A8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 17, 2006 COMMUNITY Red Cross program teaches k"ids how to recognize signs of abuse fI Not Your Fault program now being off ered in Halton By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Is i t abuse if my lather s aiways ask- îng about rny frîend and payong ber a lot of attention?" The above question is an example of' sometbing a student mogbt ask as part of a Red Cross program new ta Haltonu - enti- tled its Not Yîur Fauit - thaïs beîng pro- t senîed in belp studeonts understand whaî consitutes abuse, andi wbat eaonbchodnne to preveni it. \X'bat constîtutes abuse isînt alwavs clear cut, and a gonoral connfusionn abouXti xvhat it fîtude ca6n provont tbildren foutin onîtng or\vatcl. said 'llov Gaisi, îrînieci adnons tratînr fnr laliinn According tn the Ctnadiaoî Red(Cronss, ovet cia>' ti(Catnada ibinusatits ofi kîds are i-otiTinallM 1nbysically' or sexualis unîstrei-t cd b> people thev' trust. t heo igaizationriorts dt hcildren accinunt fonr 22 per cent of- tIn o çipulationn but reprosetît 60 ier cet ofi-c rited seXLual assauîts. One in 12 kids bav e wiinessi-tl viii lento in theor homteîs Ibelote tht-s'n- seveen y'ears îld. Program launch timely Tbis tnonîb ts recîngnîzed naîîînnally as Cbtld Abuse Preventiînn Monib, a lîîîîng tome tcn explonre tio new prîngram - sonm studenîs bave already seen it, wbîîili ers ma>5se it tn the cmnîning rninths. In 1976, tbe (anadian Red Crtoss inelînoc treate RespectbD, an abuse prevotîtîînîî eti cationn prtngtam that nova encînînîasses v att- uns wnîksbops anti inesentatinns înlleredl abnout violence and abuse prevontitnn. 'L-asi year wo reacbed 2,800 studenîs in the Halton scoiîns wîtb the message abonut violence and abuse preventiînn atîc that abuse is nover the lault ni the vîctim' (cGrisi said. The nos Its NtîYtut[-auli înîesenatinon is betng olfered îttnougb RespetED and s for studenîs in grades 7 ttn 10. fi explores ail aspects mi violence. cbild abuse and Ireven- nttttATTTtl-iT inte'ractixve distcussioin titi] GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION GE1TING THE MESSAGE OUT.' Shelley Grist, program co-ord:nator for the RespectED program, stands beside a voence and abuse prevention poster group actîvît>'. The prograun 15presented hl isîght local aduhi volunteers xx o've comipleted exten- sive training. The îxvo Iour preseiatlin excamnines nicglc-t, cinoonal, ph> socal and sexual abuse, Gnist sai, and doives mbinbte impact oni abuse on iEs victinms and xîhy abuse hap- pens. Students wbo suspect a frienci is betug abused learn how to bclp. Perbaps mosti mportantly the presenta- toons give answers on wbere vîtms can go for help and wbat resources arc available nu tbeor c'ommnmUttîes. The reaction so fat to the presentatton lias been positive, (>rist said. fie ini ur.iT r!cintîln lm r- 'iti i opeings for M ilton sehools for Novemnber 13, 28 and 30, plus Deccember 5 anti 1l antI various (lates nexi year. Thbe cost is $50 pet person1. Alil thats needed is a teachets requeso, and the Red C ronss volutîteers wil give the