani bas been cbargcd wiîb tbreaîening bis 87-year-old wife witb a weapon. Noveinber 16 at about 7:30 p.m., police said a doinesîti dispute broke oui. Durîng the dispute, a mani poinied a firearrn - laîci dîscoveîed to be a pellet gun - ai lits wîle and îbreaîened ber. He iben lefi tbe bouse and called police. Nobod:x was burt. A Milton mani bas becen cbarged witb assauli wiib a wcapoîî, possessing weapons dangerous io tbe public and uttening ibreats. PolicleBloter Street racing damages car lwo teenagers werc cbarged afîci a car reporied siolen \vas darnaged durîng a sîreet ractng incident. Police saîd a Pontiac Sunîtir was reporied mnissing by a Milton resideni Novenîber Il.' Several bours laier, tbe car was tound crasbed and aban- doned on Tbird Line. Danmage io tbe vebicle is estiraied ai $8,000. An I 8-year old marn bas been cbarged wiîb dangerous driving, îniscbîct cîncder $5,000, breacb of an underîakîng and conspiracy to comit iniscbiel. Vebîcle stolen A $20,000 Acura RSX was siolen lromn a drisreway Noverrber 16 beîween iniiclnigbi and 7 ar. Police saîcl tbe 2002 silver vebîcle was siolen lw unknown suspects lroin a bor-ne on Arcber Way Insîde the car werc gîfi certilicaies valuecl ai $600, 30 CDs ancd scinglasses. Boat siolen A boat was reccnily discovered siolen lrom a Fîrsi [ine location wbec it was siorecl. Unknown suspects siolc tbe blue boat ancd is N'ercciry 60 bp inotor soineitinie bciween Sepiember 2005 and Novemiber 6. MILTON 1$ GROII'ING AGAIN... and we are Iooking tor carriers te deliver the Canadian Champion Cet somne exorcise and enjoy the weather. ', -a Deliveries Tuesday'sý and Friday's, door te door. M~ IUIO 7 i I Tbe csiiin'iied v alue ol ibe boat and inotor is $11,I400. Girl cbarged wiîb fraud A i 5-year-olcl girl bas been cbarged wîîb fraud in connec- liou wîîb an incident i Ociober in wbicb a nutuber ol forged cbeques were deposiîed ai îwo locations of Scotia Bank. Police said live lorged cbeques were deposited into tbe accouncs of tbree people ai tbe Scotia Bank brancbes on Main Street and Launier Avenue. Once îbey were deposiîcd, tbe amount of tbe cbeques was taken oui. Tbe girl, of Milton, faces cbarges of fîve counis eacb of lraud, uiiering a forged document, possession of properiy obtaîned by crime and forgery. llomebuyers: How to Save Thousands of Dollars When You Buy HALTON - If you're like most homebuyers, you have two primary considerations in mind when you start looking for a home. First, you want to find the home that perfectly meets your needs and desires, and secondly, you 'want to purchase this home for the lowest possible price. When vou analyze those successful home buvers who have been ale to purchase the home they want for thousands of dollars below a seller's asking price, some common denominators emerge. While the negotiating skills of vour agent are important, there are three additional key factors that must come inro play long before you ever submit an offer. This topic has been the subject of extensive analysis by industry experts, and a summary of their find- ings, and a specific step-bystep purchase plan for homebuyers, cn befu in a new report called "Homebuyers: How to Save Thousands of dollars Whien You Buy'. This free report outlines the psychology of how a seller sets their asking price,' and gives you 3 simple steps to follow, before you even set foot in a sellers home, which could help you to successfully slash thousands of Dollars off the prîce of the home you want. To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report, calI 1-877- 617-1275 and enter ID #3014. You can cail any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or visit us online at firrr, l rr,Î .B r d, r 1,rl rr r r , r : \rîr[:rIrlrcl fowkilr I)rrrl)cr[lc ýirrrrrrrl lrr:cd jr1rr R T(1-905-875 .2995 Braces for Children & Adtilts Smiles TR I flexible paynmint plans -ail inîclusive fees t at a -knowlcdgeahle, lriendty anrd persrrnaliied healîh care 0 officeuîeen Monday io Friday - cati to book youir consultation L ife im e- Doloron uty ondy &Friday and first Saturday ot eaeh month -N eerinecessary

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