Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Nov 2006, p. 31

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~~~m Het j Techelcat Hetp Tjcica!!oIp <ýORTINOMS SERVICE TECHNICIAN A fasf-gromîng company has an immodiate OAKVILLE oponîng for s Service Technîcîan to instail, rForisos'is a groop nf franchise rotai spermarkets maîntaîn anti repsîr oading dock oquîpment with 20 locations across soothwestern Ontario. Our (incluting overbeati doors, hi-spooti doors, Franchises strivo ta provido costomers cîth the cilties throughaut South Central Ontario. best in one stop shopping. Fartnos provîdos tom- The position entai/s workîng cîth hytirauiîc, petitvo cages, benefîts, appartonîfies for atvance- mechanîcal anti eioctrical systems. We of - mont, scho/ambhips, a pension plan and nocure fer compotitîve mages anti honefito, supply empisyment ta ai/ifts emp/oyoos. uniforms anti pronîie use af company truck. Please Fax Resume f0: 905-494-1897 or E-mail: Oakviîîe Senior Citizens Residence F/T MAINTENANCE WORKER sn a seniors resîdentîilcompieo Prenentatîne maintenance, mînor repsîrs, besvy anti general cieunîng. Knociedge of building maintenance inc. electrîcal, plumbîng, heatîng, Tan years relted os- perience, gond commun/cation ski//o, profeosionol, tsctful. On-csli even/ng und cie dut/en. Properly Manager, 2222 Lakeshore Rd W, Oaknille L6L 5G5 Fao 905-827-8047 netiSln Pa Heîp Wl e1alihdlclA Cov ec ages v HAIR~Please fatsor t A nsfional mensces TY IS BRATIN efs er.S Y ITFao: 905- Proesioal Requî,-ed F uit Email:bratinaut Profesional Time & Part Sales Associates rime fer requied fon Oakvilte Salon. Metroland West Square Ose Shopping (Rebecca St/ rnîn ru Centre, Mssisuga Burlyak DO. Iocaled nQakoîle P vie op cser s PIease Cal requtres ve fnai cuotoe o 905-469-6506 GENERAL tareers@ -BNEYHL harryrosen.tom, fan: no place your a in B EYHL Carm 416515.7067 mit cýqabI £1am e iîaeau Experience is a ical 905.878.31 deinile assel. Fax femume la ! Sile i iled Danny Flanagan @ Te~caleic al calHel 905 845-2013 Cndian Business Machines Ltd iv a design drîven moral m m ac",qatîon company. CBM cas estab/îshed in 1927 and ta/es * prîde in qua/îty produts and ,ellent customer and ernp/oy- * - e eations We are current/y loared in Mîssnanga and are eoxcted ro announco mur cwe are building a nom /acî/îty in MitnThe expocred move iv Junuaiy 2001. Tne /ollowing job vacancies ci/I ho re/oca/îng ro sur new /acî/îty iv M/ton Machine Operators/Spot celdera - Day & Afternoon Shift These positions include operatîng/setting up sîngie/muiti head spot weing machines and pemmîng machines, Assembler/Packers - Day Shift 00e are seeking skiled Assembiers cîrh at leaut 3 yeurs' ouperience These positions require v strong mechanîcal aptitude vanîd attentiîonî r detaîl to assemble quaiitn products. Knomiedge nf air roossandr tapins machines are an asser These positions require moderato tv beany lifting, the abiiity ts reait dracîngs; foiioc crînen and verbal instructionsý complote papercnrk and accuratein read measurement rooss Ooit communication skilis are essentîi The succesoful candidates ciii ho team players cho are miiîng to assiot in other departments as required. CBM is an Equal Opportsnity Employer. We offer s competîtîve compensa- tion and henefîts package. For more information on CBM, please 500 sur cebsîte t If inferesieti, piease errait, fax or mail your reaumne to. Human Resourcea Cali Ltti. lnguyen@cbmmetalcom Fax#: (905) 870-32131 1832 Bonhili Roati, Misissauga; Ontario LOT 104 No phsone calta pleaae RV PARTS MANAGER Pants Manager noedod for grocîng RV doalorship. This posifion roquiros gooti organization and communicafion sklls. Parts manager oxperionco requîrod. Automofive or RV background an asot. No phono talla pleaso. Apply in person with resumne between 9-5 Monday to Friday at Sicard Holiday Campers 7526 Hwy #20, Smithville, ON or Emnail