lires- entation, Grtst sit.adding sbe's tying to spreacl the word across Milton. iThe prograrn llits on with the sehool cur- riculumn. One ni the teasons the progratn Os sc cessl-ul s tt allows studonts to ask questions t bey migi not feel comfortabie dtscusstng woîbh their teachers, Crnst said. "The students dont leel emnbarrassed to ask the questions (fI soiTtone ibe>' won'i be seetng every day," sbe explaiteci. tîî i i u î' n i!'n s lîx n i t i lialton are aduit workslnops that provide informtion about the barriers and benielits t(n prevetntîng abuse. Participants learn way s Linproactiveiy builci saler relauionshtps wolnin orgatioza- tionus and cornununities. (însi said. fhese w'corkslnîps are partiocularly heiplul l'or adulis- such as sports coaches anti toachers - wbo work witb youtbs, shie said. its a dtfcutîtopi. but ils a topto we A need lin ho inlormed about." lin bomok the its Not You i-ault presenta- tiTu or attend an adult workshop, e-mail Grist ai ShellyGnist@iredcross.ca. Stcpltanoiî'Thiessetîtati'c eat hed at in it< i iiit,)Pii:itéîîîinl 1)Wtti ' tn COGECO' Cogeco Cable Channel:J TruIy Local 1bIevisi0fl 8 Oam - i ttpm PIugged I! EXTRA 8 Ohm -i OOPM t'Iîgged ln' EXTRA wwwcogeco.ca NORTH HALTON STUDIO Laurier Plaza 500 Laurier Avenue Milton, ON L9T 4R3 905-878-9306 T.ttpinn Sotonîe Lice 2 ttpm Mnial etioni 2006 Ondidate Stemns 3.tfipm - i.3ipm Picîged In EXTRA 6:3tpm iptimnis TV Bin fLice) T Atpni1o 0pnn Mînipai ileciion 2006: Candidate taements 1000pm -Mdnt Pugd In! EXTRA 1 00pm -T3Tp Min:týaI lbni 2006 andiîdae .1aenent' 3 Tpm - 6:3pm Plutted In' EXTRA :Oipm timpit aitîn innroy tram Wasie Ttt0pm MniciilEeclion itatements i:OOpm Swap ica Lice) t:tipm Muicil Eection 20: neidate Statemienta no 0pmMinghtiPtuggedIn' EXTRA 14 m i-Woramrnlg SàfledUie- Tuesday, October 17 -Monday, October23, 2006 ThrdaOtoe 9 6a, coer2 Stray cobr2 Sn, Oti er2 , ,y Otoer2 t Oam-NoMAti Plugî n' ntEXTRA 8 Oam -t1ttpnî Plugged In! EXTRA Noon Awp talk RepaY t1TTpm T Otnn ESnnnî8aI Eleclion TOfpicatipi Mnîi 1eîiion 20 anddîRe 20N: Cadidaie niaiennens sttements 3:tepmi-6:tpm Pietted n! EXTRA 3:0Opin 60AuX Plgged In' EXTRA 6 lApin T 30m Matît, i eton 6:tipm-:OOpm Munici ai tiecîinn2006 niîdate 2006: andidate atmenti itaieinentc T 20pm TOC Sports AXE 10,0p-Midnight Pugged In! EXTRA Xttinîn- onn PIi0iiA h' EXTRA Statments :ttpm TAC OpinAs OUA Footballi- Gelh tvs Mc Masleer (Lice> 5:009M TTC Sports: altion MitSr. Fotalli- Pearson ce Adeshît :Oetam TAC Sports: Canadien tetuethain Finana R tpin Mnici8îl Elctiti 2006: andînUni Staemnts Tt:00pm-Midnigtt AinAîIn' AXTRA A TOam -0 Sopnn PugdIîn înEXTXA 10:00cm TRAC tonrRation itE choet Si. Fotball: Pearson ce Aidesbot I OOPM-t TTpnî Miniii litioi 2006 an idate stîTîmenti 3 Otpnn- 6 0OOtm Plugget ln' EXTXA 6 tnPnn Mufncîpî l ehctiti 2006: Ciitati taieenits t0O0Opm-Mdnight Pugged ln' EXTRA 8 am -t100Tm PlugiA n' EXTRA t TAti Munict paiAXtton 200& Aioînal Chain Orbte iepAJay) 3 Opm -A6Oo0nn Plugin In' EXTRA 6t6 00 QOtin pm Munrional EAXOTîTR 20006.Cînidîte Atments ttt8pm ipiiliNELice 9Onpnn- Aidnignn PuînîT IlA' EXTRA I I 1