I - ____________________________________________________________________________ A18 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 6, 2006 SPORTS SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail sleblanc@haltonsearch.com Gleed to start year wi"th AHL's Bull.dogs GRAHAM PAiNE / CANADiAN CHAMPION GOLDEN GIRL: Milton District Hgh School's Liz Clark proudly wears the gold medai she captured at the Ontario Cup champîonship recently in Vaughan, where she scored the only goal in her Under-1 7 Waterloo Hawks' 1 -0 tîtle victory over the Burlîngton Flash, She finished second in league scoring with il goals and is hoping to secure an NCMA Division 1 scholarship for next faîl, with a number of schools already expressing interest. Defencernaný pro debut cornes tonight at Copps By Steve LeBîanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Son Gleed's game bas gone tri the 'Dogs, and he couldn'î be bappier aboîutîa. he 22-year-old Corneil University graduate begins his pro career tonîghî with the higher ranked (if ibe îwo îeams he couid bave been assigned iihs lu - ihe American Hoîckey Leagues Hiamilton Bulldogs. A prolongecl siay in steel-îown remains in doubi, as the Monîreal Canadiens' top farm îeam will be geîîing three defencemen back from injury hâ sometime iii the nexi inonîb. However, the Milton blueliner îsn'î focused on future what ils - rather oE choosing tri concentrate on ihe bere and io now, anîd inliarticular delis'ering a solîd showing in front (il lainily andl friends ioiîiglît as the Buldogs kick off 2006-07 iegul.ir-seasoit play ai ( opps C oliscuni againsi the Manittoba Moose. Exciîcd about îonight itiilibc grca avi s g e cîone ibere. but bon- esîly ' ini a ifletiervos (isaboutit ( tborneîîc îce to;, admntited Cleci w'ho titis pasi soîîîîîer signeci a oiîe-xcal (plus ait opltioni lor a second), t îwîî wav clea wtht hile Dullclogs anîd ibeir East Cotasti'Hockey' Lcague afîliat C icinnatit Cysclontes. Vm'iie the six-fooi-twNo-inicb. 215 lbs. delence- mnan mas' be the beneficiary of a îlîînned-ouî blue- fine these days, hes cerîaînly done bis part to crack the Bulldogs lineup. Jr. 'Stangs down LBP to stay unbeaten Milton Districts football juniors deux - ered anotber formidable attack t0 upsiage a more formidable opponient Monday Not missing an offenîsive beat after crushing lowly Georgetown 33-0 in open- ing week play, the Division 2 Mustangs persevered îhrough a seesaw battie with Burlingion's Lester B. Pearson Patriots before pulling aw'ay to prex ail 38-22. Whîle stîli suflerîng tbrough soi-e grow îng pains - most notably with regard to field assignments - the biosis proved they'll be tough to neutralize, wîtb fotur dif- ferent players reaching the end-zone. Ainong îlîem was 7ach Millar, whci gave MI) ils thîrcl of four leads on the day and delivered a huge 70-plus y'ard mun down ici the goal fine midway through the fourth quarter that set rip quarterback Frie Cowan's touchdown punch and essenîially scaled Pearsons laie. Two-way standout Jase Lavigne ran foi iwo Majors, wbiie hauling in a lengîhy over-tbe-shoulder pass and scampering in lor six was joclv Brooks. The Patitotsl' rcinning gaine was largelv inellectîve - due in pari to a big sack andl a few other kcy îackies by Niait Varancîli. Without much of a kicking game to speak of, tbe Mustangs w cnt for iw'o-poini conversioins on ail fixe ioucbdow'ns and made gooci on four of ihen. MD's juniors xiii lolk toninake it ibrec in a row Tocsday w ben îhev close oui a ihree gamc homne stand againsi Oakville's White Oaks Wiidcaîs, starting ai 3:30 p.m. Gleed looked awfully strong at the Canadiens' rookie camp this summer - particularly duning the four-team prospects tournament, in which he was named an assistant captaîn. Thts earned him a somewhat surpnsing berth to their main camp, where he got into a pre-season game against Boston September 20 before being sent down to Hamilton the next day 1 "Thai was great," he said, of competing in NHL exhibition play > Building on thai credible stretch wîth Montreal, Gleed bas fared well thus far with the Bulldogs - particularly on the penalty kilI. 'I did a lot of that at Cornell and it could be my niche here, especially witb ail the obstruction penalties being called Wb nw" he suggested. Pleased with Gleed's play Whle flot about to speculate on Gleeds chances of sticking around once the blueline is back to full strength, Hamilton assistant coach Ron Wilson Gleed said he lîkes what hes seen so far [romt Monireai's 2004 ses enih round pick. Jo ns done pretty well. He's a bit older than somne of our other guys here, and it shows i how bard lie works. lies not flashv or verv offensive- inindcd, but wc like the wav be competes." An assistant capiain wiîb last year's C orneliiBig Red - w hicb [cli jusi one game short of the Frozen Four foi- a second sîraîgbt sear - Gleed said( the kev for bim nov, s to jîist proteci bis own cnd and kcep îbings siimplc. 'sou don't bave quite as much time to react ai ibis level. 'sou s e just got 10 get tbe puck up to tbe lorwards quick and let îbem do the woi k." bc said. Meanwhiie, lellow Mîltonian Darren Haydar wîll also start the season iii the AHL, with the Atlanta i brashers sending bîm cdown to the Chicago Wolves lasi week. Playing in two pre-sea- son games before beîng reassîgned, the 26-year- oid right winger is hoping to get a dloser look [rom Atlanta than lie did wiîb the Nashx'ille Predators - who neyer reaiiv seemed to have bim on their radar. iTbis despite a highly-producîis e lour-vear stint with tbe affiliate Milwaukee Admirais that includ- cd Ai- Rookie of the Year bonours i 2002-03 ancl a Calder Cup cbamnpionsbip w in the next sea- son, during wbicb be led aIl play off scorers with il goals and i15 assîsts. He led tbe Admirais to the finals agaîn last spring witb an incredible 35 points (18G, i17A), followýing a 92-point (356, 57A) iegctlar season thai pl.îcec i bifîlîh in the icague points race. Haydar ancl ihe Wolves begin the regular sea- son tomorrciw night in Peoria. 4V ~ ~i-,wiAoop% %J ý5LTOà A ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday, October 14, 2006 Milon Sports Centre Meeting room #4. 9:3Oam to il :Oam HERE IS A LIST 0F POTENTIAL POSITIONS THAT NEED TO BE FILLED TO RUN A SUCCESSFUL 2007 SEASON... Unitoîms- Town Liaison and Scheduier - Rural Liaison - Umpire in Chiet Champîonstîip day - Pîcture day- Tournament - Registration- Sponsors - Trophies - House ieague conveners - Rep Convener - Equipmeni Manager - OSA Regisirar Computer Guru - Web site Overseer - Mail Sou - Hot uine - Couches Training hrep ana/or house league) - Piayer devetopment and training S905.876-2288 or visit us online at www.milton-baseball.oig - a