Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Nov 2006, p. 27

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E CraftzSale & Cr Sale & migEet a rs jjaars ~~oEeî ~gvn r- The Al rib' Gal" ret rQfn z ný I * .-.- Christma Oen. -se-&SecnsSl Fetuig - utf i w rs i lw Gas Potr. HndWa*. er &Saie F ior more inf: 905-876-1609 I E.C. PRURY CHRI5TMA5 CRAFT 5ALE NOVEM5ER lbTH & 19TH lam - pm 215 Ontario 5t. 5. Milton OVER 130 VENPOR5 Admision - $200 $100 off with ad - children free ~hZi hs CHEEVERS -Joli and Janet (nee Ros- seil) are ibriiied ho annousce the sale arri- vaI of Ella Annette Cheevers bors Dci 5 2006 eh 3:5ipm weigbing 6lbs 2oz ai Milon District Hospital. Excifed Grandpar- anis are Dasis and Sandy Cheevers asd Alan and Annette Rosseil, along wfh Ausi les, Uscle Chis, AunI Leasse, Uncle Ed- die and Uncle Tony asd Cousins Made- lise and Jake and greaf grasdparenîs Art and Jean Rosseli. Special Thanks t0ODr Huier and ail the wonderful nurses. Bon Parker mould like fa annousce the birth of his baby broiber, Nathan Johnf Nafe mas the uufreaiu" fhaf arrived in our famîly on Ochober 31, 2006 meighing 6lbs l3ozs. Welcomed by ecsfef c grasdpar- enis, Clark and Gail Campbell and Don and Paf Parker, and al of is fbriled ausîs and uncles. Special fhanks fa al ai fhe Maiersify Sfaff ai MoMasIer University Hospit al Place yOur Baby's Birth Annoulncement in thIe Milton Canadian Champion, anId yau wil receive a voucher for ($2500 vlve> caalpimene 905-825-8731 * 416-41J -4!) CrIl 905-878-2341 ta place pour onnoement) VOLLEY13ALL TOURNMENT (Co-Ed Aduit) Saturday December 2nd Bishop Reding school $30/individual & $180/team Winter registration open for volleybail, indoor soccer, floor hockey & dodge bail Leagues. Fo oe nomaion: Community Fund Milton à District Pipes & Drums L wishes to thank the Town off - Milton for their support. j Want to join or ClSeart Whptey? 00 lSear i te 4' at 905-854-0411 Deahs au De Ih CRISTELLO, Mariane (Lee) Peacvfuliy passed away foiioing a short iliness af Credif Valey Hospital on Mon- day, November 6, 2006. Beloved wîfv 0f Tony Loving moiher of Gina and Renue and espvcîaily mîssed by Alson. Fondly remembered by ofhvr relatives and friands. Famiiy miii receive visifors af fhe Ward Fuserai Home, 109 Reynolds Sfreef, Oukeilie on Frîday from 2:00-4GO0pm and 7:0O-9OOpm. Fuserai service wiii be conducfed from Sf. Johns United Cburch, Oakeilie on Safurday, No- vember 11, 2006 ai f 2OOpm followed by cremafion. in lieu of fiomers, donations f fhe Canadian Cancer Society wouid be oppreciafed by fhe famiy. The Canadian Champion, Friday Novembar 10, 2006 - 27 a i hr fauiril)- nif telun rnNorman Charters wouulî lihn i,î lauik uAI if ihuinuwh usunrt uarîu flnwnnu, uonauionsiuu ndu i ii I uru uînîthn riniiuurial si unuuu. îrpnulialî.haiihu bthlalui ofi the Ihurulir iiugh r BIn sunIr fuir piiu îîug inI urviiig refrnu(rsnir ru,% f4îlerieuuand Kiin Bei m col.i anc Kin ROU wiff ion) skis/ $300 $80ý wit- 878-l woc vle 905-8 Pool sîze, 9058 AArticles lm For Sale FrSl HONEVWELL Encira- SAUNA, 2/3 person, un- cura 16" hepa round aur home, w/c.d. player and civaner. Includas 1 ac- lighfs. Naner used. Cool livaled carbon-ire fi- $5500. Sali $2750. 905- ter $150. 