Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 2006, p. 5

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Affordable housing issue hits home Mar k Taylor ssorks ni Halton and wishes lie sould lise lbere 1550. But threc ago. alter growing up tri Milton and living here for 25 years, Taylor had to cave the commiuniiy hc Ioved for cheaper bouse prîces eisc- where. . Recently, 1 got marnced and had to move oui of Halton and into another communîty because it was more afford- able," Taylor, 28, explained. He now lives lu Hamilton, but con- tinues to work in Oakville. That, he said, presents its own set of challenges, since he bas to commute about an hour to work every day I bave to contend witb bigh gas prices and less ime with my family" be said, adding be bas îwo children, aged two and four montbs. Taylor's not alone. Across Halton, there are individuals and families wbo feel forced to move elsewbere due to a lack of affordable bousing - wbicb is bousing that costs 30 per cent or less of a bousebold's gross annual income. Tomorrow is National Housing Day a day to locus on the ongoing efforts to provide bousing solutions for people wbo need shelter and affordable bous- îng. Despîte ils affluence, Halîsru isu't 'rimmune îo tbe challenges of affordable housing. Accordîng to a press release issued by the Region of Halîîrn, theres a sîg- nîficant disparitv beîweun the housing needs of the coinnuuity and the avail- ability of aflordable housing. ht satd at least 1.200 people bei oine homelcess cery ycar in flalion, and ihat more than 1,500 houscholds are waii- ing for governineut assisted houstng n tbc region. fi nl10nu na tels, thai ssait eau bcu rp Io nine y'ears long. Since 1()95, onfly b3 reniai housing unîts bave Halton. Halton Region's Annual Housing Report identifies a à shortage of 300 10 Mark Taylor 600 unîts of affordable housing and 400 10 800 units of assisted housing in Haltun lu 2004. As a resuit, low-income residents such as students, young families or fixed income seniors are often lorced to leave Halton. "As a goveruiment, Halton is charged with creating a communiîy thats inclu- sive, socially sustaînable and economi- cally competîtive," said outgoing Regional Chairmanjoyce Savoline. "Fundamental to these ideals is ensuring there are enough options among different types of housing to meet a range of housing needs. Creating more affordable housîng is the key to building communities." Halton Region developed a Comprehensive Housing Strategy thai addresses hiousing from uow until 2015. It incorporates a cosntnuum of' housîng types for ail ineomes and al stages of life - iroin emcrgencv shel- iers and governient assîsîed housing io private secior alforclable housiug. A major couiponeni vif ihe stramegs' s îo raîse public awareness abouî aflorclable housing issues, as well as acîsocate io otiher orclers ol goveruiineni îo pantner silhb[liton Region us address housiug ueeds. As part of i bis, a display wîll be set upf i lown 1 ll until Saturday to mark National Iluîusing Day' and put a human lace on 1 latons housing needs. iThe display wîll include a photor col- lage inierpretaiion of Hialions housing situatio)n, as welI as lurther informa- tion. As for Taylor, he said be'd bave a bet- ter "work-life balance" if he were able to lîve and work in tbe same communi- ty I think ifs important to bave aford- able bousing in every region 10 provîde pe-opte wîîh an opportunity lu do just that - work and live in one communi- ty ' Taylor's urging resîdenîs 10 stand up for familles like bis, who fimd il neces- sary 10 move oui of Halton. 'Advocate for affordable housing now," he said. If you're interested in acting as an ambassador for Halions housing issue, contact Jeu Lenard-Benson ai 1-866- 442-5866, exi. 4432, for more informa- tion. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 21, 2006- A5 We are proud to introduce.... Megitan Bradshaw Reglatered Manage Theraplat ler fTpeint Terey * Myofasual fess " LymphatDainag * Swadiah Massage " Relaxattui Mafuseg * Dap lhsue Manage " Pm""" syManage *abrout Massage SAME DAY APPOMEpf/ ACCEP7NG NEW PA77EW ManufacturSale BRN AMEg a ROIC :o 5,2 /Dc* ,3 ec9 1 Dc, 1 SAT AMI*4PM1 SN*1 IM I4P CIIEN-ECTOOE r-i M ANAOI Ail the excitemnent of a themne park. None of the height restrictions. 0 L 4 Wîlh 22 entertainment-filled locations, exctement can be found wherever yoo are in Ontario. Our gaming facililies offer a large variely of siol machines, table games* live entertainment*', casual Visit OLG Siots at Mohawk Racetrack 9430 Guelph Line, (ampbellvîlle, ON (905) 854-4053 Mon - Wed 9 arn - 3 am, Thurs - Sun 24 honrs For more inormation and O[G SIols & Casinos locations caîl 1-800-387-0098 or visil I<now your limit, pilay within if! The Ontario Probieri Gambiig eipsline t 8 20355tGa lor more infooration, vir the Winner'o (iCe, Passez au Cercle des gagnantsý Mst liet9 ears oage or rider VairS overnment issed photo iD requîteS, *At 086 Casinos only t*ive entertaiiment s flot avaitabie as ait lotions.

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