Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Nov 2006, p. 25

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday November 14, 2006 - 25 Bi3hs j Bih Z i ro f Thanks Cdo Thanks a o Sl Crer Cares K1 aes1 Cres Place vour Baby's irth Announcement A spcil huivk yiu ii d$ & in tle Milton Canadian Champion, ofRyllp.hoT U SeWre-oe i ix Public Saturdays ond ou wll rcoiv o vuche forYuiir prifessonaliim and conxstanit or by appointmeni. T A H R F T E D A On reOan fywsuipport durng chis crcstul ixir of buying Fantastic suningsl andot rcitng homes mxv greatiy uppreciaiuîc 905- The Provincial Schools Authority, [rnest C. G ury School for the Deat, eclos hd ~ Mccfword m oinaov ndpre ngrud, 693-9230. secondary programn requires tmGo teachers who are in good standing wîth the ($25 f nane) cmMy ta l r goîugabovean byon A dning room, cherry- Ontario College ot Teachers for the totlowing postons. Contracts rated under the K 1hemvpxn cudul eeiiProvinciai Schools Authority.Location: Milton. hte,ch airo, buttern-Teacher (1.0 replacement position) - ta teach introduction ta autobody Legal Notices Legmal Notices st uruction. New sîiuîlun(IAL351), Grade 10 transportation technology (TTJ2O1) and Grade il 4,wWeige.o 0-2-71 41-549 - boxes. Cour $11000. transportation technology m orkplace preparation (TTJ4E). Intermediate/senior Caî 95-78231 a lae ao anoacmet -NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS I~ rt~9$6095 qualifications requîred, File EDU-171. ComingEvents ComingEvents VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT (o-Ed Aduit) Saturday December 2nd Bishop Reding school $30/individual & $180/team Winter registration open .,r volleyball, indoor soccer, floor hockey & dodge bail Leagues. CAMPBELL, Ken ( eicrîrhd ouvuoricr il .î dar ttiichand & I)ad who passd loir Noueniber 14, 2001 A ridinsscilns r s. irturr r li ý i ri n ikir i l do , 1iîîiîîhriiîi id3lins icaîr.îyîî Forvel1m cd &iiivscr iîrgou iciî Gloriau, (are Ann & Fred n Memoram donations to The Wilom Poundation are truiy appreciated DAYCARE avaîlable lu my hume durîna the holiduy season t/tc 22/06 te, Jan 7/06, roa iam ru 6pm. Hau 8mlh oie son aI homo. Qualifications: Pîrut Aid, CPR. 905-693-1615. reterences on regueut. For Sale STAINLESS Steel Stone, saran top, Staînies Steel sîde-x-sîde Fridge. Lîke nec1 Cali 905-693- 9371 for detaîls. HOT Tah 2006, 6 seat- or, SHP Motor, every vygrado, catertaii, ozone, nec tili n crappîng. CosI $9, 500. Sacrifice $4.200. Cali 519-722-4077. Aries BEFor Sale POOL Tables: used/ tivor audois al uîzes Canadian buât 905-878- 7014 Mlton. MATTRESS Faclory Clearance Centre. Non liîp Piioctop Queen $299. & more great deais. Oeliîery. 1-905-312-8263/416- 595-0001. KENMORE Curte 24.6 cxhîc Frîdge cîth bot- tom reezer; GE self- cieunîna gas Stuve. ttoth leus than 3-veai., oid. ii useii ueparateiy. 905-864-0021 after 6pm. LEATHERI 3 piece Itlian set. Sota, loveseat and chair. Nec, in pastic. Cour $6900. Seii $2500. 