905-878- 304-7775 Ls M.iits eah Blrinke, Mary Passed awsy ai Allandale. surrounded by ber famîily on Tuesday, Novembar 71h 2006. Mary Brînka of Milton, befoved wife of the lafa Tony Brînka (1983). Prede- ceased by her parents Frank and Hendri- ka Van Bakal. Loving motber of Joanne Oversby (Loch Mazzorafo), Henry Brînke (Grace) and Francine Cartwrighf (Jîm). Gadly mîssed by her grandchîldren Sie- phen and Angela Oversby, Megban and Gary) Brinka and Sarah and Ohana Cart- wright. Dear greal grandmiofhar of Dallas and Aidan. Gurvivad by 5 brotbars and 5 sisferu. Predaceasad by ber brotbar Har- ry Van Bakel. Family and friands visifed ai tbe McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main Sf. Milton 905-878-4452 os Wednesday. The Mass of Christian Burial mas ceiebrafad ai Holy Rosary Calbolic Church 139 Marais St. Milton on Tburuday, Novambar 9fb 2006. Inlermenf followed af Milton Evargraen Cemaltery. Memnorial donafions f0 the WîIlow Fous- dation or the Milfon Disfricf Hospital Fous- daion sn Mary's mamory would ba appra- ciafad. Leffers of condolence may be (off for the famnily af InMoriamj InMemiam In fsvîeg meniery sf. Ruby (aputoe-Neveniber 10, 1993 Carl (apure May 23, 2004 lainm iinar shtw arir, in mir lits he siiiigIiitih We tankpeu d miss yxu bath, gi With lave alu'aysfrere Martyj, Llinda. Stephen, si C'bis, feanne é- zheirfernilres. axese ohi Si e Grsupple u su ceraiî s Cae ,uhs bavei e. i i n , r eatCLb do Tomanksn, arifeé-avl jeancý Buce famifan o Pulc Notice ENCHANTED Hor Dvcoratng Io .Holi Open House Sf. Volac myr Cultural Centre 12 Oundas Sftravt West, 0. ville 905-339-81 November 21, 22, lOAM-9PM Free Adn-. sion/Fabulous Or, Prîtes Mention this and recaîve 15% off purchases. 0 s& Found LOST, large cal, 20lbs white undersîde, lîghf dari grey strîpes. Ai ward. Cai home: 90f 876-4993 or work. 416 325-8794. LOST CAT. Maie long haîrad orange labby, f. years aid. Brorle/Has. loy area. 905-864- 6591. 1 anesi LIVE-OUT Nanny re- quirad for fhe Camp- beilvîlle area. Mast hae car. Please cal 905-854-5801, Musc &Dance GUITAR LESSONS Prîvafe guilar lessons avaîlabie from voperîeeced, Drofessiorai insîruclors New location! Rmck (905) 864-1775 ~CSres ISTRUCTOR Assîsl- 015t wifh Math back- ýroundl naeded for ahter chool program. 4-5 s/wk. Resume re- juired. 416-818-4288. Home Care 'AIRLIFTS- Porch lifts, ievafors, scooters, wevichars, hospîlal eds, Buy/ Sali Cal] Sîlver ,ros 905-847-5504 CmFor Sale TAINLESS Steel love, saran top. tainlaso Steel sida-e- ve Prîdge. Lîke sari ail 905-693-9371 for gails. LEARANCE windows /aîlable. Vînyl clad ood or ail vînyl. Dii- ren1 sîzes, styles asd Iours. Lîmîfed quan- s availabie on a first ne basîs. Vîsîf Pol- rd Windows Cleur- e Centre at 1217 ng Road, Burlînglon. UND woodvo fable ih 4 chairs (wroughl if) $250, New s/bools, sîze 13 00; China cabinet -ý Pair of Budgîvs ih cage $60. 905- B3990 after 5pm. )OD buffet & hufch odible pedestailta- .10 chairs. In good jiion. $1,000. 878-6535. IL Tables. 