f0 OAKTOWN COLLISION ASSUREO AUTOMOTIVE MILTON Requires the follocîng indîvîdual to is a ur team, 00e offer an eoceptîonal corkîng ennrosment. as meil as extoilent compensation and benefît packages. Fax resumes to: 905-878-7421 AuoReps rShvp requires s i eefpclkage. emai resumefto N AUTO 873-6t72 (BURLINGTON) Requires îmmed/stoiy Lic. Truck Tire Installer Gtoup henofils availahie. Contact Dane, 905-333-9990 Fax: 905-335-4263 WC specialize in acSunota receivable managemnent anti are seekiog qualified individuals for tihe position of Debt Cottectle .Sjiecmuott Competitive wages + aggneasine bonus structure + beiseis To arange an itierview calIlu HR Office i 904M585 and state ref# 222. Ask us About... work)OIIS.C 905,878.2341 OfficIp l Receptionist/Clerk 6-Month Contract A national Campbellvîlle-based business seelrs an ooperenced receptîonît to roceise visitors,' manage the switchboard, couriors and fao; and provide computer and clerical support. The deal candidate will be a poised and profession- ai team player with 1-2 years reception esperi- ente and intermediate lever okills in Microsoft Office applications, who is înterested in workinng on contract with the possibiiity of renewal or fu- time empinyment. Emrail resume to: or fax to: (905) 854-0834. We would like ta thank ail candidates for tIseir intereat, but regret that only those that are qualified wil I be contacted. CLJSTOMER SERVICE REP An immediafe spening requires a person cho en- os csrkîng directly cit h customnero, ouppliers and sutoîde sales reps. The person selected for fhis posifion ciii have s profeosional attitude and gond wsrlling knocledge nf Mcrosoft Office and Busi- ness Vision 32. The sbility ts work rinb English uns French (criffes and vrai> csuld be an asoef. Please forward resume to: Global Medical Producta mnc. 5230 South Service Rd. Burlington, ON L7L 5K2 Email: 626 P/T OPPORTUNITY ndîvîdual requîred f0 dovelop sales of celI recognîzed brands mît h drug stores, Con- tact wîll ho by fan and telephone. Must possens a general undersranding of busi- ness, good communication skils, a mature outlook, a healthy respect for customers, and the abîlity to be in telephone contact mith your customers for the mosf part of each day. Remuneration is compeîfîve. 24-32 hours/week, Mondsy-Friday Please forward your resume ta: Miton Canadian Champion P.O. Box 23A, Miton, ON L9T 3Z3 GERE.TOW T e fstotgrncînig utomaker in the cor/S. Delso huge grocrt, we require Pequireit by Georgetswn Lawe Offiýce, Prenîsus expetience prnforred, Pepiy taý CLINTON BANBURY 211 Guelph Street Suiîte 12 Geurgelown.ON [7G 5B5 The Canadian Champion, Frday November 03, 2006 - 31 Sals HIP Saes el Sales HOlp îo __gett -r gef NOW HIRING FLEXIBLE PART-TIME STAFF FOR OÜR NEWEST LOCATION Opening NOVEMBER 2006 173 Lakeshore Rd LPlease fax resume aattnný: Dariene to 905-861-22347 e tt or email: -wli Het/aé1~4 MANAGER F/TEIHTLSS TRAINEEI COUNSELIR **Needed* r ~apiRdly epandngl I for Canada's osti ng I fond company i10in ceighe osscompany 1searchof career1 West Mssissauga mîndeit pvople lot a D~ ~ill DL, buliifgiCri ciice, t'l sun S/i pplîcuot vu//- ' 55 Retftlîîlefl 1( h somîicîng un evîstîng ciiont hase as ce/I as de- mue îfrnen or coiti callîng. SERVICE !IIAANAGER veispîng nec husiness. Whîie thero are ns spot/fit T thrI/o. Er -/ 00e are Iokîng for a person cîth esceptional peo- Busy Cahinet sbop, odav il ret ette reqorements for thîs position, preferente c/il ho ranng prooided. I Cor requîred. ul klswoi raie nd bas the reqoîreu uligo. hpgven f0 thoso abs have prevîsus ephn sales Competivo cage, plus I Cati 866-475-9187 eoperîence to succosstuiîy manage our service Foreman f5 supervise - es n eoporîence. e f: 905-828-7763 department. Ford esperiento nîîid ho an assot 30O-dO cor/ors, tom- Wr ttoo itn Frfrhrifomlopes at dAsa m: heba5 agi8tap-ae7y63 but more important iv yaur corrent cork eoperî