Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 24, 2006 OPINJION Living on 'Edge' The launeb tif a ncw would shut down its cross-over utility sehicle \Vaikers Li e laeili(y xxhere (CUV) ai Fords Oakxiile ltaod tait bocies and enads aire plant is e\actly what 1I liton protluced. necdcd alici iremet inews of A union soeje o signilit ant jobl osses in sud ithe t-s came a-s a neighbouning Burlington. shock o tieltk- oilsrs The uuveiliîg olf ord mau\ od \% bomnixae toutci ai Motor (omjxiny's nexx[tige itut plaît lfor 20i x'aîsil, CMIV - and the tmtre mute. cxpensix Cr inutolo NIK\ Miltionu lnoxx s l a ia motde] - isc t iti alxo leelsAi it e ed ofljus i casons. it as-tiies,,local I aid ( it i fanada t î-eti jobs are sale forttriitecown il s j awxson Road i)pet- eing andd îî gix es tbe paient atili, pcttig about 102 aiea ctitpanx- teasoti to hleci i etrcsidctis ot ofii xxtin. ear u mm artînnd a 2006 ibat Aller 18 unî tlîtxxi, hegan with irsi bal lfosses ithe mantilat turing lat titis of $ 1.4 billion (LIS~.). ibainmacde prîîcuc is tor tht- Meanxvbtlc, But ittgitîs xx Lie atdgas tlîii e einapioy-iientppîtînre gcat a sbu uis dtors cîue iii test ruc xvboie lot bleaiser witb iewxs ttritig by' ius parent cîîiîja- ibat a plant emnptiy ing 300 ily-. v\Alter Induties Irît wciid Ne ltsed Ny y-ar end. [xcii ttday rmany outhie Ctiiorado-bascd Bal laitiofoh emjiloy ees arc leliîîg Paekaging anntmnnecd liai. ihe celecîs s &,tetîtîtînIc as a cosi cuttinb, mcasuti t to iok tir xxork. Readers Write Send your lette-r to mitoneW@hatori.seïiibt-cm ci drop th -m ioff oU 575 MaiiSi F. Proposed power plant would destroy our beautiful town f Tue Jîallîwîng ltier was addîtxestd Io ~ Btarbaira EllatO, manager tif piacureaaaî-ttfolt th Oi uitihaPowe'r Autittil îy, ati i t îîpy - was fiied wiîiî Tlte ihamipitî.) DEAR EDITOR: F'm writing ta address ihe proptascd plan of Prîstine Power tu bid a Nydro plant in Milton. 1 was om and raised in Miltan, and i haxe seen manyî ebanges taxer thc years in towu. etinie of ibese cbanges wcre gtaod, wie otbers were not. Now i belteve ibat the wcrst ehange tai A aicouid Ne the building tif tbis power platnt on our doorstep. ThNe plant wonld haxve a dixterse elecet ot ta ttr ttawt andthte nearliy Niagara - Esearpruieni 'si ai abotcthie xxiliife ibat calis ibis naturai xx id rtefuge ontatte ecavpiertbittome? Fltîxx about tbe stiotg iNat xx-tactc iereleasec i t thie air ibai xx'tuid stiely settle ix et tîtr tîxncaus- îng asibîtia ad ltttg dcsecni itaat innoucent peopîle?~ i wtander il Pristine l> woeuxîîlcl prto- vide car piugs ta ncarby- residetîcs sot icx wounttbNeable tn ear ihe incessant niise cemanatig rinthie plant. This is air agrieniturai etnirnunity and wc dant need ratr wanîtlîîis type tfinîdus- try in our aekytard. Perbalîs y-tu sbtauld vîsît our mxxii and ask a fcw resîictîts bow the>y ledl abotn ibis priaposai. Htîw about, il y tit allcaw ibis plant lia Ne lintit, ytacîrelclte y-tar laîaîly lîcre ta Milton su ibai vîîu cati reap the liencits tii sncb a wondrons operatitan in tbe cin- tiuiliiyl? i ltîpe tuaitaîmare lîetaple Irtain ithtawî xiii express ibcîr clsaîîrtavai of ibis pliiit.s tonstructiton. KEITH TIMBERS MILTON Let's stop power plant from coming here sîletet irtig aotiniiithe past. but iax c niai titne