1/floor modais ail os Canudian bul i878-7014 Milton, Garage& Garage & 0 c pace toae pc «m -aU77--uuýs4E-U EIectrenic Se<urlty FriendIy Staff Heavy Duty Doors burzilcê.,ii4e L <)-I±t<Auerueein riA 'irq , "M ban ian ~ Win calling card! Seec a* tsn atgre ewenOtbr3dan ovme 2t,20 UZTA hn cr. " Averiseyor cr/tuc/va wih u fr to wek at$59(inlaes he ilon anai- ChminGogeonIneedet&Ato re rs) n ouwl r .ea 5c d eW rl ie ces " Advetise our aticle for ale fr 4 isertins (2week--and-- - - - - - - - - -$-- - - - -e-- - - - - - - -the-inute Fo*oe ealscl: 0.7824 o*.PIN *1 , e **e -. - . -.0ife@ ilocna/nhapo.cmLmi w crspe d A speî.ial îhaiik yoti tr Ba rbai-a Crowve d wr.lleg home, %va,. gre.tiln Ii)îrcci itc Menc worIuuCanoîî't xp(s nsy gratitudc fu, ir i rg o.ahnI bc 'yund My hrieirti hanks, K. Themspon 6466ea ad ail HOT TUBS Ware- house Direct oper lu Public Safurdays or by appoinfmenî. Fanlasîic savîngs! - www.htwd ca 905- s, 693-9230 & 5-HOT Tub 2006, 6 seul- 6-er, 5HP Molor, every upgrade, walerfall, - ozone, new s5h11 n wrapping. Cost $9, 4 500. Sacrifice $4,200. Cal] 519-722-4077. A dining room, cherry- -Wood, double pedeslal fable, 8 chairs, baffet, hulch, dovefaîl con- - struction. New s5h11 n *boxes. Coul $11000. *Sacrifice $2600. 905- ýt 567-9459. A Kng Pillowfop Mal- - ress Sel. New in pIes- le.ý Cosf $1600. selI for $450. 905-567-9459. ANTIQUE oak dinisg- room sel, Chisa cabi- sel. sîdeboard, fable wîl h 2-leaves, 6-chairs, $1.200. Plus Vclorian pîne Welsh dresser, $1.200. 905-854-4141. BED, Amazing bargais, qaeen orlhopedic pil- lowfop sel, sew in plas- t ic. warranly $250 905- 567-4042 will delîver. BEDROON Cherry- Wood, Bed, chesl, dresser, 2 nighlslasds. Doselail Construction. Neyer opened Cool $8.000. Sacrifice Sf1.900 905-567-4042 CARPET I hase seneral 1,000 yards of new Stain Masler & 100% nylon car- pet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Inclades car- pet, pad & insfallation (30 yards) Slave. 905-633- 8192 HOT Tub (Spa) Covers besl prîce, BesI qualify. Ail shapes & colours. Oeil 1- 866-585-0056 HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand new w/ail options, including cover. 2006 model. 5h11 n wrapper Cool $10900., Sacrifice $5.500. Cali 905- 971-1777 LEATHERi 3 il alian sel. Sofa, loveseal and chair New, in plastic. Cool $6900. Seil $2500. 905-304-4673. POOL Table, Professional Syries, Solid Wood, l'Slale, Ail Accessories, New, Sti11 Booed, Cool $6.200, Sali $1,950. 905- 304-9994 M Atiles Wanted i L~K 's BEST Ca$h$ Paid- Art, Anfîques, Coilaclîbles, t* China, Crysfal, Sîlvar, Figurines, Royal Douifon, jSwarovski, Glass, Poffary, Etc, EsIale Specialîsîs, Top Cash. Cai John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 n E For Sale UNITED Way Housa Tour Tickets, Novam- ber 17th. Limo bus de- parts S:45pm fr001 Sprîngrîdga Parmu. $70. includas wina/hors douverl- caption foliowîng four. Tamara 905-878-1 242. Casfor Sale 1960 Marcury Monarch. Greaf running condi- lion. Basf Offar. Pieuse cail 905-690- 9742 for more delals. 1994 Grand Cherokea Lld. 6 cylinder, very good condition. $2.250. Cai 905-693- 1376 or 416-662-7176 1995 Marcury, exel- lent, ranning emission lasfed. 240,OOOkms. $790. Cali 905-877- 7470. 2002 VW Jette. Only 35,OOOkms. MinI condi- lion. Carfified/-amis- suons. Ready f0 gol $13.500. Cail 905-877- 8369. 4WelDrive 1994 Aerosfar, Eddie Bauer Edilion, runs wail, needo a ltfa body work, 252,000./kms. $800. OBO. 905-693- 0071. 8 Atiue Cars 1952 Oodge Pick-up, raslored. Asking $11.000. Cali 905-877- 5254. i ik cl 905 1

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