Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Nov 2006, p. 8

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E5:1 A8 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 10, 2006 The Most Important Question Lif'sgratlesos reofenlenie hrouh (ontatng ol t biank. viwn- odinr ins ih aoh rsprdg .Befr ls ndd nstudnt asked i Consîder the thoughts of a registered nurse: question would cetunt toward our qui.' rDuring mny second inonth of nursing schooi, our 'Absolutely!' said the professor. 'In your( professor gave us a surprise quiL. 1 5Vts a cou- you 5wili met intany people. Ail are sigt scientious tudent and had breezed through the They deserve your attention and care, evc questions, until 1 read the last one: What is the yîîu do is sesile and say hello. first narne of the wornan who cleans the school'? 1 necer forgot that lesson. 1 aise> leari Sureiy this ceas sorne kind of'joke!' i thought. 1 cieaning wornan's namne - Dorothy.- had seen the cleaning wornan several times. She A transtusrning, spiritual truth is that God uvas tai!. dark-haired and in her fifties, but hocv us pcrsoriaily and intirnately. He knows cvouid I know her itarne'?!> i handed inny paper, namne. That liberating realit' in iade cc having simply hazarded a guess on the last ques- through the paradigiso of Jesus. fthe last zgrade. careers, tif icant. ven if ail 7ed the dknî ics S UShy t'ry real 200 Main Street 905-876-3586 100 mWorship& Teacliing Cýiren's Ministries running concurrent/y 11:00 amn Coffee & Conversation Senior Pastor - Jim DeMarsh e Youth Pastor - Mark Strickland A Fellowship Baptist Church -P S an(Cfilar- Sunday, Nov. 12 10:00 arn Hitchhiker's Guide to the Infinite Lferis ful of bg dOcsuoruanti tougli choices; making them correctly is one of the gratehspiritual klis we can master For tire next 8 wees ce inyte poui to loin us on a life-chatsgiiug oumney -one of undersanding God's unfoldiog. a www.thesanctuary.calmilton ~ 905.257.3987 '~ A ' Milton Sports Centre' 605 Santa Maria Bvd. (Derry Rd., West of Hwy. 25) MILTON A.v"ENÙLSrf c:tîi sc t 111% IIUI",OU Po)i11111rusukIr surbi i1~~l 'Ou . Hugia Foster Hall, -13 Brown St. Miton 'ri t 0an it'o trrr 'rinc ~~ FREtE BIBL.E tCHOOI. jo R i l I II " u iP i\ ýi1 H1, 11iii i, Il (i i i '.0" " i, ÇRACEWAY BAPTIST CHURCH 1 03 Martin Street 9Q 79 1< 1 Anew C.omnuunîry Ctiureh cf he Sivation Army KhC o mmuni ty Sunday Worshîp: 4:0pm IDinner followingl Pastors: Captains Bil & Debra Btackman Sermon Series: What's Your Tune? Free programs throughout the week: 100 NIV issin *Uit 3*Miton*90"~75-1022, CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Brtannia Rd. West, Milton. On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939' Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Minister Steve Corbett th # 905-878-5664 e Loclidon ouerry Rd s~OiiiS1 between thieSports Centre He rîssured Ris foliîîwers that God knutws the very nuinher of hairs upon îîur heads. Why is that impuortant'? Why wouid Jesus make such a stateinent'? Here il is: iffHe cares enough about us to ascer- tain such anin tsignificant detail, one ihat feus of us have taken the tinme tii determine. than how înuch more dises IHe care abotut the n<tewsorthy aspects <ifunr 1lises.