Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 2006, p. 14

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Ground water huge concern a from RESIDENTS on page A12 and pitting residents against each other. The company mîight make large donations to com- munity arenas or charmtes to gain public favour, he suggest- ed. Flint pointed to a recent community newsletter as an example of how disarming the company can be, saying that it mentions every concern and tries to convey the message to residents that theres nothing to worry about But the facts don't change, hc argued. "They cant show us our water won't be iînpýacted. Possible impacts to the gmounclwaicr lrom quarry opera- lions domninated much of the discussion at the meeting. Noting thait part of the wellhead proiccIlon zone providing waîcr for area wells andl the communal watcr systcm nr Carlisle is locai- cd on the quarry site, (.ouncîllor Mc( 'ar-iy talkcd about -waier svîsCs" hat alrcads' exisi trn thc arca and tlic necci-no(to1 mess wss oh our iosi preci oits rcsourcc. Slic attacked ihc idca of the ss aid icecirculation ss 51cmpro- pnîscd by' ti Mary 's as a mcîthonl col rccharging thc aquilcr wih ssatcr altcr it is punnpccl lrin the' cuarcs' loor. its nwand iunicsicd and hasn't bectn uscd on fractureci bcdrock,' she told the crowd. A hydrogeologist hired by McCarthy to conduct an inde- pendent revîew ol environmen- taI reports on the quarry backed up McCarthys misgivings about an unproven water recirculation system. Ian Macdonald, of WESA (Water and Earth Science Associates), a Kiîchener-based environmental sciences consult- îng company, said the "major shortcoming" of the proposed system is, Its purely conceptu- aI and there's no proof it works." Macdonald said he holds serious doubts about the ability of an operation on the scale pro- posed by St. Marys to reinîro- duce the water mbt the ground from the quarry floor. "Getting waîer back into the ground îs diffîcult. Its harder 10 gel water back mbt the bedrock- than to extract io," he stressed. Moving water int trenches difficult, says consultant Macdonald also said itîIl bc dîliculi io gel ssater 10 move away' Iroin the quarry' loto the recirculation ircnchcs with such sir<)ng gradients tossard the qlcari'h A mnan in the crovd saîd a Si. Mars 's cxccutiîsc îold fiinii hai lIhe company kn osss tIse gi oundwsaler rcc rcuclaton s's- Icin s conccptcial, but also saîd, "This is ihe ss'ay' vecrcgoing lis dois o. thîs wiIl work. - le asked Macdonald: "Are we being deceived?" "That's a pretty naive approacb," the consultant said, adding that the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), wbich approves aggregate extraction permits, "will not accept that." St. Mary's officiaIs have said the systemn will be tested on the site late this year or early next year. Resuhts of the test will be sbared with various stakehold- ers, including the MNR, Ministry of the Environment, Conservation Halton and the City of Hamilton. Another audience member asked if there are any Provincial guidelines regulating the rein- troduction of water into the aquifer. Macdonald saîd the water bas to be of good quality and it must be shown that it wil not affect other users of that water. Representatives of St. Marys wcre învîîed to attend the meet- ing, but declîned sayi ng they' wcrcn'î ready to dîscuss the projeci in suefi a forum "at this tii-ne. Flinit'aid FORCE bas sent a letter to comipany officiaIs ask- îng them ti ineet'with members ol us stecnng commiitic to dis- cuss community concernis about the proposed quarry Instali Sinoke Mlarns lits The Law. Hel wrdHel fedo .Helomy w oo hn 5 o n de.Hel on hdnhe whnevrAndmusi t alhursHeloStaeFri aet [bcsneoc 0o a her in1 buying a car and rakng incestnenîs. Hello adventure. Hello ileý ll"luîmore can îeur Sis uîFngent do/fi-oun 't' /lsdaîmoiîîussîo, liave Poire.Agenl 917 NipsinRad MSllfiON 19T5FI tveesngs and Weknnds by appoinnet Pi7 n10eMi,1 ,/ C Corne on over! We're cetebrating the first anniversary of our James Snow Parkway Branch. Please loin new branch manager, Ada Agi and her team at the first anniversary of our James Snow Parkway branch on Saturday, October 28. >Colouring activity for cilidren with a gift from Leo the Lion. >Get your child fingerprinted for free by Child Find Canada and receive an "Ail About Me" ID for your child's personat records. Child Find wiII also have important information on children*s safety available. >Enter to win a $10,000 Dream Vacation'! > Free hot dog and refreshments. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 28 any time between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. James Snow Parkway Branch l 240 SelsAveniif je F5 .MilSon cid1ïIlil b. Instail them in your home or cottage today'

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