905 304 4873ý N THE MATER 0F THE ESTATE 0F ELVIN WILLIAM COWAN RETIRED BUSINESSMAN Ail cims agaînua ahe Eutaae ot Elin Wiliam Cowan, laIe ni he Town ut Mitron, ix the Province of Ontario who dîed on or about the 2515, day ut Sepiember, 2006 mut Se tled wîlh the undersîgned personai represeutalîve on or hetore the 1t SI, day ot December, 2006 atter chîch the estate cîl hodîstrîbuted haning renard oniy to the ciaims ut whch the ander- sîgned Ihen sait hane notice. OATEO: ai Mlton, Ontario thîo 26th, day ot Ocloher, 2006 Ronald Flannagan and Robert Edwin Lee Estate Trustees With a WiIt by: RONALD FLANNAGAN, O.C. Suite 105, 13 Charles Street Miton, Ontario L9T 2G5 Estate Solicitor -NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND-OTHERS N THE MATER 0F THE ESTATE 0F GEORGE ARNOLD STOCKS RETIRED MACHINIST Ait cdaims agaînul tre Estate ut George Arnold Stocks. late outh1e Tuwr ot Milton, n the Province ut Ontario chu dîed on or about the 3rd, day ut September, 200h must ho tled wîlh tue undersigned peruonai represenlalîoe on or betore tho t5th, day ot Gecember. 2006 aller chich date the esiale cull ho dîstrîbuted ttanîng regard only t10tho daims ut which the ander- sîgned Ihen shahl haoe notice. DATEO ai Mlon, Ontario thîs 261h. day ot Ocloher 2006. Louise Ann Poantre Estate Trustee With a Wil byt RONALD FLANNAGAN, O.C. Suite 105, 13 Chartes Street Milton, Ontario L9T 2G5 Estate Solicitor Teacher (1.0 replacement position) - ta teach Grade 9 healthy active living education (PPL1 0), Grade il healtfly active living eduCation (PPL30I and developmental eduCation physîcal education (D[P PE). Intermediate/senior qualitications requîred. File EDU-172. Qualifications: valid certîticate of registration tram the Ontario Callege of Teachers,' specialist at the deat, or ability ta obtaîn (minimum Deat Part 11); apprapriate qualifications tut program/suhject-specitic positians; excellent tterpersonal ynd comnoicationî OkilIs, including Amerîcaît Sign Language; abîlity ta maork in ao tulttdiscitIinary teamn and snth special-needs and/or multi- hatîdîcapped stUdents, Applicants must have the above-noted qualifications ta he considered. Note: The successtul applîcants mviii be required ta provîde an original, satîsfactory criminal reterence check, încludîng vulnerable sector srreenîng (ldated mîithîn the last sie months) ais deemed suitable by the employer, prior ta the comtmncement at emnployment. Resume and covering letter, including proof of qualification and any additional information, must be received by Nov. 24, 2006. Quoting the appropriate file number(s), send to: Cheryl Zinszer, Superintendent - Deaf Programs, Provincial Schools Branch, Provincial Schools Authority, 255 Ontario St. S., Milton, ON L9T 5M2. Fax: 905-878-6089. Only those applicants selected for an interview wîll bu confacted. Late applications wîO be declîned. A Kng Piioctop Mat- trous Set. Nec in pas- tic. Cosa $1600. ueii tor $450. 905-567-9459. BED, Amazîng burgaîn, queen orthopedîc pîl- iuctop set, nec in pas- tic, canranty $250 905- 567-4042 ciii delîver BEDROOM Cherry- coud, ffed, chest. dresser, 2 nightstands. OovelaiConstruction. Nover opened CusI 58,000 Sacritice $t,900 905-567-4042 CARPET i have senerai 1,000 yards ut nec Staîn Master & 100% nylon car- pet. i do living room & hall for $389. Includes car- pet, pad & installation 30 yards) Steve, 905-633- 8192 FREE Estîmures Gou cobhiy chairs, tred look- îng coud inishes? Fields Cutoameed Retînîuhîng and Furnture Repaîrs 9- 9. 