>!! Wîîcv Scripturc encourages us elsewhere iii "(ast Ailyîîur cares upîîn Hîm, fuor He cares fuir youu" We can brîng the chiallcnges ofhile to God thrîîugh prayer' He knitws \eho uve arc and cuhat st. George's feîoi is *î'ctreinugc ielefariffiea,<f- flice preachinof utCai s ourd intihés cusuuion the cesuarprnoisince 1 ii.iCone and fnon s. meii Secewrs pliared iii meyrisut. RH lORs lRev Cainn(harle', Maters, Nc.)veînhejxr i 2tf 200>Services 8:30 ar Nforning Praver 10:30 amn - Morning Priver - Tadiional Service 10:30 arn Morning Praver in the Family Roorn Nursery' and junior Sunday School 1>051 (Guelph liie ai lerry Road (Tel) 905-8W 13 S isit «tir seh site ot.Ste>n'oseaîî'leà, GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH (Iergy: 317 Main St. E Rev. Dr. Mlark the Church on the Hi/I .%Ic[)ernott 905-878-2411 7 Res. lDr. Renére I)ersjartliins Faiher NShir. Curtis Services: Sunday 85 liii ar - SJioF fifUh rist rfi> risi S prrn f irîit ir ulho ýi'ilec Lîsten la aur Sunday sermons anlime ait www.gracechurchmnilon.comn Wheeicfrarr Accesu thnough Parking Loit MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday Sohool 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Sludy Behold the Lanmb of God which taketh au'ay the sini of the u'orld. -Johnl1.29 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 170 Main St. F., Miltoin 9(fS525 N6166 1 ccc are going through. He usants to heip! Troubled? Perpiexed'? Full of ans iety? Paraiysed by fear'? Set aside your cares. Pray. Turn te God today. He cares for you! Consider visiting a church near you this week. Service times and locations are pubiiched in the Religions Directory beiow. Estahiish a pattern of inciuding God as part of your ife's prionities and reap the benefits afforded you from a relation- ship wiîh Him! Learn to be A that you cm be! Submitted by Rer. Dan Rogge, Pastor of Milton's New Life Church Ast-st-ntlWorship EstherltKôwoi Youth Kim Fullager 9 a.m. - Early Worshîp Service 9:30 a.m. - Ail Ages Sunday Schooi 10:745 a.m. - Second Worship Service Service Capfioned for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Dîggîng ln Together! 6:30 p.m. Sunday Night Live The Power' 01 Crvpng Out! For more info: W eo e uao. ST PUL' U ITDCU H Sunday, November 12, 1:3Oam WELCOMING NEW MEMBERS Worship in Graham Hall Supported by nîUoc fro(7t our Worshîp Band Worship in The Sanctuary Supported by rnusic from the St. Pi ul ' Choir Supervised Nursery Care from 10:'15 Church School at 10:-45 ar. Coftee & Conversation after the services Presentation on Mission Trips 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer 'You'II always ind a friend al Graceway" connecting wth our Gcd-gîven tamîîy r 'rl". S riri..'usir r -re Sundays @ 10:30 a.m. 10:3ay orhi Our 25th Anniversary Gelebrafions! 1:0am Laugh, c-Y and be inspired over 25years of connections! 9:15 a.nî. Youth 5mai! Group (Grades 7 & SauturdaY - Dessert night and reflections. up) Sunday -Speaker Errol Rempel. 10:30 a.m. Chiidren's Worship Lunich to foilow service. Check web site for details. (Ages 3 - Grade 6) & Nursery Pastor Jack Ninaber W4LLED TO SERVE THE LORD" Wheetchair accesu asd washronms pros ted 50 thta WW .Southsidemilton .org att may cerne asti wurship. Accesu off Mar Street. Sun. Nov. 12, 11:3Oam to 12:45pm Guests from Hait, and thse Dominican Republic talk about their work with orphanages in these countnies. Lîght lunch, Free wîll offering, Ail welcomel wwwdominicanrepubliccontainer org Coming Up! Youth Theatre Nov. 23-25, Turkey Supper Nov 24th! Corne Worshîp Wîth Us! q9ffl ÎKýl.ý, 1 -- , r 1 1 n. ÀOÇX&

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