Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Nov 2006, p. 12

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Al12- The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 3, 2006 iLIN 00Milton Seniors' Activity Centre MILTO 500Child s Drive, Milton a 905-875-1681 GARDENS RETIREMENT RESIDENCE Our seniors enîuy independence wth 'Assisted Living" aiways an option. Respîte are services also uvailable NOW OPEN Affordable ail inclusive rates Studio suites available Accepting resernations for une and two bedroom suites Cati for your personai tour Contact Marlene Williams 905-693-8592 45 Martin St, Mlton, Ont. (acrusu from tht Miii Pond) T1he Vacation that Never Ends! DicvrAniasuiu reotisie e m n reiecs mgn'ýn re akal p m eedlfetl A.q(ý iERi', Mii is go5.816.9i63 "The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre is a Twn ai Mlton facility whase purpose is ta affer aider aduits the appartunity ta attain the highest Possible standard ai lite. ln pursuit af this goal, the Centre pro vides quality programs which pramate physical, mental, social, and ematianal wel-being." LEST WE FORGET- Juin us for Our Remembrance Day Ceremony New Membership nenewal: UPCOMING EVENTS.. otar *As ni Nonember 1, ail memberuhipu being renumué, Wedoesdi miii bu tor a 12-month pennéd. Our current hait-year Drop by the Centre membership for new members wiii nu longer bu mure about th unaitubie. For more inormation, piease contact the Ruprusenatives wil * Centre. mumburs about Chrismas Shopping al the Centre urganizationnirek Once ugain the Centre nfurs many mundertul gi Monday,1 ginîng ideas. There are lots ut items nu chonsu trnm Frum 9:00 a.m. such as Christmas gift baskets, Chrstmas cakes, nutrtînus breakfast aimondu, shurtbread cnukîeu, chuesu. Centre (ucsrmide memburshîps, books, etc.Drop by the Centre and tea/cuffel) Pleasi take a look! Order turmu are avaiabie nsm ai attend - dunt miss Rucuption tor cheesu, mith duivery the second weuk Petitt Library n Decumbur ody * UPICOMING EVENTS... At 730 pm the eý "Hotly Hobby" Oazaar & Craft Sale: cutting. Comu by ih Saturday, November 4 somu rutrushments, mthin sur Centre ME Chusse trsm sur mîde suiection.. crafts, kitting, tormmiore intormatinr baking and deli, sulent auction, drams, buoks. iemeiiery, chiidrun's table, Christmas table, white Wedoesday etephant tubies, art show and murh, much more! Thu Eniuy a dulîcînus h( suie runs 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.w. Corne euriy tur busi Piease sîgn op ut the suiection. Tirué trom shopping? Juin us for lunch' ordur lu the Centre Donatuns ut bukué goos f or sur table mouid bu meek. The rosti s greatîy apprucianed. dessert and buvuragE Remembrance Day Service: Fli Tuesday, Novemher 7 Frida The Centres Ktchun Band prusunts nls affluai Freintluenza Itis)irr Rumembrance Day progrmr, beginning an 9:45 prioriny individuais. Fnîuy a sing-a-inng, poems and other enterainment, i Enioy a rompliîrnnary suncb, cuurtusy ut the The Centre otters a vi Creutîvu Fîngers CrufClub, Song Spînners Chorus Cali the Centre or dro and Fond Devuiopmunt Committe Please rail the Mondays or Wudnu: Centre to uet us knum tf you plan on attunding. noue. AL Movies at the Centre *L THURSDAY SHOWS BEGIN AT 1:30 P.M. * Thsrsday, Novumber 2 "Click" starring Adam Sundier * Tbursday, Novumber 9 "John MacCrae's War: on Flanders Field" " Thursduy, Novembur 16 "A Prairie Home" starring Meryi Streep " Thursduy, Novumbur 23 "The Break Up' starrivg Vînce Vaughav, Jevoîtur ai Senior Games: day, November 8 and 22 ne dsring the morning un find ont ne Ontario Senior Games. i bu sn the Centre lobby nu educate this mundurful prugram and tfast and Chat Time: Nuvember 13, 20 & 27 12:00 noun, unioy a heaithy and stwith triendu tur nniy 99-cents eggs, tnasn, marmaladu , arnand ;erail the Centre tf you plan nu y& Gallery Grand Dpenîng: Novemberl13, 20 &27 evuning bugins with the rîbbn te Centre, muet the artints, enîny aînd ruiebrate the art rommunity emburshîp, pluase cali the Centre iLunches ai the Centre on muai or suup and sandwich. irereption dusk or phone in yuur ,by 0000. the Monday ut that $6 and includus a uaiad, entrée, ne Ail lunches hegin ati11:30 a . u Shut