The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 14, 2006 - ýA5 Firefighters honoured for saving man from burninçj home Ellis and Brassard two of onlyfourfirefighters to be awarded the medal this yecuç and are the s ' first Miltonfirefighters ever to receive the award GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION BRAVE MEN: Milton firefighters Steve Fulis (Ieft) and Andrew Brassard (second from right) show their awards for bravery after being honoured Thursday at Queen's Park. Lookng on are Ontario Lieutenant Governor James K. Bartieman (second from eft) and Mlton Fire Chief Larry Brassard. c Cim, topes o gati I N,-Trailer Iloaded with snowmobiles stolenI Halton Regionat Police are investîgaîing tbe ibefi of a snowmobile traiter. Sometime between November t and 4, suspects enîered onto tbe properîy of Wbitman Manufacturing. 855 Sîetles Ave., and siole a traiter toaded withb iîce snowr-no- bites. Sioten \v as a 2001 black covered traiter vatued ai $10000. Atso siolen were a 1995 btack Skidoo, a 1999 btue Potaris and a 1998 black Potaris. Tbe totat toss for boib ibe trailer and its contents is $25,000. Il vOU lhase an v iijot iti io îîalis as an aicsi iun îhis oi (111v ofir/ii iui, vou 0v hb' eiigibie for a cash reward. You wiit never have t0 give voul name or tesiify in couut. Crme Sioppers o Hatton docs- n'i subscî ibe ru, cati chspia.v. (ail 1-800-222-TIPS (i- 800-222-8477) oî lchech oui Cpillic sîoppcI' 'We ci ua By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Two Milton fircfigbters wbo selfless- ly ntsbed into a hurning building to rescue a young man were recognizcd Thursday witb Ontarios mosi presti- gious award for valour. Steve Ellis and Andrew Brassard of the Milton Fire Deparîmeni were pre- sented the Ontario Medal for Fire[igbîer Bravery by Lieutenant Governor of Ontario James Bartleman and Minister of Community Satety and Correctional Facitities Monte Kwinter during a ceremony at the Ontario Legistature. Fulis and Brassard were two of only four firefigbters to be awarded the medal ibis year, and were the fîrsi Milton firefîgbters ever to be recog- nized in ibis manner. In Hation, only one other firefigbîer bas ever receîved ibe medat. Tbe two fîrefigbîers wittingty risked ibeir tives in a Wbite Dnive bouse ire in Juty, wben îbey rescued an uncon- scious 2 1-year-otd Mattbew Grant from certain deatb. Brassard saîd be.s proud of tbe award, but doesn't view bîmself as a bero. 1ifs wbat we're paîd îo do. Tbere are tens of tbousands of iirefigbîers across Ontario wbo'd do tbe samne tbing in ibat situation," be said. Steve Ettîs saîd bell1 wear tbe medat on behaif of everyone ai Miltion Pire Department. "fi takes a lt of îeamwork and co- ordination to make someîbing tike ibis bappen and îo îurn ouitbe way it did," be said. Mitton Mayor Gord Kraniz said be spoke on bebaif of tbe entire town: "We in Mitton are very proud to cati tbemn our own." Pire Cbief Lanry Brassard said tbe wbote ire department sboutd be proud of ibe award. -Everyibing we do in tbe [ire service is donc as a îeamn, and so wbite its very fitting tbaî we recognîze tbe heroic acts of Maits rescue by Steve and Andrew, in a very reat way, everyone wbo wears tbe uniform of tbe Mitton Pire Deparîmeni can be proud of ibis recognition." Stephanie Thiessen cati be reached ai sihiess(cn@ý r' Watch for the "BAG" and fil i wiih non-perishabie food items, durrig the Salvation Army Food Drive. Bags wiII be inserted in Q:t C anabian Cbamion on Friday, Nov. 24. Piýnç, wil ho nirkprt îin hi, thp ïï li dii f C igli8f on Saturday, Dec. 3, 2005. 547 Ma1i St.1']E. IL!O 87mII Thn I I fr IIIu 33% Off Our Roquiar Price