Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Oct 2006, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tuenday, October 17, 2006 - A9 HIGH SCHOOLEPORT "1MUSTANG MESSENGER"9 Megan Cheema Harbi Nait Courîney Colombe MILTON DISTRICT 5I08 SCIIOOL The cold weather bas corne and the warm weather is gone. We at Milton District are feeling the season. Pumpkin Grams are already being sold during lunches for 50 cents. They are candy grams that can be delivered to anyone you want. Proceeds are going to purchase more shoe boxes, which we are filling for the less formuate. Clubs are in full swing and always looking for new members. We have clubs for aIl kinds of things. There is videoganie club, cooking club, yearbook committce, women's rights club (Go Girls!), art club, diversity club and improv. There is quite the selecîjon. Speaking of yearbooks, sse have finally received last year's book, the anticipation can stop! If you havent picked up yours yet, you cao do so in the main hallway periods 2. 3 & 4. The yearbook committee is already planning next year's book and many fundraising ideas. On Halloween we will have a set that you will be able to pay to have your picture in front of, with a chance to get your picture in next year's yearbook, in aIl your Halloween glory. MD bas a full sports schedule this season as well. We have girls baskctball, boys senior and junior football, boys volleyball and cross country. Our junior boys football tearn is undefeated so far, with only 21 points scored on them aIl season. The senior girls just had a great win against Acton in basketball. Way to go Mustangs! AIl of us are looking forward to our first school dance, the Halloween Dance on October 19, from 7:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m. Tickets are $800 in Advance and $10.0t0 at the door. Hope to sec aIl of you there! It bas been another busy week here at Milton District High Scbool and we look forward to rnany more! Asney micneuue Stepnen CarlisIe Staples Jackson E.C. DRURY BienHSCEGOLs Turkey sandwiches, îurkey pies, lurkey cereal (that~s nesv). turkey srtup, and turkey, and lurkey, and turkey. Wr arr aIl finding ourselves a lutte turkey'd out afier the moîhers of' Milton have force-fed turkey down our throaîs ... okay. sve wouldnt say forced. Wr dont know about you, but wr aIl spent those four glorious days off of scbool rnaking use o)f the bird. And thougb our teachers saw fit 10 give us more bornrwork witb allrtf that free lime, sve refuse îo comment on the coinplriion otf such assignimrnîs. The majoriîy rtf our student body met up wiib old relatives. the kind you only sece a cosuple limes a year. They tend Ici pinch ycîur cheeks, but we take il. There svas îurkey. But really. i was fanîasîic meeting up siîh the famnily and re-living our traditions around the table. So enough about the turkey, ibose tif us xhî t ai tort much (far ioo mucbî cao be seen rolling arrtund on the Drury dîîdge bail courts for our fist ever inîramural dodge bail tournamnent. Creaiive litîle Drury even thought up their îîwn tram onaines, such as the Depîti Boys and the Gun- Shows. Wbeiher or not the ieanm bas bren makîng use rtf' E.C 's fiîness roîîm reinains t be seen. The toumramient ivill take place during lunch bîturs from October 10hIoi October l5tb in the gyms. and wrlIl reveal al ihe resulîs it next seeks colunmo. Though wr assure you that or creatîve sides ill shine a lîtîle brighter wbrn il cornes to makîng up costumes for <ur anîtual H-allosvren Dance. Il's rvrry students highrsi aspiration bo gel calîrd up on the front stage to accepi the highly covrîrd 'Best Costume' Award. Lasers., ligbîs and a fo- machiner will meet us on Friday, October 27t0. Not 10 mention a professional DI front Chaos Enîrrtainrnenî! Wr have even heard rumours otf glow sticks being sold ... (GLOW STICKS!). This is one of E.C. Drury's favourite traditions, and ive believe that t'II glow even brighter than before thanks 10 our very own Dance Conimittre led by Studeni Giivemineni. Hope to sec yot here! "&TUE ROYAL REPORT"p Etin Htheringlan Lindsay.Johoston JIulia RiddeIt BISHOP REDINO Bleu SCIGOoL It is hard t<î believe ihat October is almosi hait over atready! Although il s more than a muti min the school ycar. il is neyer ioo laie iii join a club or team. On Thursday. October 12, the firsi Studeni Activiiy Cîtuncîl (SAC) meeting was held. This is a group of voltinteers whuî help oui aath the many evenîs thai BR puis on. This poing is a greai way to meet people and make a difference in the scbool. and i s definitely flot tort laie to join. For more infonmation on the nexi meeting, lisien to the announcemenis. or speak wiih Ms. Kucb, Erîn Heiherinion urrulita Riddell. Not iinly nec here ions of exiracurricalar aciiviiies. but Oishop Redîîîg spios arc alsoin fuiliswing. The junîiîr and senior girls field hockey ieams are off 10 a great stant; the juniors with a prescri record tof 1 and 2. and the seniors wiuh a record of t0 and 6. Alîhougb ihose numbers may flot seem favîturable, the girls are pouring iheir heurts and souas mt ibeir îeams and are doing a greai job. Moreover, the junioir and senioir girls' basketball îeams have already aiiended a tourîtament and put fîîrth a fantastic effort. Looking ai our fantastic bîoys îeams. ste seecifiai tbe boys'junior and varsiiy football îeams. as sic)) as the junior and senior boys' sttlleyball ieams. are showing great promise. Mitretiver. tbe Sîndeni Aîbleîîc Association is always lîîîkîng for volunleers tsi help put on tournamnenis .ind cther evenis. Listen t the annîtuncemenîs and come on oui b ithe fient meeting. ibis Insîde Soturce sure stonit miss il. Wbîle il's greai ihcii BR has alsvays bas îeams tor ibese mucb lîîsed sponts., il s alssays nice ici ibrosu' a (itile sonseibing new mbinthe mix. ibis year. Bîsbîîp Redîîîg i.s pleased iii add a newts ictmI1 ils rîlsier. Ali)siideiiis ire eitcturaged t ocit utit tu tihe testB sss mnîîng teant t'For mitre ifotrmatioîn,.înyîîne inierested sbîîuld see Mr. Wong befotre tbe fit praclîce lin Ociober 30. Alsît lest sseek. btibstudenis and parents bave ibe chance iii .seebttw wste)) ii estscbtttl bas gitiiet off' ibe -roîund. On Octîber lbib. prttgrevv reports go bomeite i gs sîdenis an îde,î of bitiey are prîîgressîîîg in ibeir nesv clacsses. On Ociober (bib. teachcers tri)) be asdtîable cil specified limes for Pareni Teacber interview i ngbî. Students ssiI) be ible t arrange imes 10 meel euih ibeir ie.icbers early in tbe teek. As brilîîanily cîlîured leaves fa)) amîdsî ibe sharp aulumn air, one cannot belp but dread tbe cold of winter ibat awais.Tbe sebool itirk gels nmore cbalîenging and the "Tii do" (it buîlds up. but ire musitflot forgei ibai beauîy exsss beyiind buman niade structures. Lei us be înspîred by tbe abîlîîy of nature 10 shed gracefully ils snmmer skîn. and iransform muso a wbite silence, If only people could lake cbhange with sncb case; beîng joyful for svhaî ste possess and Ieting gîto tifiati îbîe tedot îoî. Your Insîde Sources bîîpe ibai yîîur st resses bloîs assy lîke the brîtîle aulaln cases. and bat ytiu enjuîy eacb day otifiis îîîspîrîîîg secisiti

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