Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Nov 2006, p. 30

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30 - The Canadian Champion, Friday November 10, 2006 ileedlà& Skilied& M Techeical Help "IllecalHelL, POSITION AVAILABLE e ~ Cssrdinasr oswntown GereonBusiness ,M 4 ImpraementArea Tht Georgetown BIA la csmmtied ix moîniaining and rimproving tht dswntown ares and la currently oeeking an individlual with expeiesce in cammu- niiy develspmenî and eveni coordination, încluding adxertiing and promotion. Tht succesoful candidate will demonsirate: * acommilment ta dswniswn communities; " esperience workîng wilh o volunleer board and ils cOmmiffees; and " on abilîty to proide effective communication with local busînesses, municipal government and other olakeholders This position iii be of ineresi 15 thoot who like o varîed wsrk espeience, flexible hours and ish to make a positive difference in iheir commuxily. If ysa believe you meel the qualifications, peuse sebmit a resume and csxtning ltter ta tht:. Personnel COMMittet, Georgeown BSA Via email: downtown@azec-netcam Or fax: 905-873-4685 by Wednesday, Noember 1th, 2006 g OU EWRKPlIS 515 RQZýý Superior Quality, Products & Service Since 1962, Superior Boîiler Worics & Welding has built an enviable reptitation as a respected rnechanical/electrical contractor and boiler PreSSLIre vessel manufacturer. Indeed, our naine is synonymous vvith superior service and success As the result of continued growth, our Head Office in Hamilton immediately requires teain players as 'a eric Large Truck & Bus OfieHl Mehnc Repu rFocily in Office __ E F.T. ORDER SELECTORS-7 reuidM ion requinos a _______ *Metro Canada Logîsîrco is Compensaton booed LICENSED 015 fCaadsLugelon essierenco. MECHANtC Bai ngton Insurance Bro onhird Cparty provdes Ie omy wth a Tuck & r a ghrald arp eofIrnse- Bonefit Pr09 arn Coach License. rersonai Insurai Fa o eai rsune & Benoîits. deo candidole w i possesi porlation and information services, We Cati: 905-876-0669 in a broke or age currontly have opporluniies (Hwy 25 & fax 905-659-1831 Fax: 905-875-2566 RIBO lcenso on Hwy 401 aea). --Outes ncude sules and sen HwyO401iaea) e- new clientel F.T Order Setectora EM Offce Help Competitrot salary and futl $12 50 minimum per hour to atari Pleuve forward your reoumne to: Metro Canada Logiotico, 1401 Credîtotone Road, Concord, Ont. L4K 4N7 Fax: 905-738-5227 Email: hsoradi(&rrerocanlooisticscomn Merro Canada Logsics ts an equaloo opporlunaiy employer Due Io the 'olue u resumes expecied we w noun/y respuurl Io indvduals beng consereed IPart-ime Off ice Position Availblel Bsskkeeping and payroll okillo required. Postion cnuld lead to fal-time. B & T Electrie Contracfing 905721877I Weil established local Auto ReparShpeqre Cmpetîlîve wages wîlh henefîl package. PIeuse fax or emnaîl reoume to: BRATIN AUTO Fao: 905-873-6172 Emaîl: ratnauts@bellnetcom wCustomner service focsoed atitude Mechanîcal or outomnolîve background Avalable evenngo and eekendo Wv ie alor ookrg loi moIuie people la woîk pît allofer compeliliso ages, vmployve discourt, belîl tpackaogv sndprpitlsharirg allvi probaton- rHymuîd, a leodîng manufactsrer of swimmngl liProduction Asoomblers. Ihese posin i elccsîy gumrhss ovn s reg lempoioiy wîlh o possbilily of becomîng FT.* Wugxo up 10 $1225/H, Houis 8:30am-500pm. I Please apply in person or contact: Allen I 2880 Plymouth Drive, Oakville a <Winston Churchill/QEW) If înterested, please formard pour resome 10: sgahc@suriýtvie com Or mail to Sarah Crawfsrd c/o Purîty Lfe Heolth Prodocis 6Commerce Crescent Acton, ON M7 2X3 Malti-taskîng, tan-lsvîng, professionai indîvîdual reqaîred for ront desk reception wvo thrîveo on being pari of a teumn and os ready to serve sur csmmunity. Computer skilîs a must. Hourso f operation are: Mondav, Wednesday & Friday. Please submit resumne and caver letter ta: * Milton Canadian Champion PO. Box 22A, Miton, ON L9T 3Z3 Deadline; Friday, December 1, 2006 FULT UIRS. ITION Available ts Assiat Bsokkeeper, IA/R Esperience and Oestral Office Skills required. Fao reoume atention Kim t. 905-451-4411 I Required for Matersîty Leuve. [ Muestpuerompuer lieaand able Ilohandle mlti line swchordl IAlteroîe evenings and aernte wekeds.I Pleuve lux resumne t10905-877-5154 PATIEAMI SITN Geîigeiowîî Forward resomes ro Clipshom Lîmîled irfo@clîpsham cum Lrcal distribution compary svekiiii General Bookkeeper. Minimum ievei 3 occooxtîng an usuel and a100 knowledgx of Business Visions accouns8n package preterred. Par Tme/Ful lime. Apply in person to: 430 Industriel Drive Unit #1., Milton, ON Or fax resume ta: 905-864-4773 roeaeRequîres: ice Service ative rau oance oxperience lnt off Ce. res umt eune pckg - REAIY ASSISTANT * Foot puced I office hasîimme-I Neededfor diteFT openîng busy MilIon offlce. fo jeneretc seff-otarng