Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 2006, p. 5

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rLearn secret to business success The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Ociober 24, 2006 - A5 Ail-candidates meeting for Ward 1 'AiiOctoher heing Saýilote to Smnaii Business Month, the Region wil hoid uts lifth annual S Bnidges to Better Business evenh for entrepreneurs. Thc ses5ion, which will he held Novernber 1 ai the i laiton Regional Centre in ()akville, wiii leature discussion groups adspeakers ihat'il share strate- gisfor success wîîh local busi- nespeuple. "Entrepreneurs arc the back- bone of our economy; and ihis event is a unique upportunity for îhem tu cunneet with each other and share their experi- ences in achieving success," saîd Haiton Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline. The keynote speaker wiil be lan Portsmouth, editor and assuciate publîsher of Profit magazine. lelI share the secrets of success of Canadas fastest- gu uigcoolpanies. lx ana Rupcit of' RBC, Financial (rocip will coser the laiesitlevelopmnenis and trends in (.anadas econimy' and f inan- cial markets, iooking ai hoih ihe consumer and husiness sec tors. Discussion groups wii aiso bc held on the foliowtng topies. - 'Lues a Pîîch: Effective Selling' hy jim Letwin, presideni and CEO of Jan Kelley Marketing e 'Media 101: Principles of Successful Media Relations' wîîh Haltun Comt-muniy Relations Director Carleen Carrol - 'Prutecting Yuur Business: Conîracîs, Insurance and Incorporation' hy Gokein Nalsok lrom Simnpson Wigie LLP . 'Optimize Your Weh site tu Boosi Business' wîîh jemma long, ci) owîteî of inSite ( reatios 0 (Cashîlosu I axes ,and Bey ond' wiîh Gregory (Clarke f rom SB Parrineis LLP [he event will run from 11:30 a.m. t 4:45 p.m. in the H-alion Regional Centre audito- riumII, 1151 Brunie Rd. The registration lecc of' $50 includes lunch, the keynuîe speech, experî-ied discussion gruups, neîwurking opportuni- tices and a neîwurking cuntest. Bridges tu Beter Business i presenîed hy Ilaltun Regions Business Developmeni Centre in parînership wih the Ministry of Small Business and Enîrepreneurship, Canada- Ontariu Business Service Centre and RBC Financial Croup. To regisier, caîl (905) 825- 6000 or vîsît and select 'Business' \Vid i residenis w iil have a chance tut hear whai ihecir municipal election candidates have tu sa>' at an al candidates meeting Noverinher i. [rhe event. organized hy the Milton Rural Resîdenîs Association, will also include the Wards I and 3 (local/regional ) iouncillor candidates and those runnîng for inayor and regionai chair. liii hc held ai the Milton Sports (entre [rom 7 to 9:45 p.m., wîîh dours opening ai 6.30 p.m. Partial funding for raises may be ongoing * fromn BOARD on page Ai of utîlîties. The guod îhing îs the prîce of electricity is down and natu- rai gas prices have stahîlîzeci. An institution lîke ours uses a lut (of huîh). " Directur of communications for the Minisir>' of Education Vaierie Puulîn îuld [The Champion Thursday' thai it will cuver 50 per cent of the raises of trustees on aun ongoing" hasts. mcanîng not unis fuir [ihe cuii reni schooi s'car but for the y'ears bey ond as well. Parfernuk said heuI take a cauîîuus approach wîîh such a statemneni and wîll oniv deai wiîh ihe issue on a year b>' yecar basis. New provincial regulatons made îî possihle for huards tut drarnaticaliy increase ihe annual sîîpend for suhsequeni huards, and also to award back pa>ý Lach trusece gets $8.153 in back pa>' for- thcperioci Septeinher i1, 2005 to Sepiember 1, 2006. As wefi, each trustee gets an additionai $ 1,882 tacked on to their new rnonthiy pay spread oui f roiîn Septeinher through Novemhber 2006, as pari o tiihe ecoure i 5-month retroactive perîod. Bronte Corporate Centre 400 BRONTE STREET, SUITE 101 Milton, Ontario L9T 0H7 905-875-2575 Wednesday's WaIk-in CIinic wiUI begin here November 8th, 2006

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