Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Nov 2006, p. 47

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The Canadian Champion, Fridav. November 3, 2006 - Bll Gord Krantz Gerry Marsh Mayor Mayor AI Volpe Tony Lambert Barry Lee Local/regionai councillor Localregional councillor Mayor Wards 1 and 3 Wards 1 and 3 Ron Furik Localregionai councillor Wards 2 and 4 Rick Malboeuf Locallregional councillor Wards 2 and 4 Nicki Ward Locairegional councillor Wards 2 and 4 Mike Cluett Councillor Ward 1 Rick Day Councillor Ward 1 Greg Nelson Brian Penman Mark Curtis Peter Haight Cindy Lunau Councilior Councillor Councillor Councîllor Councîllor Wardl1 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 2 Ward 3 Survey says... Eind out how participating candidates answered questions posed to them by the Milton Rural Residents Association Why do you want to be elected? Krantz: To serve the people of Milton and Haiton. Marsh: 1 have aiways been interested in local politics. 1 feel that i have gained the skills and experiences to provide the strong leadership needed to guide Milton council through this period of rapid growth during my 30 years in the private sector. i believe theres an absolute requirement to institute a more open and transparent approach to council and l'mn prepared to make the changes necessary to achieve this. Volpe: To hring a common sense approach to council and make a contribu- tion to, the people of Milton. Lambert: As you know Milton is experi- encing a tremendous change in both the urban and rural areas. 1 want to be elected so the issues that are very important to Miltonians are vocalized, defended and pro- moted. As a town, what we do today will affect us tomorrow. i want to be elected so i can help protect the wonderful values Milton aiready has, and ensure that " Namnes in red indicate incumnbents " Candidates Eugene Cummins (Ward 1 councillor). Mike Boughton (incombent Ward 2 councillor) and Jim Timbers (Ward 2 counicillor) didn't participate in the questionnaire - Entire questionnaire cao be seen at Jan M Cour Wa Miltonians are proud of where they live in the future. Lee: I have served my community as an eiected officiai for 18 years and through that 1 have gained a thorough knowiedge of how municipal government works. i continue to have a passion for this area, where i have iived for most of my lîfe, and 1 would like the opportunity to serve my constituents for another term. Massara: i would like to be eiected so 1 can represeni constituents by ensuning the following: - Transparency, fairuess and integrity of decîsions for the benefit of constituents and citizens. - Balanced urban, economîc, and infra- structure (i.e. roads and transportation) growth, benefiting both urban and rural res- idents and business owners/farmers. - Respect and support for rights of prop- erty owners. Best: To serve the resîdents of Milton and heip plan the future of our community Furik: I believe in serving the communi- ty and i try to do that in a number of ways - through my active service club invoive- ment, through my work on non-profit boards and in non-profit causes, and by Powbray John Challinor John Dal uncillor Councillor Councillor ard 3 Ward 4 Ward 4 municipal, heing a town and regional councillor. Malboeuf: 'm disappointed with the cur- rent state of affairs in Milton. The growth bas been mishandled as have Multons finances. I believe with my business, personai and polit- ical experience i can heip get thîngs back the way they should be in our towri. Ward: 1 want to be elected because 1 believe i can make a dîfference. Milton is fac- ing serious (some might say devastatîng) growing pains. These growing pains have aiready reduced our quality of life. Uniess we have someone professional and accountable; unless we have someone whos unafraid of the developers; unless we have someone who's not just another "good old boy".. This out-of-control change could completely destroy our quality of life... perinanently y Wendy Schau Paul Scherer Councîllor Councillor Ward 4 Ward 4 Ciuett: i wouid like to be elected to coun- cil because I feel that over the last several years family-hased issues have heen put on the backburner for some time. To provide a new brand of leadership on council and be proactive mnstead of reactive regarding the growth Milton is currently expeniencing. 1 feel that the decisions being made today have a short-sighted focus where we should be making long-termn plans to improve the quaiity of life, better infrastructure and do more to protect our naturai resources inciud- ing the escarpment. Day: Ward 1 is affected by proposais for five power plants, ail involving incinerators and smoke stacks, inciuding the Regions EFW proposai. We need the Town and its resources in our corner for what wili certain- ly be extended and onerous applications that wili probably turn into legai challenges in court. The same is true for St. Marys quarry, the CN intermodai terminal and the Ninth Line rezoning. 1 have been through many such batties before and 1 can offer a great deal to the process. 1 feel a duty to serve on one hand and l'in spoiiing for the fight" on the other hand. I also want to help slow down the frenzied growth of residential econtinued on page B12 M0af MImM-NE fl I & mo rn-Aw - m WNETIRE ADII IS O AVIAIBI PAýCKAGES ÀAE AVFAILABLE FO>R ALL 14AKES AOND fflODELS SA^RTrING @ $58 AI4D P Rick Matchett Councîllor Ward 3 -J

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