Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Nov 2006, p. 13

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Police looking for home intruder A Childs Drive womnan got quite the' sbock early Wednesday rnornng when she discovered a manî standing in lber liing room. Police satd the incident happened ai about 1 arn. The womnan was in her basement when ber dog began barking. When she went upstairs to sec what was going on, she saw the mnan trying to unhook a DVD player. He lied through the back sliding doors - through which lie had entered - carrying a knapsack, cigarettes and loose change. Police said he rode away on a bicycle, judging from btke tracks. The woman's husband was upstairs sleeping at the time. Police responded, and a canine track -suspects PoliceBlotter was unsutccssfcilly condctted along Chîlds Dnive and Ontario Streci, cntI îng near F.C. Drury Hîgh School. The suspect is descnhecl as white, about 25 Arith a slimi build. He was wearîng blue jeans, a jean îackeî and a black hooded sweatshirt. Aum one with information is askecl to caîl police at (905) 825-4777 or Cnime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800- 222-8477). Electronjes stolen A large quantity tii electrîînîcs was stolen fromn a Zimmerman Crescent home dunng a break-mi ast week. Stppe s f Ito sought in bin fire Halton Regional Police are inves- buildings exterior metal façade tigating a suspicious fire outside an receîved extensive radiant heat dam- apartment building. age. Shortly before 5 a.m. last Fniday, If vou have an}y inormation about three recycling bins ai the rear of this or an y otlîcî matter caIl 1-800- 211 Ontario St. were set ablaze caus- 222-TIPS (1 -800-222-8477) or chieck ing $5,000 worth of damnage. out Chnî Stoppers a( wwwihalton- The bins were destroyed and the cri oîcsî $TILL MISSINC! MALE BLACK TA3Y SAMUL REWANO Reo ul oved. Conlrnrcàt& rine st. Mal have vent ursi toward Oronte & Aune Any information please cati Sue 416-272-7066 90-878-7378 DO YOUR PART Help keep our Mlton's local recycling guide- linos, and recycle this paper when you're inished reading t! TH1E CONSERVATION ZON1E Seasonal LE D Lightung IPeter Love Chief Enrgy t'ovjrtation If you plan 10 decorate tis holiday season, now is the ime to gel the SLEDs 0out and save some electrîcîîy dollars! That's righî - Scasonal Liglhî Emîtiing Diode lighus! These festive lighîs use up io 90'/(,lest elecîricity, and lasi up to 10 tinies longer than iraditional incandescent scasonal lights. LED lighîs and other energy efficient lîghting producîs are sold throîîghout Ontario. Celebrate savings this holiday SLEDs are a "brilliant" idca for niany reasons. They cost a lile more, but the long-ierm cncrgy savings will be a gîfi cvery holiday season. They'll pay for ihemselves wîthin a season or two (dcpcndîng on how often they arc used) through the reduced cost of energy and replacemnent bulbs. SLEDs are quickly hecoming the lîghting produet ofechoîce. 100. Many people flnd they preter the sharper, brighîcr colours of SLEDs compared 10 regular ncandescents. Here are lusi a few mnore jolly good reasons 10 "SLED" ihis season: - With no breakable bulbs, SLEDs are shanter- proof, and shock. siater and wind-resistant *If a lîght malfuniciions, the rest sîay lit *Varieiy is the spîce of life -- SLEDs corne in a variety of sizes and shapes, such as straw- berry, raspbenry, mini-lights and rope lightîng - Choose your colour schemne. SLEDs are available in whriie, red, green, gold, blue, clear and multi, and in strings of 25, 35, 700or 100 lights. Look for SLEDs ihat are CSA-approved. For outdoor use, nmake sure you purcliase outdoor-rated products and always follow the manutactireCîs instîructioi,, \vttîtCSA-approved, cnergy-efficieni SLED lîghts ibis holiday scasoti. Save even more by usîng programmable imers tc0 manage your festive lighting displays- indoors and out. JChooing the. products that are rgit fr your homme could save you up to 10% on your elect&b ill IIaid u in Ohh.igt n" n.. energysPPIY chlleng. For more infonnation and touleamre oeabout the. Eveq Klowatt Counts mioue savlng coupon progrm, caîl 1-866-859.9898 or visit Police saîd the break-and-enter took place Octobeî 23 during the day. Stolen by unknown suspects was $3,000 worth of property including a digital camecra, CD player, MP3 player, PlayStationi with gaines, portable CD player, gold bracelet, cell phone, mans ring, walkie taîkie and case of beer. Scale stolen An industrial scale was siolen from a Steeles Avenue company overnight Monday Police saîd the scale was worth $1 ,000. Car broken into A car parked on Gowlands Crescent was broken into overnight October 26. Police saîd unknown suspects entered the unlocked vehicle and took a Nikon digital camera valued at $550. Equipment damaged Construction equipment at Reid Sideroad and Guelph Lîne was dam- aged recently Police said unknown sus- pects stole the batteries of two bulldoz- ers and also removed 300 litres of diesel fuel from them. Medals found Police are looking for the owner of a set of inedals that was turned in to police Sunday The medals, from the Ontario Gamies for the Physîcally Disabled, were found in a parkette near Lorne Scots Drive and Nelson Court. %O00e he-ele-c'- 1- %Ooe Ipaul Tate m uli:l m LOI m m rerel m 0 9 E m m m m LO()k for your Covers flyer in today's paper Selected Areas The Canadian Champion, Friday November 3, 2006- A13 *Hearing fflor Life Audiology Centre & Dispensary OEN OUE1 Hearing for Life Audiology Centre & Dispensary recently opened its doors in Milton. As a new memrber of the Milton busi- ness community, we invite you to visit with us. 49ILuerAe ue Su .ie e. rer eia Cnr Mi11111ntri 905.693.HEAR (4327) loin us for a cup of coffee or tea, and a visit of our new facility. We look forward to meeting with you, and answering any questions you may have. Hope you can join us! Wt ar s &3Counllors andCidte Rapeli ionalCadiates & Milton Resident .Tmiste- Ask your Councillors and Candidates your questions about the Mountsberg Quarry. Sponsoîed liy: Ward One Cousillr Rick Day and Milton Ratepayers Association. Il m 1 1 rr-

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