Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 2006, p. 10

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A10 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 24, 2006 BUSINES Gislearning young about world of modeling By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Tf iberes one îhing almiosi al girls like jto do, ifs dress up. Give a girl somec lipstick, glitter and high heels. and shes happy' for hours. Nobody knows that hetter than Milionian Kitsa Stattu, who cecidcd to go into business with a venture that would allow girls to hc niodels for ada), and give iheir moinsa break. Caîwalk Girls ibrows 'rnodeling parties' for girls aged eighi to 1 2. F or two-and-a-haîf hours, girls get to lis e life as a glamnorous model. 1 start off by ieaching iheru about the world of mnodeling," Statt saîd, explain- ing she touches on the mnan>' scamis thai are oui there. Afier that cornes an age-appropriate mnake-up lesson and instruction (m how 10 model on the runway. The pari> concludes with a mini lashion sbow production, wbere girls can taRe advantage of' Stattîs stash of fun accessories including feather boas. "The great thing about the parties is ifs their project. They work together as a teain to produce the show," said Staîti, adclîng, The girls are usually exciîed and proud of themselves wvhen they do the show" Statti starîed Catwalk Girls a couple of years ago, after realizîng she had a unique idea on ber hands that would allow ber to tARRiF TRSKINF / SPECIAL TO [HE CHuAMPION TOOLS 0F THE TRADE: Kitsa Statti runs tatwvalk Girls, a business that brings modeling parties to pre-teens' homes. put to use ber exîîerience n ibe lashion and beauiy industries. And il ihere's anyone whos qualîhccl tut teach girls about miodeling, ifs Staîti. Wiib education inn iodeling. mnakeup artisiry and lashion design, Siaiti bias îîroduccd lashiion showvs, been a rnodeling sehool inistructor and bias been a hcauty ediior and ashion edu- tor foir a lîîness magazine and newspaper respectivclyý I lie parties provide a great introduction o modeling, and are helplul for girls who hope 10 gel mbinthe lashion indusir), - a desîre thats soilietimes luelled by TV shows including Canadas Nexi Top Model, Statit saîd. The sessions are a cheaper alternative to courses that eau cosi îhousands of dollars, she saîd. Bui they,'re also grcai lor girls who bave no intention oh seriously inodeling, and sin- ply enjoy an ahiernoon ofl make-beliel, Stati said. She added us'- a way girls can let loose, enjoy thcrnselves and gain confidence. 'A loi oh shy girls cor-ne out of their shelîs duning the parties,"shec saîd. Staîti wîll do ihe parties ai the girls' hornes or other chosen locations. Parties include a boot bag for each girl. Moins appreciate the idea because ifs unique and means they don't need to becomne razzled trying to organîze somne- îhîng themselves, Staîti said. ibydon't base to do anyîhing while l'm there,- she explaîned. Caîwalk Girls also does workshops l'or îeenaged girls ihat locus on self-improve- ment and advanced runway modeling. They can carry, a format sîmîlar to that of the par- ties, or be customîzed to suit the needs of cach girl. For more information, visit Stephanie Thiesseti can bc îcaclîed at sthiessen@-miltoncaeiadiamcliampion.coitn. HOW CAN YOU BENEFIT FROM KINESIOLOGY? What is Kinesiology? What dues a Kinesiologist really do? These are but a tew questions 1 otten encounter throughout my work day and today 1 will discuss the role ut a Certitied Kinesiulogist during this special time as we celebrate the protession ut Kinesiology in October! Kinesiology is the science and practice ut human movement. It tocuses on how the body tunctions and moves. Dur scope ut practice includes "the application ut scientitically based principles to enhance the strength, endurance and mobility ut individuals with or without tunctional limitations, and the administration ut musculoskeletal, neurological, biomechanical, physiological, psychological and task-specitic tests, assessments, and measures." Whatever your physical condition, concero, or current status we cao help you overcome the obstacles to better health. Are you wondering how to start an exercise program? Do you need to boost your pertormance at work? Are you recovering trom an injury or accident? Kinesiologists help salve these and many other problems: " Healthier daily living " Reduced incidence ut disease and injury " Reduced incidence ut pain and discomtort " At better understanding ut how your body works " Healthier, sater workplaces " lmproved options tor health and wellness management " Faster recovery trom injury " Better work, exercise, and sport pertormance> A Certitied Kinesiologist is a member ut the Ontario Kinesiology Association. As a member, and as a consumer, this means that we as a protession are accountable to an association, we tollow a specitic scope ut practice, we tollow the philosophy, mission and code ut ethics ut the association and we continue our education to bring you the newest intormation out there. Hire a Certitied Kinesiologist today and see tor yourselt how we can improve your litestyle, workplace, and/or rehabilitation! S[ILeI uy. îVI.,ituiiW î Iýuld bgi rr ic, r I o. t uIVl t, *The intormation above was taken directly trom the OKA website October 2006 & trom Kinnection, Vol 22, No3, 2006. For more intormation please contact; Meredith Craigie - Holistic Rehabilitation Services - Phone- 416-859-4309, Email: Halton Community Rehabilitation Centre - 17 Wilson Dr. Unit 12, Milton, Phone: 905-876-1515, Email: Ly à

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