A22 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, October 13, 2006 Fresh Muffms a Cappuccino's e Lattés 5 AUl Natural Flavours of Coffee! 427 Mba, St E. Milton * 905-878-54 Do you suifer with neck or low back pain? Chlropractlc con helpi IGeele spnal edjsments can remav irritations ta monts in your spmne. Grapracfi is sale, highly effec- tiv andti vrtatgi painles We are a flty integrated, muttdl-ilrtee cisic that allers a skIe vaiiely aI sltions for ail yeur healthcarenteects. In addition ta MllrpractiCare, we edetign pertoctallreti exercise pregrats ta eplimize andI imprave yoirspinal heafttIr Ouir atm itaie proide patient-centered, persanalized heaitticare taI rili make an IMPACT IMPAC77N G YOUR HEALTH, FROM PAIN TO FREEDOM... " Chropractie Care a Massage Therapy e Homeapathic Care " Acupuncture e Ultrasounti Therapy e Custom Dthotics " lnJury Rehabllitation e IFC& TENS Therapy & Exercice Programs ACT Chiropractie and - Rehabilitation Centre 'Hawks solid in hard-fought tie Big third-period efort key in Milton earning big point on the road By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The IceHawks tertainiy arent feast- ing on the opposition like they did at this ime last vear. l-owever, tbev diii serx'e up a fairly generous serving ttf credibie hockey ta close oui Tbanksgiving weekend play Delivering arguablv its mîtst com- plete-game efftritit date - bighlighteci Ny ait inspîrecl finish antia ci tnharac- terîstîcaliv-prîctivxe ex-en xîrengtb campaîgn - Miltotn secureci its biggest road point ai the season, battling ta a 4- 4 stalemate with the hast Burlington Lougars Sunday night. Unlike most gamtes during their hec- tic first three weeks, the IceHawks were the better team rhrough third-period play - and overtime. They got scaring [romt three ditierent lines and, mare impartantly, showed tbey can survive without a prosperaus pawerplay, as anly anc goal was registeredj with the extra attacker. Equally encouraging about the tie- their third in foîur games - was that it came agaînst a formidable opponent on the rîtac, and just two days after a 5-1 humhling at the hands of the visittng Oakville Bladex. "Tbis was huge ta ccîme back (alter ITiahis seclpromnises ta Ne ail emaotianalix -clbi geti ane loi Darren Ni tarp.t to'tthNe Ai tnTiirasînersý AXi H ,îIliîe f tii igtt XXialite 2h) antilîtitî 'etes ,tî in altbsre tttc'îi lati. Xdmii, - tIlit Prsix dlt 'îi,to'p tari ti ea. i lie .'001-0i3 XWii itic oeai ita 'ter,ispc'tii nt iiittciiictix e seis(itiS III xtitf Ill cm idittofitit litit c LiscII siiitInc- sitîts',no iiisgîiliof î,iiieu itîg I iii lici. X titis f i Reciitîed x ilt N cx 1i iîittiixti ttxttiitttcitttie ai,îîîKrîigtiti lotcal Xl1 Il suai nt-u uc1 ix', ctit îîerîîîclgîtais and tti îtsiie t aî,îplus 3 111 ,ishi ofi tc['etria ivxerinei t-',itax night. li-e aint Krîîg ,tî tacitecli for allcil the stiring, andcithuolt tutus 1i\ hi'tue ctithn- one iitl- Ile Darren Haydar ilt xcecsktii ( iitlc - as iîtth etîis xiii titi cliait ii' tn \V\ilesini 'c(iiiîiîg iit xtaî- xx]tIlt 34 g1ils ,îtii l42 ,sssî - letîtigt' imî Ix lii tlte 'itialletctl- '- eclIl thlit txxit îîliîsîxexxîe rst ix tl,îr lin- îsltt'tl luth u in ti' leagtiepinitst .rae a ilt cý)2 îîîiiits 35G,. 57AX)t ielîtie leac îîîg \iixxuke ii the finals x it anttî er 1H gîtais aittl i7 belpers. Real Regional Expenience Halton Region needs a strong Regional Chaîrman who flot only understands the issues but who has a proven track record in providing strong Ieadership while farginq and maintainîrtq relatîar'xhîps tao ratect the interests of $Strong alliances with Municipal, Reaional. Provincial and Federal leaders /Proven f inancial track record and innovative approaches ta business and planning Join us for Breakfast with Brent - viomo October 23rd, 8am- 9arn ai Le Dame, Oakville October 28th, 8am -lOam at Springer Haute, Burington *Haydar set to battie his former Admirais ton ight Friday's Ioss) and get this point, t was really important," said Erman Ali, who assisted on a îwo-man advantage depasit by scoring leader David Vallorani early on and buried anc him- self an a braken play with a minute left in the apening frame. "We worked bard tonight, established a nice fore check and played as a team." While decisively beaten on second and third opportanities in the first two periods, the IceHawks hung on with their [ar bigger hasts - thanks ta one of their more disciplined and determined performances ta far, as well as a few big pad saves by Vince Cusîck. Seasoned counterpart Oliver Wren was equally sharp down the stretch and robbed Vallorani on an upstairs wrist shot mîdway through suciden death. He wasn t quite able ta deny Matt Chisholme on a sîmilar shot 1:06 into the third that tied the game for the third and final time on the nîght. Dl)ln \lcEatbern rounded ouit \iiltoicscoiring. xxhile assists xent ta \ ,l lirani, \lattBinningtan, David 1:ortiti etan Kuli,î. Jack Litton anti Allen 'etretic. x\Ilî'inoitai \t enat ast E ridas. the c~ ~ ~~li to lx o intaî i el Incb -oiitg11 it \c-an tise andl xcre haniîdlv ,isî"c iN u ii e gI\ tfuimtix aicc batii ai ot tileiiitt lacle'. P'Irti tc Ni alc,Ite ic ttt xith six- ,tic î t i nL1itttes It gît - xx ith a \ssîiîngtuu trt' Ali antI Jami e xxý trn t t'__f) e t-alcicllet E \ ail a iiilett,.tttg N i\-iii i tîh200- pinatitici îa-îics triait NIttl met xx as pit Ltl up titi cash tram th lelcttisi\x e ix siacketL I 1lainiiliaîîRedI XXingis. a hail Proie iti heoppoistiaoi icnighit ai \lerttarial. (,aine unie. aîs alxxavs. is 1: 30 1).in.