Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Nov 2006, p. 30

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30 - The Canadian Champion, Friday November 24, 2006 Gjlei jjj Hel H Ieea Skîlle &Weea el epl Skilled & HSel ille & ~l~p .ummttrae TehoîalHelp Technîcal Help Technîcal Help ADUITIONAL INCOME /<TM~ OPPORTUNITY <ý 0 T N SSmurfit-MBI, a Icading tianntacitrer of corrLugaîrd %Furtinoxs lUppe Middle Ltd. equie ex halowocng packaging producîs in Canadla requirt.s a higbly skilled Tye of Workr i)oor-tb door newspaper dteiery. F/T Baker & F/T Grocery Nîght Crew indîvîdual tan jin our BURLINGTON Maintenance For Milton- Tuesdays and Fridays. P/T Deli, Bakery & Produce positions Departimenî as.. Folr Oakv.itce Wednesdays, i ridays and Saturdays. Must hava day analahiity I D S R A L C R C f Yen* Need- Reliabie vetuicie (the larger the betterf. Fax resumres to 905-332-6366 iiU T IA E E T II 1 Atileast 6avaiiabie hours, between6AM-6PM, on Ontythoe elecledfrunervriewscil be cnuce. A ttcensed prrniessîionai wîxh ix reasa 3 years' expei.rence as a delivery days. 1rr> - rr., 1 r,,,, t 1 -i ,J .J f Strong sense of commitment and responsibility. P/e offer- As many routes as you can handir. Ail required delivery materials. Training and on-going communications and support. To xpocontac oba(9)637-795. WANT WORK? CALL vpi! il find work11 v C'utomized Ontrun-n OtErnployttunt planning e eeito Exper.ttodLrniployments Seve Proto,,trrtut-, ý Det coine needfor SktllSpeteicTraning1 ,Ongoing t olicu, up tand Support Burlington Oakvxlle Milton (905) 637-8988 (905) 338-2190 (905) 693-0034 0 Burlington, Oak, tret& Mitotrn pryent Assessment (entre SHIPPER/RECEIVER Groeneveid/CPL ix iooking ton a ahippen/raceiver for our buxy carahouxe iocated in Campbeiviiie. The succestul candidate wili possess the foiiowing skilîs: -2 yearx xhippîng tapertexce *Knxctectge of Internatioau ahippîxg -Tht ubiiity ta cork in a fast puced exvîrxnmenl -Detuit xniented *Excellent computer akitîx *Abitity ta wxrk ix a phvuicalty demarding environ- ment Forward resumne 10: Jonathan Clarke FaI (905)-875-21 25 e-mail R--equirex tht fltiuing position: Vulvu xl Oukaitte is irng 3rd or 41h veur uppren- lices. MusI have a vaiid driveru licence and cieux drivers abxtruct. Shud be equipped cilh xwn lxxix, and muat be able ta cummuxicute wet cith atheru. Deulership tupenience a uan axuet but xxt neceary. IO Requirex io fouwîng puaitaon: Part Time Receptionist Dulies ixciode axxcerirg a mat tint tetephxxe, greetingi directîng contacts and axme cierîcal care. vie are laxkîxg for xxmexxe chu ix datai- xriented, ha excellent urganizationat and tîme- management akîllu, and solid cuxîoar seroice ukîtta. Candidate must ha able to cure uoder the direction of utheru and cîth ltinte supervisior. Candidate must ha prulrcient in MS Word & tace. 1 --as fa you . e m to 905825880 ADVANTAGE PERSONELTm General Labours Needed! Oakville Area *$9-10/HR * Dayshift Appty at: Advantage Personnel 28 Dundas Sti E. 905-896-1130 Burtington/Oakville area * General Labourers $1O-$11/hr * Certified Forklift $13-$15/hr Pro vrous experience is a must. Please drop by ur fau us an 905.637.0946 w/ttnsuma & 2 sepervisur references 10/E cornet ut Brant and Fairree ~r ranstad 95.37.3575 ir r n stirsoi ccc. Ntxear co eds lpdavSutaurdn Sunduv 7am - pml Transportatiun Miltvn/Campba ivila Light General LaboQr Inspection & Packaging required for Plastics Operation Fax Resumne: 905-854-0813 Oakville Ia F/T Receptionist & F/T Jr. Sales Associate Poaitions avaîluble Immediately Juin tht Faltea grxcîxg dealer grup. Contact hr@dixieautogroup .com cati 1-866-258-3858 Search FREE 10 Oay Elec'tronic Job Search Prtgram tor Unemployed Indiaiduals Cati the YIMCA in Bunlinglon W 