Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Nov 2006, p. 6

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t rOPINION Lest we forget Whv should w e rnembher on Nos etiietI 11 Wc remember because I beenI 80Q ,and 1()02 .îppîai- mnateiy 7,000 of aur nations soldiers soi so! tanie tic oili Africa \Var;, 267 gave iheir lives ti batie. We remember because nuibe Firsi World Wtt (1 914-18) -by far the bloodiesi conflit>in whtch our country las ever been involved - about 650,000 Canadians and Newfoundlanders crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Nearly one out of of every ine - a total of 69,000 - didn't survive. We remember because in the Second 'World War (1 939- 45), one million troops fromn Canadas armed forces waged war on the sea, in the air and on land te stike down tbe sys- tematic genocide of the Holocaust. More than 47,000 of these soldiers neyer saw their loved ones again. We remember because during the Korean War (l1950-53) nearly 28,000 Canadians served in the Canadian Army Special Force wiîh 516 paying the uluimate sacrifice. We also remember because tn 59 years of Canadian peace- keepîng missions, more tban I150,000 (anadtans bave served abroad, witb 155 lostng tbeir lives - including 42 ajonc in Canadas four-year mtssion in Afghanistan. Al tId, our natton bas sacnificed more iban Il17,200 afItfs sons and daugbîers tn the name aI freedaîn atnd peace. Wc sbouid remember because tn the las> 107 ycars mare tban I .8-milîtoti Cariadiais lhav e volunnarily put libeir livs osn jeopardy in an atiempt la brîrtg peaceful conclusioîns la glob- a] canflicts. 'Ve renieinliet ilise svio died on the liel of ai Sale. 's o erninher ihose svounclddluaction, we i omoînher ihose scat rcd psy'cfologicallv y b as ng ss iiîessed t>5e car nageIlie inhumanîts andl lthe rre> Woe 1temenilier ibeir h Wer oe remnenberdiheul sacrilice. \\e remenîherthiatitlis hecause efth i liiti ss e(on e e i the e Ss>standards af living in the world and lise tn a na(iin froc froni ssar nii ur asvn ackvarcl. On Remnembrance liav we sbould :lsa reisember tl5e couniless families et seldiers killed ti actiion foi peaces sake. WiVîrSA but a bandful of Canadas Fîrsi World Woar scier- ans gene and more tban 200,000 living Second \Vorld War velerans uniikely tb Se wi>b us a generatitn lrom now, few cbildren hem îtoday are likely te bave an opperiuniîy te mec> a living veteran from the îwe larges> cenflicts Canadians have fougbî in. Wbile it would be naive >0 expeci a conflicî-free world, ils essential we remember ibese pas> Sattles s0 we neyer lose sigbî of wars toîl on bumankînd. its aur duty >0 bonour aur ancesiors' sacrifice by premusing tbai we wîll neyer forge>. Readers Write Sei c y o n o d>haor s or drop theo H at 875 Mam i, tFi Let's show support for our veterans DEAR EDITOR: On belialf of (lie Roal C anadîiiî I egitîn. BraiseS I36 Miltni, 1inlitîe A Milieu ancl area residetîs te foin in oui Remenîbrance Day parades and setrvie- es ibis weekend - ti-merrow a> I1I a.m. ai 1vergreen Cemetery and Sunday ai 1:45 p.m. ai Victoria Park. This continued shoew of thanks te ibese men and women wbo fougbt for our freedom 50 vety lonîg ago is nosv exteîîded te aur Milten and area young saldiers presenîly serving in 'o fgllianisiaiî. The Miltaon hraiiih sis r ilîprecia- li\ce of use generatis su.lport iaoui popîy canspatgn, oif svhiclh praccecs are used te belp al veicralis - ohin cm- hors aîîd non-ierabors af thle I egiats. No centihuion is toa sîssali. Vv lus> want tesece a peppy an everyane's lapel in support of ibese fine and brasve men and women. LAURIE MACNAB, PRESIDENT ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH 136 Z> c anablam Q»ampîon 875 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Mîcehi Production Manager Tîco Cotes Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Tpoî Casas The Canadian Champion, pubiihed every Tuesday and Friday ai 875 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 3Z3, i a division of Meirotand Media Groap West - Group Pablinher Ian Oliver. CCAB Audited ()CM N e/own 1 ipe CoMcni>alt' ty Canadian Cortmunitr CCA Nenaîpapers Associaton Suittrbari Netospapers ri % f mertita Theviewifromhere Thank vou (o our hometown hernes. hith voiinç andR cR -I --.------------- Tomorrow, local residents will look te more than jus> the past when îhe-y mark Remembrance Day For many, the day will bring a flood of emototîs about their cbildren, their siblings or even their [riends wbo are ovet-scas rigbt now defending aur country Two partietilar veuing mon colie te mmnid l3UILO1 tatssi aie curiclitly iin Algiaiiisîti.i thousands of kiiometres away from the com- forts of home. The Champion recently ram stornes on boîh, describing Burton's venture fighîing for peace in Kandahar and Osbone's position on the front fines working >0 stop the Taliban. Whiie i> cari ofien be difficult for young people like mysetf >0 relate >0 war, i think Burton's and Osborne's taies drive home the importance and relevance of what they're doing and what se many local resident- donc in the pas>, like Frank Sonoski. As youlIl sec elsewhere in todays Chamrpion, Sonoski served in the Second World War as a wirelcss operator and an air gun- ner. The 83-year-old tells the Sean -wrenching tale tif how his joined tOse Royal Canadiais Ait Force, but died afier his belicopter had a mechanical failure. He also paints a clear picture of - wbat iî was lîke >0 be in the midst of a war, and gave me and bopefully our readers a greater appreciation and under- standing of just what our men and women went through. So, l'd like to take ibis opporîunity >0 say tbank you >0 Sonoski and al the local veter- spooi a lltapfoi ts have ans for dcl cnding our country and making it 'Jingle Bell Fund ' wbat it is today You played such an impor- tant role and did it selflcssiy, and0 for that I commcnd you. SANTA And t>0 Osborne, Burton and UNITED mAn n17.1 U any otbcr Miltonians wbo arc 0F MILTON TV AUCTION PARADE overseas nigbt now, I extend my fI encourage cveryaiie ta take part in the Remembrance Day Sservices planned for tomorrow (sec details in above Icîter). And remember wben you head îo the poils on Monday >0 cas> your vote in the municipal election, you're mot jus> deciding Milton's future - you're aiso paying bornage >0 the pas>. Alter ail, if it wasn't for our veterans, we wouidn't have the freedom >0 do so. Showcase M a sGALA 5,gA%,ards i a A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 10, 2006 The Oakville, Milton

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