h I ARTS Unique art auction for Cherrys Home GRSAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CI1AMi'ýON SON FILM: Local country recording artist Alysha Brooke films her first music video Sunday at Hod Rods, with local uine dancers taking part as extras. The sorîg being filmed is calied 1 Dont Drink (But l'm Gonna Gel Drunk Tonight), and is the fîrst released sngle from her latesi CD, 1 Talk Country. Line dancers for the vdea were cho- sen at a recent CD release party held at Bot Rods. By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Drop mbinthe Starbucks location on Market Drive, and you'll find more than jusi colfee 10 brighten your day. You'll also fînd an t)ppirtuflity 10 bielp bring soine relief to termninally iii eidren and their tired, worn o)ut lamilies through a new fundraising initiative - a sealed bud art auction to benefit Rose Cherry's Home l'or Kids. Lach month, patrons ,vil find a nesi fraied print - or occasionalîs an original painting -lin ant casel, along wîîh a mninimum bid and a box in ss Ilici to place a bid. Nobýods kiîosss liow iiclh the other partici- pals is e bîd. uitlei about a moithtîthe person wîtlî the hîgliesi bic ll iibc conîacted, aind a nesi paiinting \vill alipeai. Net procceds lroi he sale ofthIie paintings wvill go to Rose C herrs 1 lome uon No. 15 Sideroad, a cliildren's hospice respîte centre. Flic auciion, dieamned up iw Milîunian Bill litint, was launchecl ai the Milton Starbucks October 6 by cignitaries including Mayor Gordl Krantz and C ounicillor Mark Curtis, andl Kelly Macînîvre, who bas kîndlv îxîintecl an original piece foir the it anc tiuon. "I luieefber work.' fitnt sai. Macîntvre's painting fîtîngly fea- tores a cup tif coffee next 10 a cbeery buncb of sunllowers. The final date for bîdding is November 3. Hunt bas big plans for the fondrais- er, wbîcb bas alieady stretcbed beyond Milton. ibis montb, easels were also set op in Hamilton, Bcrlîngion, Oakville, Guelph and Mississauga. Si) far, aIl tihe locations are Starbucks, except the c)ne in Guelph, but Hunt saîd future loca- tions svill s ary -Mv goal is to bave 100 locations and then see wbere bo go from there," lie saîcl 1 IThe Mississariga aoc lion alsi) fea- tucs an original painting 1w Macintyre, w5hile tlie c)hers featore prii)ts of mu)sily lo)cal artists, Hunt If I Cal i 1 ant Ici pick local artîsts asinticli as possible on) a mnonthîx basis, bc saîcl. Hont saîcl be came dp witb the idea alter cleciding lie wantecl b dco some- îbîng to belp Rose Cherrys Home, wbîch be lises besîde. l'be soccess cil the auction so far is due largelv iii part to Betty Gilbert, the manager of the local Starbucks, wbo lent ber ccontacts and entbusîasm to the prcject, Hunt said. Stephiiîiie Fliiesseui coti be îeaclied at stliiessei@naiiltîoicaîiodiaic iînpioîi. tot ,,uerueermî Ddll di uieriiriITI1 JIUU ;<- k;i f*i inrnrir r. C Dm ll* -Lm vik Rock concert at church ib uuy iuiiuiaiibem lui DL. rdUl s cuIUILI Mones' raisecl ssill go ioss aid the century -oldcI cbrcb's Raise the Roof',[ecI the 1I oiC 'catii- paigiissisicb amins to replace' tht' cbttrch roof - uts sl,îte tilts ,ic' croinsbltng -ancd gise i Ie kitchen a lacelilt alter cliiens 01i bians, lîslitancd toi Ces siippc'rs. "I 's ait amihioîs utoclrtais itsg Ioi aise $200000 loii tlîîs renos aiton,hbitthi e geisciosits i01 tsur ct)ngregaticit ancdfîsiis ct)tmonity is a testamrett i Miltotîs laitb ini ibis NMain 'Street landmark,' saici Doog \Vlkei, Men fromn the St. Pauls Uinitecd Cborcb chosir wîli dois tîseir kilts for a wortbh' cause iiext Friday' St. Pauls hUnitecd Cburt bwill isold its Aberdleen BaIl ai Glen C atmn (cilf(lob on Regional Rcscd 25 starting aI ()6 m Thle es ening, slicitsorecl ly (tallinger toirciLincolin, s i itîclocle a gcornmet citinet, danc- ing antd acicticins, ssitb tussic pic)sidetl by' Don Sngolai ancd luis Memnors' ane Orchiestra. Tickets cosi $S100 eacb. ANbc'rceen Bail cliairnatu. "Miis ssouild lce stît prîseCdl a b lit iusit' c iand )i.,ii iî ti t, clitittt s l isi oaisc)Il)- tImIltitsgiîitps andiciicct li iiiiglitiIi iic 5ei iv ac' ndiî silciii aic ttitis, it)cgliiii ise c'5t'tiiII Icita- bta c'd aitiut 1o'hci c itl cdas getassasup Alid. i o rîsers e a tic lcei ii tiilofi c'îgbî cii NN'til i(90) 4(-)) (1594. fax iec cipis s bci ieissocil "ititiil)sicle t.ommotîiiiits flitiitli ssill tick kltextsseekend ss heu i ia lancîf il ol lica~l banicîs p uon a conîcettI(o raise i)ntc loi a trip Io ilîsaine. \liltoiins,i rciuts ted ti) attcecd tht' sli\\ ' lic 1 i lltakcplaceii.t' S obl' 28aiSuitlîstule 280 SO et i-s Rd Duoits \\ Il openi a i ..\ciîssî cosiS5' ssiiacaî cîid giocl or 'Ss ithoti. I i ,itspli îg ai ithe ,ill ,uges Cc t coi c IFlic slalîs sNalesXsll" luiiiblc'is aric ai)ioiig tie people ii-aselig iiIo Ci aiiie - a,s sscl as Oc cats,. A SaidcI ie C onnecticuti 'Sk\ iigli t lit aisa, Our 1liime/1 lie lai lii, and AN Nioîoeîîîs 1lishace. i ilteei iîtoil tesicletts tatîginini age frinti1i5 to 25 ss'll iras I o Uk rame frin mNosembet i17 to 2(). The gicop wiii put on ilii-tneclia per- luitances iii challenge Cicîs te nuake positive thîtices in hie. saicl Siese Niîllc', a tocinber i l iFlic 'Sbaclosss, Itisendc'îîc l ie ss ek ss c' uit ossa pats/u.iicc-rt loi all thekisit tî he sc iuiol andithe lic iohers rauge lion) ý0L) 00 ii s 00sIs Nhilic'r sai NiAttis partv/coiiceri, sse once taiin Challenge ibe Iics to isaki'pos- itîse cbuiiccs's auiconnoct cin titi sili loa t il).fl)oi i grupjs. iflic 'Sliacloý,ssN1l'ssill pli ce tlle iiiO'ic lorI lictrip. DURuINrGIN GARDE msisdlesigned Io be the premier retirementresidence in the Burling. ton tom mu nity. With over 25 studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, ond cottage floor-plansto ch oosef rom, you'~i neverfeelyou've been boxed in. [orge windlowsfornaîural ighting, walk-in (,RA,oîa RFTiRi-mrNi LIVING. 300 PLAINS RoAD W. BURLINGION, ON [T71i G4 www. burtington-gardens. net Don'I el o odeogt tINSsi Y ou't 1 oîndit oughtfo be Dti Sl( Nfil) [ i'Ok.LJVIN(I OPEN SOON... Reserve Vour, Suite Now! 905-521-0888,