-Ward 4 hopeful Scherer wants to 'speak Up' for Miltonians By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Ward 4 candidate Paul Scherer bas a message for local residents - "Speak up, Milton." Thats tbe banner tbe active commu- nity volunteer is running under in ibis falis municipal election against incum- bents John Challinor and Wendy Scbau and political newcomer John Daly The slogan, he expiained, serves a dual purpose. "'m trying to put myseif forward as a strong voice for the peo- pie," be said. "And 'm aiso asking peo- pie - if tbey're flot happy - to speak up and do sometbing." He told The Champion that many people bave asked him to mun for count- cil tbis time around. But Seberer also bas another reason for tbrowing bis bat in tbe ring. 'mr just flot bappy witb the way tbings are," be said, pointing to tbe town's growtb management as an example. "1 was motivated to see if 1 can be elected to try to do sometbîng about the tbings i don't lil.e." On tbe growtb front, Scberer said be tbinks tbe Town needs to take a step back and put togetber a comprebensive plan tbat engages botb tbe residettîs and local govern- ment. "We need to come up witb a plan tbat makes sense - a plan tbat delîvers services consistent witb tbe growtb rate," be said. "'m in r favour of matcbing growi bilities as a community" To fix Multons currer tbat've resulted from thb boom, Scberer said road needs to be sped up, wbi time growtb bas to be slc "We can't fix ail of tbat've been created o, noted. Scberer said be also si mizing taxes, explaininý savings can be found ini taking a close look at wl being spent in the first pi; 'Tbe biggest savings are tbrougb good planni "From running events, Iv don't plan properly, you spend as wisely" And wben it comnes to tbe planned Town Hall expansion, Scberer said be leels ils wrong tobtîild it now wben iberes otber infrastructure that needs t to be upgraded. "We sbould take care of tbe basic needs of our cîtizens before we build tbîngs lîke a new Town Hall," be remarked. Paul Scherer Between now and tbe election, Seberer bas committed to talking to as it to our capa- many ratepayers in Ward 4 as possible. If elected, be said be wants to make nt traffic woes sure taxpayers' rigbts are being respect- e development ed, adding, "A great community is A d construction about its citizens. Every step of tbe way, ie at tbe same i wouid put tbem first." owed down. Seberer, a manried father of two, bas tbe probiems lived in Milton since 1981. Hes an )vernigbî," be entrepreneur wbo operates a small food brokerage business. ýupports mini- He's well known around town for [g be believes bis volunteer work, wbicb includes tbe budget by organizing the Canada Day festivities iere money is and Santa Claus parade. He was also lace. named Multons Citizen of tbe Year in we'll achieve 2003. He can be reacbed at (905) 691- ing," be said. 4288, (905) 876-2214 or paulseber- 7e found if you ei1@bellnet.ca. itend to flot Melanie Hennesy can be reached a( mhenness ey@matiiloncaradianchampion.comn The Canadian Champion, Frday, October 13, 2006 - A5 LW<IK barn. Honey .40/1100g Roasted Peanuts lb Oh Henry! 5/lO Broken.5/0g Nut Roll l b Currants lb PVL Whey Gourmet 2 Good! Protein Bar peanut butter chocolate. 98 g 2.99.a Swiss Herbai Co Enzyme Q 10 30 n,.ons 90cap5g9f Webber Naturals METAsIim Carb Neutralizer & Fat Blocker 90,caps 14.99.a Genuine Health Greens+ 22 9 ' Extra Energy orangelaordpwr,16g 2 9 a MIL rON MALL 30c5) 693-9207 MEADOWVALE 3035 ARGENTIA RD. (905) 824-3207 SQUARE ONE SHOPPING CENTRE (905) 897-1210 ERIN MILLS TOWN CENTRE (905) 569-3629 DIXIE OUTIET MALI (905) 891-0976 OAKVILLE 261 OAKWALK DR. (905) 257-7987 i'fr Golden YelIow.or .13/1l00g Dark Brow5 Deluxe .6211ORg Delxe 79 Fruit Mix £0lia Wilkinson .55/100g Wine Mrl Gums ZMIRlb Merckens, ight. dark or white .62/1 009 Chocolate K Moulding 79