The Canadian Champion, Friday October 20, 2006 - 29 Looking for a MAINTENANCE_____________MANAGER________ Dispatcher (training avaitable) Âo l f À fl D I I Are you a Dependlable, Dadicated and Safety Conscisus Persan with a for a Load E DU CA TI ON E v C SCan )os" approach who Enoys Managing in a Fast Paced Envirsnment? Brokerage Co. EDU AT ON SE VI ESCompater The rosltt t-ci îracl bus uornpany in North Ameri I os then dîscover yoar future with Gaardian Fibergiaso. This is an ident sp- knowtedge & ps tanty for an assertise. "hands-on", responsive îndivdaal wîth a proses abihfty typing skills a ta effectisely supervise people. The succeonful applicasî wiII hase a strsng me- mast. chas cal aptitude, excellent communication akîlta with a arorking knowledge of Please fax P e rfect fo r Stay -at-h o m~e 21-o inappicabesafety regulations.Your major role will beto supervisedcay/shift me- rsm o Pl'Y 1 i 1. f.(0 r Dadi) chnc n lcrclsafa eas rinaeter ciiis ihteneeds 905-693-8564. tJ .O[CE i) i tàrb1/f itlU<aoLhF.Itt ficetvtoblsot ntaladfbict p oinet m (no moci'day-car ,(ostsr Take advantage of oui free frîetidly professîonal training thts ta)) and start as a STE.ADY PARI-TIME SCHOOL BUS DRIVER "*t!n ~iflq .;,)iCi-AFFTY "* e c es vOS Vi'iyvvrC i i Oi t,-îiiriiri:c " rlery W(0 i ve iilJ( r rih.l2, llic iiirr " extra bonus f'<r"B' lic et c (îlders " oppoFtutiifies for (F OteniuO . s<iv tî&ETO " good selectiot iof rOLteS 31td Vehlicle size-s " a carîng resps'ctful, suppoîtîve vvork rivirontienl " also idea! for retîrees plement presentafîse maintenance programs, as wetl as enhance and repaîr exssfng equîpment. Ths is a hgh oîsîbility position in a contnasus flow opera- ion. Apply foday wth a cover lenter stating salary hîsîory b.: Guardian Fibergtass, 300 Main Street Erin, Ontario NOB 1iTO Or email: Or fax te: 519-833-9749 lYnu viii inn us 30 minores esurofiGuelphr un Conny Soad r124r15 minutes west of Caledon'30 mnues north ni rampionhl S minaies suuilofniOrangevillel Ouardian F0erglanu ru an Eqoai Opp'rtunry Employer c4janbialI JOIN OUR CARRIER CLUB Earn extra $$$ We are tookîng for reiabte, responsibte Yoths and Adaltt For door to door lu detîveries PLEASE CALL 905 878 5947 x245 ASEMLYOR - I Wth assilable full tîme positions. jeea ep eea emIGeea Hl eeal Hej GInerlHl DaOyshuft @$10.0I/fixai to stsrt, must be abe tb - .I - - I . " Phone: 905702-1441 ext.106 Great People, Great Coffee, Great Jobs! Now hîrîsg for second Mton location at Thompson sud Louis St. Laurent openîng in Novemberi We want great people who have a passion for customer service sud enioy working in a team envîroument. Starbacks offers a competîtive startîng wage and a comprehensive benefit package for our partuers includîng: - Flexible schedsling sud competitive psy -Medicat, dental & vision coverage -A free pound of coffee per week -Stock options -Company contibuted RSP plan -Ongoing fearning and development programs - Taition reimbursement - A 30% merchandise discount sud more! f you are interested in ioining our newesi Starbucks team please email yoar resume sud cuver ltter to: Vted one af Fortune 100's "Best Campanies ta Wrk For in 2004 D)iscoverYour Future www.guardiancom Are yov a depaodable, dedicatedpemsoo whv thrîvev on safety and performance? Arayvu enargetîc and tooking for an vppvrtunity lv grow? At Guardian Fiberglass, we manufacture qsality and enoronmentslly friand- y fiberglsss building insulation producis. Wa are located on Cosnty Rsad 124 lHîghwsy 24.) 25 minutas east of Guelph, 20 minutes north of Georgetown and sculb of Orangesîlle. PRODUCTION WORKER $14 43/hourfto start ir reasinq tot$1 6 6hour afa f6 mon!hs Wth Sur 12-hour rotatîng shift ochadule. work 15 shifts a month whera every olfier waekend is a long weekend. We offer competîtise wsges, excellent base- fils, bonuses/incentises. learning opportunifies and an RRSP/pensîon plan. Apply tc0 the aboya position in person anytîme or mail yoar resume sitb rference information to: Humasn Resources, Guardian Fibergiass 300 Main Street, Ernv. ON N0B t TOJ Telephone: 519-833-9645 or bui free 1-800-265-9123 Faa: 519-833-9749 Emait emîckelown@b.., 47 Mountanies Rosd, North Georgefosn,Ontaruo L7G 4.17 NAPA AUTO PARTS has an openung for an AUTOMOTIVE COUNTER PERSON a1 Sur Georgetown location. This is as eocellent oppor- tunity for a career mînded perssn sho esîoys the automotise indastry. The idesi candidate sit hase strsng people skills, good telephune technique, and a good under- standing Sf the atomotive industry The position offers s competituse sslsry, s compre- hensise benefit package and pension plan. If you are îniterested, plesse mail sr emaul your resumne by Octaber 201h to: Joan Wsechter Vice-President Humas ResSurces 1045 Wlace Avenue, Northi Listosel, Ontariu N4W 3H7 M 519-291-1070 Et 269 0 . 