udmîn assistant Emaîl resumne to Fax rsurn to: busyofclm 905-87-3448 EM &Agents E & Agents PROFS SIOAe USESAE ASOIT e Q- s i B3ell Wocril WPCI a Bell World dealer in Mlon is seekîxg a career Accaune Esecutive RESPONSlBILTES INCLUDE: *Oflering communicationr soutions 020 *Prosyectiîrgqualirfxrg maraging and cissîsg sales ut Oeil Worio vioducîs and services ro coîyorale cients and senior management QUALIFICATIONS: *Post securdaiy education is preieîred *Suas9g cuid caiing, rosîîecîîîîr and ciosrng skllis *Reiaaie vehicie Io use for work puiposes *Wiiîrg ts rauelino and aiuund the Miton area « Ineresl in GPS îîackîng systrmscelularan idala denises is a must PIeuse appiv bv emait.l: i Owneci adopueratud bi 1 ne EPNIG SLS g ARM N Meilar Gienl ic aS alibuýr tla SOcafiSaiun the fieldsofo scierce, engireerinrg ard lechvology is seaiching loi o Serior accoortiig clerk The poi- son wîlI be responsîble loriniroicirg, accoorîts payable ard receisable in a molli coîrercy ervi- rormeni The poison Should rase or excellent krowledgv of windows baSed uccounlîng Software ond Excel opleodoheelo. The peroon must ho able to work îndependenlly and occurutely. Pieuse oend your resomne înclodîng salary especlaliona lx: Or fax to: 1-800-374-6714 Sm Teclrnicat HeIp TcbicaI !eîp GE jecnical Ne>p Quaflfed Welders A V9ýl-rero vyowllbu workîsg in an irdosîrral evrîrmerî. You hove a 6G wu ci ng ticket and eopurience rn hoier pressure uesselpipirg fahb rictinand installatior. You must houe o mîrimum oI 5 puons' eserrercu oxdci deally pou are able ro lIiý Quaiified e Steam IU Fitters A bords-on îodîeîdool, yes wîli bondIe instalionoand serice wsrk. Relevont eoperîeocu certiicatison n skîlls are reqoîred. HHong o 6G wldîrg ticket oand a G2 or GCl gos ticket are ossels. We sîler competiiinuwogus flîl benefîrs, or cou prvriums foi usunîrgs/weekunss shift premioms toi olerrooss/srgbs. oadpolentiol suerrîme. Pluose opply la Human Resources e-mail: infai8superiorboilerworks.comj in Word I doc) or RiP et ort nformol or by fan le f(905) 561-2725 ~ Wn tiark é?// appicarrs,/icxs'ver i os/y ihose se/ecied for anrr&. inteurvew wrIlbu corsxcied No ineep/onre ca//s prase E eiaDental eiaDnl PARAlE HOME HEALTH GARE RNs Needed Fa11 immunization Clinîco We offer: Missssauga & Brampton *Competitive puy raie -Suppontive team *Paîd Mifeage or travel lime *Accommodation of shifts 10 avaitability You Bring: *Carrent CNO registration -Current CPR codtification *A refiable vehicle -Flexibilify Weokdoy, esonirg, and woobend shifts ovoîloblo Please fax or mail your rexume ta: Laura Hedges 1515 Rebecca St. Ste. 301 Oakvilte, ON L6L 5G8 Fax: 905-847-1038 We wo/came a/il applîcorta Or/y 1500e oo/ectod fator nirlerye ivw mîlI oaclod. Be part of a winning team!! Due ta Increased Demand VICTORIAN ORDER 0F NURSES HALTON Personal Support Worker positions oaîalable rmmedîotely Fvp-rlrc rl -fI ril i f(1 Pais oihentlalion -Competîlîne wages -Pension Plan *Educational & Career Crowth Opportunities -Trasol roîmborsement -24 hoars Support Please appt y ta: Human Resources, Victorian Order of Nurses Haton. Fax (905) 827-5476 E-mail: humanresoarces@vanhatanca OnIy those candidates xelected for an intervew wli be confacfed. il 1 SHIPPING merna n CO-ORDINATOR Merlan Scienîhic ia a distributor to education in fhe areas of science and technology. We need a per- son to handie sur returns, repaira, OSA approvals, workshop and show moterialo. The person should have an good knowledge sf Windows based ssft- ware,like detail and he weIl organized. The position la in sur warehouse daily frsm 8:30am - 2:30pm. Pieuse send ysur reoume ta: Or fax to: 1-800-374-6714 2 New Sales Representatives We are lssking toasdd two new people to sur es- tablished sales îeam. Succeostul candidates will he well preoented self-starters, preferably with pre- viaus asonautomatîve soles or relail esperience. Complete product and sales training, alsng with management suppsrt, will he prssided ts Ihose wha wiah ta join a csmpany with sver 45 peara of ouccens. If yoo wish 10 atar a rewarding career and became port af sur team, pieuse oend your reaume ta: Jeff Hewitt, General Sales Manager 905-845-7575 1GLENLVE; Y-SLER maRSi alsHetp o~aeHI Canada's Iargest and fastest growing Dollar Store Chain is NOW HIRING! MANAGERS/ ASS'T MANAGERS CLERKSI CASHIERS MERCHANDISERS We are looking for energetic, enthusiastic and leamn-oriented individuals who enjoy working in a fast paced retail environment. Benef ifs include: Fleoible schedule, Campetifive mages, Career apportunities. Send your resumne by fax to (905)264-2348 or Email We are Canada's leading an 'a growing provider of nat -rl health products. We are currently 1,,kng to fll the following position: UNE OPERATOR For our Bottling Plant in Rockwood «-«v à ---i 1

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