905-632-9090 HOT Tub (Spa) Covers hast prive, Besl qualiîlp Au shapes & clours, Cuit 1- 866-585-0056 ccc HOT Tuh/ Spa- Brand nec c/aloptions, încivdîng cuver 2006 model Stîlli n crapper CusI $109001 Sacritice $5,500 Cail 905- 971-1777 POOL Table Protessionai Syries, Soiid Woooý t Siate, Ail Ancsssries Nec, Stfi 9oxed, Cost $6,2i0 0 SeSt$1950. 905- 304-9994 SAUNA, 2/3 person. n- home, c/cd. piaer and lights. Nover usod. Cust $5500, Soul $2750. 905- 304-7775 TERRIFIC Faii Sale! 50-80% off many iu stock decorutur tabrîcu. uaiîty custom uphoisterîng sotas tromt $788, chairs rom $249, /R seuts rom $19.95. Fîieds Furnture & Fabrîcu 905-632-9090 Arties Waed LUGXK BEST a$$Pai-At Anius olcils China, Crystai, Siver, Figurnes, Royal Douton, Scaruvuki, Giaso, Purtery, Etc, Curare Spocîiîstv, Top Cas.Cal John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 wà Big city environ ment Smailltown appeal 166 NIAA AILTii 051EMNH1S illiigs tglvi lthe aln iOrd sericeis ofsevn liospîtal sites that spur luinetoîs coîriînîtîes cîtîltîe1eaoavitul Niagara Region, aîîd lu ii close proiiîrn le svaiinus acudeminstituîtions. We are isiivnly recruîling lorth t6 oPowîng yostiofs IIIRECTOR OF CARE Pluîîîîrgorgunîzîng and maîîugîrg the Nursng Service ot the Etonded Care dnit und lnterîm Long Terni Garc heds, 100 cîlI set goals and objectives, proînote rosîdonr satisfaction aird cnntînuos uality inîprovement, us ceil as comevoîcato cîth tamîlies and develoy human resourco plans. Wth pout-RN uducalion in Ooronaology or releuant experience in Long Toto Care clir Dîroctor ot Cure experiorce, you have a eorkîng knowedge of the Nursing Homo Oct and Provincial Logîsiation peraînîng Il Long Terni Caîn Cxrîent regstration cits the C050 s aiso teguîred. REGISTERED NURSES and RPNs Eoergercy - Medîcul - Hoînodialysîs - cuCU/P . Surgîcai -Operutiog Rooini - Compiex Coninuang Cre.- Materniai Chid - Puliiative/Ocooy.-Long toto Gare.- Mental Heath Niagara Heuath Systein, Hoînn Resources Deputment, 65 P6îrd Street, Weland, ON [36 4W6. Phoie: 9051 378-4647 ext. 44205. rue:1905) 684-7653 irtectoîtitiagutuhearhoit cu 11 S s Ylit Si1l 1 , t 1 .s MEi; II \N 11. IAGARACCu WIW W NiHiSN U RSî1N GCO0M DOUGLAS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL .GREAIER NIAGARA GENEAL tlîAGAJtA-ON-p5E-LAjy HOSPITAL PORTrCOL8ORNE GENERAL.sSn.CAHARINES EERAj.WELLAD HOSPTAL ONARIOREETSntEsr * ~ -~ -~ r ['FRS 0 THE FUN FACTOR th TRAVEL * MARKETPLACE * SERVICE DIRECTOItY and more! AOVERTISING OEADLINE: Nnmînhber 172006 0 DISTRIBUTION: December 2006 nutntîonhouse -For a4wb" ffietumabùor ctcty l cal Metxbdcammlasty Nevxsapnr or oel 416-493-1300 ex 335 ore rait: xdnerfig@nerrxnd.cvm.- For a compimentaiy copy - euh 0 arf or Sale 1995 Houda Accord EXý Lady-driven. auto- malic, pc pd, A/C. re- mole starter Muust e 905-ais-2642 aller hpm. 1960 Meicury Mooarch Great running i.ondîi lion, feut Offer, Please sali 905-690- 9742 for more delaîls 2001 Nissan Sontru XE. 4dr sedan, 4cyl. gasoline t.a, standard, sîlver, cor- tiîted and emîsuion lesled, 130000km, very gond condition, auking $7,600. cal 905-aie-0925 1 Atie Carsj 1952 Do49e Pick-up, reulored. Askîng $11,000. Cal905-877- 5254. 185 Oniaiio Si O MilriON .9T /M44 905 8une4141 vi . lî n

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