905-681-1140 APPLY NOW Avg $20/hr Enum, type curk Pîacecurk Camp. Incentiees & Bonus Structure *NO EXP. NEEDED* Prxvîded training far uccepted Applicantu. Tu hoouka xcheduied interviec Cati 905-525-5948 7,7, #et _' HEALTHY'S DOBL Driv Nutrition Stores requites fuit & part- Thru lime mxtivated 25 DudsE Supplemnent Advisors 6am-2m M-F Fax resume Io Date. Beeisaal 905-913-1008 Cali 905-689-3131 Email Fax: 905-689-930 Opporlunities 0ppoflundien DRI MART - The Milton Mail location ix currenitly hiring: PART-TIME CASHIERS Varioux Shits Available Studenîx Welcome - Pleaxe Apply in Perxon tc, the Pharmacy Counler for an application or Fax: 905-878-7277 Attention: lina, Caxhier Manager Tht taxleul grxwixg aulamaker xn the wxnld! Due Io huge groh we are teokixg fxr peuple chx wanl lx gx lx the neel lexel. Appiy ix criting by fax lx: 905-877-3401 Required immediatey for Gexrgetxcn'x uargeaI DRP ollision Repair Shxp. Minimum 5-yeuro Base Clear experience neceaxary. Heuith plan, unifarmu, 2 baxîha. Buateat xhap in taol Appiy lx: Brece Lampkix Uptown Collision 905-873-1607 or Fax 905-873-7408 Wellestblihedlocl Ato epar Shxp requitesj Içx mpetve wageswth benet pacae Pieuse fax ar entait reoumne lx: BRATIN AUTO Fax: 905-873-6172 Emal Securi Munufaua g Salutiaxs n lxcxted in Oak- ville ai Thîrd Lire and tht South Service Rxad. We're iaxkîng for a dvnumîc axd exergeîc Individu- al to tain xur team. Senior Assembly Technician - Retrotit A otrong background in trock engîne repaîr and a mechaxîcal aptitude is requîrvd for thîs position Reoponaîbie for aralvoîx, rapaîr and rvlrxfitting xl mechanîcal cxnporrentsofx trucks axd ahredders, yxu cii take tht lvad rot on troUtiro salv and effi- ciant operatxon cîth tht shortuot possible dxown- tîma. Thix position ciii alo auxiot in xvw trock as- xvmbty and teatîng, REQUIREMENTS *Min 3 vears experience ix repaîr xl Freîghtlînrr Sterling/Ixtaroatinna hexxy duty truck exginax *Outxtuxding prxbtem axlvixg akitîx retatvd to machanîca ovotemv and engîrex ExFcettent verbal communication okîlto To apply, intrrstvd candidates are Invîtvd to EXEINE FLA I *g ES -E-UIR Matra Raaling lu a commercial and indaxstrial ruaI- îng cuxîraclur baaed in Langley, OC uppran. 45 minutes frum Vancuver. Wie requira ruxtera et- periencad ix tht falloiacg: Tut & gravai. 2 piy SBS lurch, (single piy- TPO/PVCI. Wutk yeur-ruund. We uffer Apprenticeship pragrum, cumpetitive cagex and henelits Imedicat and dental aller 3moxthsl Heip cith relacation availahie ta tht rîght pruleaxianal. Pleaxe cati 1-877-777-4856. envirnnmext, yoeî will work on Allen Bradley PLC contrerlied Ieqtiipment and AC/D( drives and be resprnnsible for ttroicbleshooting anad repaîrîng moechanîcat equupnena. To saîccerd in xhis rote, yrnu mnust have strong problem solving skilis, a tram apprcrach, and sound techoical knowledge. In addition an coîrpexîxive remuneraîton, a comprehensive bertelits and pensiorn plan is olfered. If you bavc thi- atrbutes rnuîhîned above and wish to be part oh a growah- onienîrd [ariltty, please visîx otan web-site ut: i cehem click Carter Zone j i We thrnk ai apphicarîs [anr their unreresî, hcnwever, rnnly thrse selecedr an nerîew wll ne ntai , iM OfeHelp IM ofc l l OffieIl Sales/Customer Service Support Representative CONTRACI POSITION-14 Months As tht successful candidate, you ii bt part of the Fxodservice Sales team, responsible for supporting sales of Maple Lodge Farms products lu major Foodservice accounts. You will use your strong customer skills in respondîng tx inquirtes from customers, agents axd sales representatives. You wIll review cxntracts, manage orders, axd ensure Ihat Sales Representatives are aware of aIl ongxixg issues in a timely fashion. Qualifications: Excellent ixterpersoxal