A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 14, 2006 OPINION Aburning issue A recent poIl of lalton residents about the prospect of a high-tech. energy-fromi ssaste (EFW) mneihod of dis- posing of the regions garbage offcred few real sur- prises. When polled about Fl-W technology respondenis to (lhe Toronto Siar/Decima sur- vey were told about one tecbnology stili in the testing stage that exposes waste des- tined for a landfill to ver>' high heat in order tu break it clown. The proeess reported- ly ereates no air emissions and produces a non-toxie. glass-lxke byproduet that ean be used to build roads. Presented wîth what sounds like a miracle teeh- nology is it an>' wonder 89 per cent of those asked sup- ported the coneept as a potentially wn-in solution to the lîmited lifespan of Fialton's landfitl? But previous incarnations ut EFW technologv involv- ing incineration bave heeni met xith rntxed reviews. Wtth the envirorineni already' feeling the stress of' global \varining, vanishing greenspaces .and ail ihe cor- rent forins of pollution thai contribute to greetîhouse gases, inusi lypeople have greai ditficuity picîuring anyihing being burned with- out some form ot toxic byproduct. That means selI îng the concept of trading in our landfills for F'tVs is going to require a lot of cdu- catîng of' Halions masses between now and 200(). The last thîng an>' of us wanî is a signifîcant finanexal investmenî in a technology that eould pose risks to the air we breathe or cant deliv- er on its promised efficiency Readers Write Send your letters to mutonaii@haltorusearchcoem or drop fthem off at 875 Mailn St. E. Carelessly discarded beer boUfles aren't appreciated DEAR EDITOR: eontinued the few blocks te, Midas 1 hope that you, the vandals and, ide- where 1 learned that the tire was ruined. ally, your parents, will read ibis and 1 had planned b bhave A four tires understand what mean-spirited and replaeed as soon as the fîrst snowfall cruel acis you delight in carrying out. threaîened, but I have now had to order On November 3, my daughter came new tires somewhaî carlier than home from Toronto for a visit. For the planned. The cosi? - $955.27. past four years she has worked as a reg- When I returned home, I then saw isîered nurse in oneology at the Hospital thai several shards of glass held together for Siek Children in Toronto. She spent by a beer boule label had been strategi- mueh of ber tîme bakîng chocolate ehip cally plaeed on the drivcway, right where cookies and banana bread tu take tu I would be guaranteed tou mn over themn work, helping my wtfe with our weekly with my rear wheel. grocery shopping and a few other con- The followîng day I had an appoint- structive activities. ment to vîsit ("redit Valley IHospital tu In suminary we look upon bei as a undergo my Il th cheinotherapy' ireai- contributor to socity and a wînner. Shie ment. Would it have pleased you if I had didn't notice the beer boule abandîmned oui used mny car intil today and had on our sîreet until shie heard the suund become stranded, iînîssing the ireai- of glass being crushed under une of ber ment? tires. [he tire chdnt go flat, and l'in hop- A tew wecks carlier, the rear windows îng its nîri carrytng arouncl a shard ihai of four cars iii mu nighibuurhood were inigbt stîl du sori-e damnage. I hope the smnashied during the silent hiours. toulcl tact thai she hasn'ti mîssed a I 2-hour thai bave heen syou or > our friends wxho shift tencing îo eidren Aith cancer ai were respunsible? I pray, (fuite sitrcerely ire hospital o cr1Rccouiit of'Nunr lrre- th, t sosaipatotits fls iave nllo-d boci uon On Noverriber 6, 1 backed oui of rny> drivevvay and was headed downtown when I realized ihat I had a flat tire. Unfortunatel>, having undergone major colon and lîver surgery over the past few months and having been fitted with a - hopefully - temporary medical appli- ance, l'm in nu condition to get down on m>' haunches to change a wheel. Su against m>' better judgement, I numib-slkulled vandaltinu. [bat jusi migbî prevent a serious accident on a higbway, resultîng in deaîh. l'in cunious about whaî you might plan to do with the resi of your life in the way of a constructive contribution tu society Or do you long for a criminal record and incarceration? RON BEZANT HARRISON ROAD Roundabouts would ease traffic congestion DEAR EDITOR: I read with interest the letter from Id.a Civiero enti- tled 'Getting out of town tough these days', which appeared in the October 20 Champion. May I suggest a solution to the growing traffic problem? Rather titan construct four-way stops or lights - whtch I believe only serve 10 add to the con- gestion - perhaps it's ime to incorporate round- abouts that will unclog the town's arteries. It costs $180,000 to construct a set of ltghts and $250,000 10 create a roundabout. However, when you factor in the cost of electnicity, the roundabout quick- ly becomes the more economical solution. Studies have been dune by other areas, namely Ancaster, and the developers there were asked to foot the bill as a condition of development. I regularly travel un Wilson Street Wesîtin Ancaster and greatly appreciate the untnterrupted flow of roundahouts. Other benefits of roundabouts include: Reducing pollution (as the must wasteful things cars do is coime tu a full stop and then start up again), replacing ugly overhead lights with beautiful inner gardens (which are more in kecping with the traditions of Milton and uts surrounding countryside), cndîng or delaying the need tu widen roads (necessitaîed bye stupped and congesîed traflie), increasing safttv bu ending the 'f . i ' o ut gas, eliîninatîng gridlock, ending road rage causcd by being stupped repeatedîy by red lights and endtng the temptation tu speed up as drivers appruach an intersection in order tu catch the green light. OfficiaI plans may have been drawn up that dont include roundahouts as an option. As these have only been cast in paper, its not tou late to seek amend- ments through your regional representative. PATRICIA BROWN STEELES AVENUE z4r cQanabian QJampion A tný(onruiyNe se c 860 875 Mamn St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax. 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Wwvw.miiltoncanadianchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wenidy McNab Managing Editor Karen Miceli Production Manager Tim Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teri Casas Thre Canadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Fniday at 875 Main St E., Miton, Ont, L9T 3Z3, in a division of Metioland Media Group West - Group Publisher Ian Oliver Adverrîoing o aocepted on the conditooo that, in thre event of a typograpoccal error thar portion of the advet- tisin space ocoopied loy the erroneous item, togethet mirlo a reasonable allowanoe for signature, wiII rot be charged for, bot thre balance of the advertîsernent wil 8e paid for ant the appircale rate.Tfhe pobliohet reservet the riglir to categorize advertisemet or declîre CCAB Audited Recognized for excellenoc bye Ontario (ommunîty 1 10cS Newopapers Asoociatioo C NA 1espaerAocto Soburban Newspapero Srçi of America Trire 1' ousto aiCloarapîoîr as o iptrord OOOAoil 0 'ponoor foot -- /6k t od Halhcr UNITED WAY OF MILTON TV AUCTION MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE 1, ATHEN UOa4V Ilo Swease Mto A cwards vfý - - ----