Clioie: îy, November 17 nmmunîzatiun tnr seiors and high Trips & Tuurs ariuty uf day and ovurnîght trips. rp in nu the Trips & Tours Offiru, ,days, butuven 10 00 a.m. and Here are just some of the DROP-1N PROGRAMS offered at the Centre (Ail programs are held at the Centre uniess otherwise tated) EVENING EUCHRE: The second Wednesday of every month (November 8) and the first and third Tuesday of every month (November 7 & 21) starfing at 7:30 p.m. Cosf: $2.50 for fun and prizes. EVENING BID-EUCHRE: Offered the second and fourth Tuesday of every monfh (November 14 & 28) starting af 7:30 p.m. Cost:- $250 for fun and prizes. CONTRACI BRIDGE: Wednesday mornings ut 9:30 arn., Thursday affernoons at 1:30 p.m., and Friday morniugs at 10 arn. Cosf: is $2 for members: $4 for non-members. BlD EUCHRE: Every Monday and Thursday at 1:.30 p.m. Cost is $2 for members;- $4 for non-members. BOOK CLUB: Held the second Thursday of every month beginning af 11:00 arn. Cost is $2 for members;- $4 for non-members. EUCHRE: Enery Friday afternoon in the Centre Acfivify Room at 1-30 p.m. Cosf is $2.50 for members; $450 for non- members for fun and prizes. CYBER CAFE: Heid enery Mnnday and Friday from 1:00 - 3:30 p.m., wifh experienced votunfeers availabie for assistance. Cosf is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. "DO WNSIZERS" WEIGHT LOSS CLUB: Held enery Tuesday af 10:00 arn., focusing on healthy eafing, exercise habits and iosing meight safeiy in a supportive setting. Cost is $2 for members; $4 for non- 9 Awàr.T- members. *Frîduy, November 3 "Sarrender, Doruihy' starrîno Dianie Keatonr .00 Heid every Tuesci " Friday, Novumbur 10 "Syriana" starring George Clnonuey icuig music shiie basi " Friday, Nuvumber 17 "The Sentinel" starring Michael Douglas àPUZÀ musicians are moic " Friduy, Novumber 24 "The Lake House' starring Keunu fleuves .Sandra Buiioc;k : non-members. " Thank you to Rogers Video for their generous support of the Centres movie program 0 SHUFFLEBOARD: 245 COMMERCIAl ST, MITON I 9T 9]' ZKScy0MA , Free Delivery * Ail Drug Pans Acoepted e 10% Seniors Discount , Wriften Drug Information Availabl "At Zak's We Care About Vour Health" HERITAGE HOUSE RETIREMENT HO] 2113 Gordon St, Guelph, ON NIL 1C7 Our reputation is buit on 20 years of dedication to providir quality care by a full time Nursing staff in a small supportive sei Is this the help you need for someoe you care about 519-822-2006 # email: heritage@sentex Heid every Wedne Roorn. Cost:: s $2f The above informe iay ut 9:00 arn. Create entertaining ving fun! Experienced or flot, aul corne. Cosf is $2 for memburs, $4 for esday frorn 1:30- 3:30 in the Garnes for members:- $4 for non-members. ilion is sublec Io change and limitation. PROGRAMS OFFERED AT THE LIONS HALL UN CAMPBELLVILLE EVEIUINC EUCHRE Fridays, November 10 & 24 IiIhUING 810-EUCHRE Fridays, November 3 & 17 boginnini et 7:30 pm Ta~ ém U.. Énq uen"ds'! The competition is keen and thle conversation refreshing. Prizes wiII ho awarded. Cost $2.50 THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND LIMITATION. X-nt FOR FURTNER DETAILS ON c.,AÇ!TIVITIES,,ÇALL 905-875-1681 EDEN HOUSE GARE FACILITY INC. One storey building located on beautiful spacious grounds situated between Rockwood and Eden Milis NURSING HOME * RETIREMENT HOME 519-8.56-4622 SERVING HALTON AND AREA SINCE 1968 ROBERT ( PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY Bob Lee Kim Mitchell IOther programs offered at the Centre: Bridge, Learn te Play jBridge, Euchre, Learn to Play Euchre, Bld Euchre, Cribbage, Bingo, Snooker, IDants, Shuttieboard, T'ai Chi, Dl-Gong, Yoga, Lino Dancing, Pilates, IClogging. Painting Classes, Tap Dancing, Hawaiian Dancing, Ballroom jDancing, BeIly Dancing, Learn te Speak French, Lite Drawing, Stained boos, Bs ors, WLunch B unch in ter u, Ktendi bra Compue Cub Glaks, BuMoues, Wednchd B unch unter " u, KLenBdlngmLibrar Clube , Cyber Café, Folk Art Club, Drama Club, Book Club, The "Downsizers" Weight Loss Club, Soit Wood Carvinq Club, "Sonng Spinners" Chorus, "Creative 70 Main St. E. 875-242 1 MMý,- M-711--7777-', ---, ý ý, "1 1 ý;l ', , ý 1 1 1 - "T-7r- im Imm

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