Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Nov 2006, p. 16

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A16 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 24, 2006 ,Hit-and-run death case in court Tuesday Region committee passes A man charge t he, I y rîreil S tative Ifrr iis ., i n u sci t Milton cut Ilit and t uit deatîh of-.ta s outig I ,tsî'crt tpî,ca i ùa Otatrio iin rdcrto cotilirnii iou cIat f.u \Milon wsonuian wn Il1et unito ( oui i o(Actin iMiliot i aurttcn ( oopet 18, a mlotion flto see Uuni ng 1 court latet tIý oiti- inhweels dut itg s h i s o returît dent ai Milinl)Distr ici Ilgl 'Stýplit'iî 5k tiil, 4 of Ililtoti I ti'.lis c sc , iiirocs of dc'tilt, i lIo i c'tltl ,ttand cdtg possucssioti. lout-it claisc tu sut( Matdi 301 or i1i t rctraI in Mtltii î1îîc1 lune 21 ancd 22 loi aî ptcliiint maiî \ lluit titg ili tIi litgioti Aîcîtîrîls csewill coiuicp~ St htol, \Vas i o1lerhblacliîg Illie itiglit ofl JIts13 oit Second 1I ne nt5 tit iiorth ofNo. 1I w-ceoîlslieii 'lic %vas sirLcîcl lis a \,elîîc le andcl isllecI. Have you ever: " wanted to improve the relationship vwth your child or teenaqer? " struggled wîth handling your chld's behaviour? " questioned if you were doing the right thing as a parent? Halton Region offers Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) free of charge to parents. Support is available by telephone, face-to-face meetings, seminars, and small group series. The program s delivered by accredited Triple P practitioners. Triple P helps parents: " manage their child's behaviour in a constructive and caring way " develop good communication and strong relationships with their children " learn positive parenting skills for a broad range of parenting situations Children who grow up with positive parenting are more likely to feel good about themselves and develop to their fui! potential. Parents who have benefited from Triple P have told us: "*"I needed to take a step back and consider my parenting and the changing needs of my children. With our busy ives it's important to consider our familly goals and this evening has allowed me a chance to do this. Thank you!1" " «Triple P has changed our home life - everyone is so much happier. *"«I am very impressed by the quality and professionalism of the instructor and the programn. lm glad 1 paricipated in Triple P and 'm happy this resource is available in Halton. Thanks for the help! » For more information about Triple P, please contact Halton Region. '1$p'ev Citizen's Reference Library Haton Regional Council is responsible for the well-being of our community and makes decisions affecting residents on issues including land use, transportation, public health, and social services. Council reviews reports from staff that provide expert advice and -? recommendations on these range of issues. One way to help ensure community access to this information is through the Halton Citizen's Reference Library which contains reports, background material, and minutes from Council and Standing Committees. Many of the resources in the Library are also available online at ,4~xThe Library is located at the Halton Regional Centre in Bronte Road in Oakville, and is from WORRIED on page Ai sL(cicîclutil ttig. Kîlsîtl iigcl [lue Region tIolias elc Rcgioîtal chliai,îîl iut ss ilt Ilalîîîî MlSt Iii iquusi iietIr scuppotttii etscir îîîg flcttdlng anniîcîcetts airc'mtacde b> F:ehbmar>. I. n acddititon, licetskecl for the Regiortal chair t write iii the tîinîsier of humnan resources and social develop- ment ici appîaud the gos'ernmeni's conîmîltmenutu funding humelessness programs, but alsu urge her tu annnunce conîînued funding for the cretSCPI prugramns by February I and ensure there are nu delays in fund- ing after March 3 1. The commitec put Kaiscîfs requesis in the fmmi of a mtiocn and support- cd it. Katsof- alsti outlined tlhe successes cif the SCP-unded programs. Locally thcîse prcîgranîs are: 1-inks2Care, whîch lirciides a iransitional hcîcsing pro- grainîl'or hcîîneless larnîlies; tlhe Halîtn Multîculînral Cotîcicl wlitclîlias issu ajiai tiients ii urlingttuî ftrtirnii gratiaîd relugee familles wlîu are humenless or ai i sk of bccîînîng botine- less, Supcort and Housitig-Halton, which ciffers transitîonal housîtîg with supports for people wîîh sertous men- al illic'ss anditc asistionîs tfor ctli lidgt ng itle (a w 5hicli [las ail out- reac i pi tgraiti for lthîîituless yth itad 16i IoI24. [le saîd suih lie $324,900 allocated for locual t ransîtuttial housitig servitces n 2005/2006: * 24 acluits andc 30 chîlcîren spet 3,530 days in transînuonal housîng - Six youtbs speni 498 days in tan- sîtional housiîîg . I155 y'cuths were supported in finding emergency and transitional housing - 24 adults and 155 youtbs were suppuîrted in accessing other services required un stabilize their lives - 114 adulîs and 198 yuuths were provided wîîh information and refer- raIs. Ouîgcîîng Burîîngton Councîllor Jocan I ougheed wenî on ici vuice ber support lcor SCPI and the programs. -l îhînk the success speaks for itsclf, she noîed. 1-he coiîîîiuittees resolution wiIl nîîw goî helore regîtînal ctuncil \'ednc-sday, Melunit, Hentîîessey cuti be reuulied ai înheinessex'@mltjiîcatitdiaîichampiuîî. c îîm. fDe-,i,r (loth ina. Café & M ýtquq UIo/ n d1JL7 rLi O 1n e IRof c i MO V SI you're flot alone! Fred par~ntuvî r ~' Ita- 1 h

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