and customer service skills. Strong administra- tive, analytical/techxical ability and excellent communications skills. Excellent organiza- tional skills combined cith strong multi-task- ing ability. Advanced skills in Microsot Oftice, Excel, Word, Power Point and Outlook an asset. Please send resumie to: A Gextechxica Construction Company ixcuted ix Actan ha an immediate tait- lime xppxrtuxîty fr ax * Receptiue, Fiiing, Matil distribution . Puyral prepuratixa (Jonau) . Cuntract document cuntrul, * Updatîng reporta and apreadaheeta (Excel) . FlightalHeuaingNehicie renta arrangements Tht aucceaulul candidate muat have atrxng comput- er and communication ekîttu, ha catI xrgunizad and heaubialext car in a mult-tauking anvîririment. Ev- partance cîlh Jonas accounlîvg uoftcare an auuet. Wugax cummanaurata cith teperianca. Hura ua Item: 0:00 am - 5:00 pm Pieute tax raxumea lx: Andrea 519-853-5847 or Emait: Tvipen axp re ad proealongand office axpenianca oaquired. Excellan finterexona pla fad aome computero Tlpoeexperienca prqu ed. in ofic exeiec reurd xeln OffceH e p BURLINGION COMPANY utaka an xrgarrîzed, efficient irdîvîdua lut cxmpularized order entry prxcexuing. MuaI have atruxg computer and com- munication ukîlx, Muat axce in a dy- xamic laut-paced an- vîrurmeanud ha a utrxng team player. Send reaume atxrg cith uutary tapectu- lîxxx la: fLEGDAR MOTORCARI * Claux c Car I Reltrr is a 10king for a:i RECEPTONT Semae computer ak ixl are required. Fax Reaumne to: 905-878-4813 Milton Dental Office is iooking for axperienced: -RECEPTIONIST Fuii-lime/Part-Time; Experiexca Req'd & -ASSISTANT Fuii-lime/Part-Time; Experience Req'd Please fax resume with refeérences: 905-337-1481 ATLAS Air Climnateçare Accounting Assistant Are you enlhusiastic, caring li dependable? Waaid you enjoy an opportuniy in a famly company that truly appreciates their staff? Are yoa a real professional? vie are aeekîng a peroon whx cit axxîxt tht cxn- traiter xf tht campanv. Yau cii have reapxnxibiity for accxuxita payable, accxuxtx receivabe, baxk- îxg & genera ledger accourt analvses ax required. Tht xuccexxfu candidate cii have 1-2 vearx tape- rience in a medium xîze service campaoy, Yxu wit hrixg an abitîty ta achieve goals, auxixt in praceax- es and a perxanaiy that ix compatible c-ilh xur cuatomer service focua. Alas Air ix an ISQ 9001-2000 cerified provider of high qualtiy rexîdentia heating and air canditixxing services. We affer a campetitive compensation package. Na agexciex pleate. Please fax or emnai t reaumne 10: 905-829-9519 or CANADIAN TIRE -- 3200 Fairview St. Burlington Bookkeeper Required We require a Parft-ime peraon Io handle a variety of bxxkkeeping/ accxuxtng duliex in a huav of- fice, Tht Quattfied apptîcunt muat have atrxng analtylcal akixl and demanatrate a atrang attention ta detai and aeif-mxtieated. Experiexce wîth AOC- PAO, MSWxrd and Excel ix a muaI. Experiexce wîth Canadiax Tire Cxrp. cxutd he a defîxite axat Caxadiax Tire affersan xcellent henefîl package chich inctudea profit aharing. Please send or ornai compiete resarne with references to: Hulda Line at Canadian Tire 3200 Fairview St. Barlinglon hildaline200l@yahoo.comn We thank ait appicats for appy, however oniy those quatifted ii be cotld PetOare Insurance is a teading provider of accident and illness insurance for dogs and cals in North America, recruiting for: Claims Adjusters & Underwriters Competitive salary, tull benetits package + Our office is located in central Oakville If you arv a Vvlaninary Tachnîctan or For Clean and Honeat lJealerohip Vaiid, OMVIC ticenat required. Motivation a maxt, Eurn up lu $6,O0tmxeth. Fax resume to: 905-877-4762 Or cai Bill ait: 905-877-2550

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