The Canadian Champion, Frday November 10, 2006 - A9 Choose a local/regional councillor for Wards 2 and 4 Colin Best Biograpby: Besi serveil as a local councillor froni 1980 t0 1994 and regional councillor rom 1994 10 1997. Hes worked in tbe real estate appraîsal field in tbe Milton and Halton area for 20 years. Platform: -Work local ly to support staged community growstb a Work ioward baving an arts and entertainrnent centre buiît ii own by tbe end of tbe next counicil term. Contact:, and Colin Best *Ensure tbe îown bas adequaîe politing and programns for youtb - Keep residents better informiet about wbats going on at Town Hall and tbe Halton Regional Centre a Represent Milton issues ai ibe Region to enscîre the town gets services and roads on timie. Contact: (905) 878-3623, electcolinblest@biotînail.coinýi w.ww.electcolinbestca. Ron Furik Bfograpby: Furik bas been a niemrber of councîl since tbe 1991 electioni and currently serves as a local/regional ctîuncillor. Hles also a real estate sales representative f'or Re/Max Blue Springs in Milton. Platform: Work lu see tbat as tbe town grows, its cbaracter, unique idenîity and wcl- coming atmospbere arc presers ec Make sure tax increases aItbe local are beld at or below tbe rate of inflation Figbt other levels of government plants in itiappropriate areas K and regiorial lesel 10 oppose P()WCs1 Rick Malboeuf Biography: Maîboeuf served as a locallregional counicillor between 1997 andI 2003. For the lasî I15 years bes owned and operated a Milton-based business specîalizing in the sales and service of aui(iinoiive etfuipmeni atross Canada. Plat[orm: Oppose any new development until the road systern and infrastructure are capable of accommodating the additional growth " \'ork for tax cuis " A\ct 10 furtber improve eniergency services and transit sysiein - [-nsure ihat couIR il business is open and transparent. Contact: (905) 878-12Q9, (Q05) 878-0111, rick46arick foriion. coin and \ss ww.rnckforrnî Nicki Ward Biography: \Vard was hon niLondon, Englanci and lias livsed in Milton for about six y tirs.Sfic os rinthe finantial BLACK BELT SCaooLS INTERNATIONAL SOPENING SOON (Open for Registration Now> Free Uniform on Joining & First 2 Classes are Free!1 348 BRONTE RoAD) SOUTH, MILTON UNITS il & 12 s 905-864-1997 gaturdarj December 2nd & Déeceber 9th COMEDY, DINNER THEATRE GRAND BUFFET DINNER YOUR COUNTRY FAVOURITES* + AUTHENTIC CHINESE FOOD o~î Weddig yie 9230 Guelph LUne, Cjanphellville ~ (905) 854-2277 Rick Malboeuf UI{ 110 ONTIC -An investment In Yourself Or Your Family! Braces for Children & Aduits Smiles that last a lifetime Please cail our office to arrange for an initial consultation Slit') patiet'0s )VelC0fllt * flexible paynîeîît planîs e personalized care 0 110 referral îlecessary - ail iîîclusivefees 131 Com erc a et ut 0,Mlo Ontario . s 3Z9- T el. 90 .87.95 w 1 setrvices [ield and is tbe founider of Diversitas, a specialty [jîjancial services comnpany in Toronto. Platform: - Slow down growtb and let services, infrastructure, transportation and roads catcb upA - Upgrade services, starting wîîb ernergency services& - Enforce immediate, regular and Nicki Ward active review of- aIl roadworks to ensure publie safety e Conîîect transit to places residents want 10 go. Contact: Which of These Costly Homeseller Mistakes Will You Make When You Seli Your Home HALTON - A new report hias just been released which reveals 7 costly mistakes that m-ost homeowners make when selling their home, and a 9 Step System that will help you sCII VOur homne fast anti for the inost amounit of ]'lit inclustrr reports shows clearly how the tra- citionai1 waxrs of sellîng homes have hecorne ulic reasiniglv less and less effective in today's market. -Flicfaict of the inatter 's that a futll threc t]tirters of homieseliers doori' get xvhar thex' wvanr foi rheir hoine and hecome disiliri- sîoncd and - worse - finiancially disadvantaged whcn rhcv put their home on the market. As thîs report uincovet s, niost homnesellers miake 7 deadiv imistakes that cost themn literallv thoi.t- sands of dollars. The good niews is that each and every unie of these mistakes is entirely preventa- hie. In answer to this isscue, industry insiders have prepared a free special report etititled "The 9 Step Sýystem to Get Your Home SoId East and For Top Dollar". To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report, cali 1-877-617-1275 and enter ID #3000. You can cati any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or visit us onfine at www.haltoncostIy- homesellers. com. 1 ' , lPr: - "tI4c,1, MO 0» 0 Fa W" Imm efou OF