st. This iv tîte subjeci 1 feel i etatldnî tîsi stand lîy and nca taîoce tny eocieetis lin suare - anti bcpe - F'in nttaihe tanly citizen ii Milton cuîîeernctl about ptassibiy aving a poawer plant in our baek- yard. Noata aîr xxîere xxe lîxein Miltn, it xili affect ns ail., lini uptng that the peuple of Milton wyill finaliy stand up and sa), enuugh iv, 1ilo d îaîî-c ia- tî Miitata iccaîcsc i ilit wtanclrlnl etîtîîutîtty t îîxxas. ThNecarp- ment sunuunîcing ns wîll Ne alieeied, as xill tatr lidren, seioirs and people xiîl astbîaîa il' a ptower plant iv allîawed to Ne bilît in Milttan. Picase Milton, stand np aîîd Ne Neard. I cix stop ibis plant i*rum ccaming tu M ilton. MELODIE HAWKINS Conservatives' fiscal responsibility doesn't deserve our criticism DEAR EDITOR: This letter is in response En The Championsv October 3 editoniai entitled 'Give us a break'. You're absoiutely right: it does take a lot of nerve for a goverumeut to NOT kowtow to speciai interests and to eut unnecessary vpending in the face of a huge budget surplus. Thank goodness the Conservatives have that nerve. If anything, it shows their integrityt and cnm- mitmeut o fiscal responsibility. Had Paul Martin and the Liberals been iu power, we would no doubt have a dramatie press conference where Martin wouid magnanimousiy aunounce bis intention to use our mney tn improve heal th care and education - twn mouey pis Liberals eau always throw our cash at to score politicai points. As for the statement that the gtvernmient's, approach iv anaîngous ici Nrrowing moceyî irnm a relative mu paye the reît cr utilities but thexa applying al ni the cash tu a credit card Nill, The Chamnpion fails tu mention the fact that t would Ne ulic rjti-sci-titi tartjbil htaixxas lîing jiaiti lt's not the Harper goverient paying their per- vouai debtv witb this surplus, as is implied in the misieading aualogy, but the Harper governmeut paying down ail our debts. This wili reduce future intereat expeuve, mak- ing more money available in the future mn your beloved - and vo often repeated to the point nf meaniuglessness- health care and education. MARK JENSEN MCNIVEN ROAD (1 AM FUI4.Y CoMMI1TEP TO THI5 PROGRM~ C an flair *rHaT u UNITED WAY OF MILTON TV AUCTION MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE ~ t-o, x ShýowcascMuiceua - GieiuL% bch? (anabiaîx cbampion Mitr'A C i uyN( wapc-îtîticei1860 875 Man St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Edîtoriai Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulaiton: 905-878-5947 vwww niloncanadianichampion.corn Publisher Advertising Director VJ il I-Aci Managing Editor Production Manager FDI-tC li!fý Circulation Manager Office Manager The Canadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Fniday ai 875 Main St. E., Milon, Ont, L9T 3Z3, is a division of Metroland Media Groap West - Group Pubisher tan Oliver , ati Dil th, it (ftion ililat rte biq sac rcti,,, b !h ýrcIeC II lln tû, et aj It i %i - !,),adîttItteiitîiltti îf t -i a pvt dbat e i ihý putîî tel tittivesthîe tgtti CCAB Audited J c a iOtait viliitittt z7 etaiewpapeisAbsittiot CN aradian Communitti CCNA Newsapets Axssciatiot xuuaxatNetapapeit of Amneuta I t> Hatapi c-t - HaitnHealti aie jinagt Bell Fnd At- a

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