A20- The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 13, 2006 Order your Michelin Winter Tires before November Oth, and we'II hold them for you Up to 60 days! And you stili get your mailminrebate! * *Dsposit Hsquired Aduit supervisors, volunteers sought for BBBS programs -fromn BIG on page A18 ihat goal." Mayor Gord Krantz bighlighted the importance of the service BBBS Halton provides kids. -Big Brothers and Big Sisters is something thats near and dear t0 my heart," Krantz said. Halion MPP Ted Chudleigh, also at the celebration, said BBBS Hahton has the unique challenge of raising money and recruiting volunteers. He gave the organizaton kudos for ils hard work in Halton. lodia, who was ai the grand opening wth Big Sister Miranda Furtado, 21, said the pair spends lime together doing ail sorts o)f îhings including baking and watching movies. '\Ve have fun," Furtado agreed. The new after-school tutoring program, The Club, is expected 10 start in November at J.M. Denyes and Our Lady of Victorv schools. Hîgb school students are currently in the process of heing recniited to tuior elementary school kids. Aduit supervisons for the program are st1l being sought, as are volunteers for BBBS Halions other programs. A volunteer information session wiIl bc held October 26 ai 7:30 p.m. ai the new, Milton office for those interested in finding oui more. To regîsier, cati (905) 339-2355, ext. 226. The new Milton office was iunded b-v the Ontario Trillium Foundation. The expansion of The Cl ub and ISM programt were supported by the Milton Communiîv Fund and Halton Healîby Communiîy Fund. For more information about BBBS Halion programs, cal (905) 878-8840 or visit www.bbbsbalion.ca. Sîephotiie Tiîiesscîi cati bc Pcached ai sihiessci@Cmiltoncana- dianchampion .com. ?ÀULTI&E STE VENS Yorpet's wc//-heiin.q 15 ourfrstprioriýy/ xDog Wallting /Cat Sitting /Overnight & -Insured & Bonded Phono: 005080580 E-mail: pstovensl @cogeca.ca Scr&ny Mitogn&Srr qara