8 FOO MAUACUE BULK SHIPPER/RECEIVER Reoponsible for iltîng oui bilts of ladîng, customs papars, loadîng/snioading balk lîquîd tankers, and invantory control. No forklifi raquired. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Mllsrîght cerfîficate combîned wîth extensive as- perienca in pnesmatics, bydraulîcu, and basic electrical knowledge. Nîght Shifi BLENDERIOPERATOR Measare and log ingredients according to formu- las, machine setup and test fînîshed prodaci for quslity Ability to work overtime, weekends and shifts. Excellent compensation plus benefits. Fae: 905-873-1190 rneE1 pnns -ULL,. IME WARE000E SIAFF in urGeogeow fadiy.2 05065 PICKERiPACKAG- aR. oosif,8:0430, i-RCTURNSS eOCESSOR, afternoon shitl, 3:30-11:30. Ft, able to asily lift 35lbs. Ex- paience vilS bar-code scanners an assai. Arpiy to:roo Armsrong Avenue or Fax: 905-77-4410 Email: humanresouresv5raserdiracr ru No phone clis please. General Labourers Needed Cati Stevens Resource Group 905-878-7789 -Fas 905-702-1442 - ...N w ii.g--- r Flltm e and pa-time frGeetown I Competitive sages and car allowance, Car a must. IPlease callKim at905-703-03211 HOMEWORKERSNEEDIED11 ITo Assemble Prodacis, Stuffîng Envaîspas, Mail- îng\Pracesaîng Cîrculars, Onlîna Computer Wsrk avaîalble. Up To $1 ,500/Week, No Expeience Neededl FREE infsrmation ai: I Reference: 3-113 For schot n Georgetown. Monday - Fridsy Eoenings Crîmînal record check requîred. Fan. 905-335-6006 Or email: ssnshînie@sbmînc.nef PERSONAL ASSISTANTS A young man wth autîsm, Burlînglon, raquires compaooronate, fissible and svpanîenced pesonai 1'srsiqWru opn i hmlmept iýniJ ir cal ltoessu and endurance loi nîgorou saiko and hîkes (810 km par 0ayî, is comfortable relatîng 10i people wîth signifîcant communication challenges; hou excellant networking skills and soperiance; comfsrtable with MS Word, Internai; rlated edu- cation essential; unîoarsity degrea praferred. Mu- sicirn okitîs an assaI. 10-20 hrsiwk, $2000 hour, plus mleaga. Please emait rasume and personat ltter eoplaînîng asparienca and intaresi: The Family of PJ. Neill Pleasa note: Wa are a famîly, sot an agsncy V/o oîncerely thanA '-al applîcanto. howeer we are onîy able 10 contact those slcîsd for an interview FTandior P/T ,k Wokm a Team j Envirusment. m vpetitise Wages & Beneait1 tsMast be ftaent in Engt oh. Cai. 416-955-1499 Fax Resume to: 416-955-0334 fo àilis m aoes Nohring or ipar ti cme oitions. Mugs befil esn leanor dcoas vigs parn weekenrd- Frida Octo e forh ad Saura O tbe 1 s *1[n0 Glnem andb eycm e mut y ent Strday October 2lth-16- Oakvlle Arena -i SYSTEMS Exciting Opportunity in Retail Point of Sale DigiPoS Systema a taxi grSwing Burlingion based company is lsskîog for hîghly motîsated, prufes- sîssal team srîented: WAREHOUSE PERSONNEL Tht îdtal candidates wilt hase tws to three years sf prior exparience in a computer assembly/ distribution envirsnmant. Additisnally they must have invaotory sytems esposure, good organisa- tion skills and be able iv sperate a folk lift. BENCH TECHNICIAN For the Returno Depariment. The ideal candidate wîli haoe two 10 three years of prior esperience repaîrîng and sernîcing computer equîpment in an assembly/distribution enoîrooment. Additîonally they must have trong computer building, trouble- shsstîng, networleîng abîlities and be able to affectioely communîcate suS sour customers. Oualified candidates are învted to apply on-lina but only ihose înoted in for an interview sîli be con- tscted. Email Resume ta Phil Sanvictores at: HOUSEKEEPER/COOK: For Oakvula Cathotîc Parish Recfory 24 hoars weekfy, Tuesday throagh to Friday. Cleaning, taundering, grocery shopping, cookîng for two piesi s. Musf relate watt with staff. to Friday, 9am-12noon snd 1-4pm. 905-827-2373 GENERAL LABOURER Scrap matai Recycting facility reqaîres person for general yard duties. Forktift and Boboat aspenience an asset. Rate~- $13/hour. Apply in person ONLY a1: DOMINION NICKEL ALLOYS 834 Appîeby LUne, Burlington No phone cais please If you or someone you know would like to apply, cali toli free: 905-877-2251 l'i0r'i ý ,.r rr rv-rr ýa ýq, ïl ipo or;I 1