Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Nov 2006, p. 13

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Te Canadian Champion, Frîday, November 24, 2006 - A13 ,Town moving Mary St. home Tuesday LIESA KORTMANN / SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION TYING ONE ON FOR SAFE1Y From left, Halton Regional Police off icer Nick McConnell, MADD Hatton/Peel chapter presi- dent Larry Zîmmerman, Burlinglon OPP inspector Robin McElary- Downer, MADD co-op student Megan Norman and OPP consta- hie Darryl Harle lie a ribbon onto the antenna of a police cruiser recently 10, off iciai launeh MADD HalIons 2006 Red Ribbon cam- paign. By attaching a red ribbon 10 their vehicle, area residents can send a message 10 fellow motorîsîs 10 drive safe and sober over the holiday season. Weather peinitting, home will bc moved from Maty St. to Bell St. startig at 9 a.m. A\nother Mary Street hume ih heing muscil lu make way for the ifown 1 laul expanîsion projet. Fh' Town wtll bc relocaiing the dsvelling [romn 155 Mary St. to 181 Bell Si. Tucsday starting ai approximiately 9 ai. The plaîîned route for the move will take the home wcst aiong Mary Street, norib on Brown Street, wesî on Main Street, soutb on Brunie Street andl cast on Barton Street to Bell Street. Road closures wîli take place from 9 to i1 ani. on Main Street between Brown and Bronte streets andl [rom 9 a.mi. to noon on Bronte Street between Main and Barton streets. In addition, ibere may bc sbort-termn tralfic deiays along orber parts ot the route on Tuesday morning. In the case of inclement weather, tbe miove wili be rescbeduleil [or Wedniesday Pnior tu the musve, sorie trec branch- es aiong the route na>' need lu bc trimmiiei to prti il scîllîcient clearance for the bouse tu tiavel along the ruail' ways. The Tovn-owned dwellîng wili be sold îhrough a public tender prutess alter the muse. The tender will be posteil on the Town's \Vcb site ai andl or-I MOft ef'~ L'earn harmony singing and perform with an award winning 70 woman chorus. Join us for our FREE CHRISTMAS SING PROGRAM taillino ofl Thesday, November 28th at Meiucaeestip noi i equireci. just a clestre t0 sing in harrnony with sonie new friends for the holiday season. -à w4w ntto Anow mre? '~M~- - U~ w - - oe Cati Hilary at 905-876-4093 The Masonic Hall, Hwy. 25, Milton ssill aisu bt ail Il t l'i o al ai ossspa- M e tender docuiments, xxiible as ail- able to bu' tioin the puichasing dcpart- ment ai lOws't H allI Vitoruita Park, andl through tht' <twns \Vch stie. Atitiiîial ilournaiîon oni the sale ut tht' building eau be ubtaincti hs' tait ing (905) 878-7252. exi 2103. I -uî ber tictails oîn tht ms\ t' ut tie houme aie aisis asailattie bs tatling ihe ituremnentioneil number, ext. 2187. IReading 1Writing 1Math 1Spelling lGrammar French 1Study SkiIls -ý -Mk FINALLY,A REPORT CARDYOUR CHILD CAN SMULE ABOUT. Oxford Learning is the only atter-school learning program of ats kind for ,grades one to, twelve. First, we pinpoint how vouir child learnis uising our Dynaii Diagnostic ASSessmnen tTM. Then, we create ant inidi%-Idtalized programn that goes beyond tutoring to teach v'our chiid to learni and study more effecti civ - to reach his or lier foul poeitial. Better grades, m otivation and confidence follow. 1- ice18 Give your child a lifetimie o>f learning success. ; m (',otac OxordLeanin toay.LEARNING Contct xfor Lernin toay.Skitls for Success, Lessons for Life. 917 Nipissing Rd 1 905.693-9978 1 100 Nipissing Road, Unit #6, Milton, Ontario 905-878-7771 WEE PLAY 198a parent and child participation programi set in a mini-gym atmosphere. Our specialized developmental equipment and educational programmlng offer opportunities for your child to develop motor coordination, fiexibllity and agility. Because the building of a child's self Image, cognitive deveiopment and social awareness are so important, we invite you to corne and shore wlth us. New Programs Offered NowI Register îyour child in one of our programs Receive and receive 20% off the cost. Start now * or pre-register for January. In 20%/ 011* addition WEEPLAY will donate $5.00 of pus BONUS each registration to the Chum Cityj FREE W EK Christmas Wish. As an added bonus, of OPENP[Ay. your registration will entitie you and ijour cflild to enjoij a complimentarij week of Open Play from January 2-5fî.* Register now for our ~iann Fripmn rnp classes begin January 8th! For information on our programs or to register on-lime please visit us at www.weeplayca or cal (905) 878-71 Rernember, you con start at aay trne for our prograrns.

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