putor lterate. CNC F aI atheforartio lc. ti5-831-8070 hela g c t paceyra d anChmp ente mthîn astar doiershîp.00e off er an excellent Operator able to pro- $12500 a a i-, 90-3-67 cgeco.Ca V cail 05878.23a compensation package cîth a hase salary sort a gram Proect Prsjoct 12 .cal958 .34 monthîn bonus. Please apply ta, John Peri: Coordînator must have , .c Concept Ford, Georgetown AutsCad. Compettîve ~i poee! y rahiM Casfd! Fax 905-336-2005 t1___ ___1wt 111oo ax 90543-330 cagelhenefts t 1________ IMssissauga area IPart-Tme I exp. preferred Hourly +Commission ,I !.i Idm1,1î j1 As a key mombor of our Sales Toam, you milI source nec and service oxîsfing cli- ents for The Toronto Golf & Travol Show and rolatod publicafions. The qualîfîod candidate wil bo a moti- vatei, indepondef, self-sfarter wf h a provort track record in sales. You ciI pos- nons excellent writton and verbal commu- nicafion skilîs and ho familiar with Micro- soff computer applications. Advertising prînt sales ani exhibit/trade Show expri- once proforrod. Knowlodgeo f the golf in- dustry an asset. If you woul i lko to work with a leader in the media ioduslry this opportunity may ho the righf 0ne for you. Wo offer s com- potîtîvo compensation package and op- portun/tien for future careor growth. A ro- hiable vohîcle is required. If intorestod ploaso forward your rosume încludîng salary oxpectations, and rofer- once Golf Shows in the subjoct lino to: Fax: 905-632-0308 We appretîste the interoat of ai/ applîcantn bocover on/y thove se/ected fos an interiew cIl ho contactoti Ns phono ct//us agenties plese. Burlington Post The Burlîngton Pont, a division of Me- froland West Media Group, ta see/îng an oulgoing dynamic individual for a; Part-Time Inside Sales Representative The quslifîod candidate cili ho s moli- vatod, indopendent, self-starter mîth an outgoîng domeanor. You cilI posseos ex- cellent wrîtton and verbal communication ski/bs and ho famliar cîth Microsoft appi- cations. In thîs role, you wll ho customor focused and ciI buîld strong re/ationships cîth nom clients by ensurîng that fheîr adeer- tîsîng neoits are met. You miii ho goal- oriontoti and capable of meeting regular monthly budgets cithîn a deadlîne f0- cusod onvîronmont If yos would lîke to cork for a leader in the media industry this opportunity may ho the right one tor you. If întorested please ca/I no lator than Octoher 3Oth, 2006 to; Krystal at 905-632-4444 ext. 239 We apprecîsto the intoront of al spp/îcants hocever on/y those so/ocfed for an interview ci/I ho contacted. TEEHOESAE If you en/ny telephone s/les, then this position sould intereot ynu. SafetyCare prodoces and dis- lt/butes a c/de range of Safety Training videos, OVOs and Training Course bsnksoin the stea of Wnrkpisce Heslth & Ssfety. We deal cith s w/de range of clients acroon Canada. Anynne upplying fnt thîs positinn must ho s self startet cho /0 intereoted in esrning an above aver- age incomne cnrkîng under the umbreilsnof s suc- cestul international cnmpsny. This position in- usines seling tn an exsing client base plus denel- oping sewclcients in nrder to to/e the sales up to the nent level. There ate current/y tws positions anaîlahie. For more information on Ihese lwo positions, cail Ed Aasman ai SafelyCare Inc. 905-631-6070 ý Are ysu ready for/the nevi ieeei louse fax ysur reoume to. 905-877-7818 Atteîntîo:Terry Alu apyiîc nrî vMi 5v consideeO îngardles sif periecec Job inevvrviiw ise csstn,.ind November n/s and!91 Fl e orPat sm dîstrîhutos a aide range of Hoa/th f& Ssfety Train- îng vidons, DOVODunnd traî nîng maous/s. 00e are curont/y /o/îng forsmesne cho is fluent ýn bs/h North Americas Iargest consumer golf show, The Toronto Golf & Travel Show, a division of Metroland Printing, Pubtishing & Distributing Ltd, is soeking an experi- enced: SALES REPRESENTATIVE 1 F 1 1

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