Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Sep 2006, p. 8

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AS-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 12, 2006 48 Iiîunjrer Ave. Annual Terry Fox Run personal for many Fighting back against Hodgkiný disease, McNamara named Térryý Team Member A By Stephanie Thiessen tI CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF a M ilions Tom McNamara, 28, was in the prime of his life when he found himself seated at his doctors office receîv-ing news that e sent lus world reehing. He had cancer. Specifically Hodgkin's disease. To hîrn, it was almosi unthinkable. -Never in rny wildest dreams would 1 think 1 was going to get cancer, 1 don'ta smoke. 1 rarely drink and 1 take care of myseif," McNamiara said. But cancer doesn't discniminate. For the past six months. McNamara's wQrld has conststed of doctors visits. chemotherapy andi the resulting sickness - a far crs' from the active, vibrant life he had previously led. Fortunately, the light at the endi of the tunnel is getting brighter. McNarnaras treatment wsll end soon. andi hes looking forward to the point five vears from now when - if the cancer doesn't return - he'll bc consîdereti cured. McNamara is one of manv participants at Sundavls Terrv Fox Run who are partic- îpating for deeplv personal reasonis. The event runs frorn 10 arn. to 3 p.rn ai F.C. Drurv High School. 215 Ontario Si. S. 1(11l he one of McNamaras fîrsi activities afier the finish of his treairneni. Keeping hope alive .As tis vear's local Terrxs Tearn Memnber. \1cNarnara said hie v.ants 10 upon people the tact thai cancer can stnike ans onc. But he -wants to go a sîep furiher and aLso let people know theres hope - especialîs %%ith fundraisersý lîke the Terr-v Fox Run generatrng rnonev for rtcsearch. -Who knoNvs whaî c-an happen hx c ve-ars frorn now- \tcNýarnara said. There's stîll plent oftiure to participrate in Miltons Terr Fox Run. since pledges, c-an bc collecteti for up to a rnonth atier the event andi those wanting to paruicîpate can regisier the dav of the mun ThiLÇs cears organizers are Sue and Larr-, Masson, \IcNamaras parents-n-law. Includeti in the c'. nt will bc plenis of entertainrnenit to kcep participants moti- vaitid anti havîng'i Cornmunîit-v sponsor, include dîsc jockey Sarn Ten:if of Unique So'und Professional DI Services. xiho'll encourage bc expecteti 600 participants musicall> nd Suhway locations arounti Milton, ;hîch wîill provide food. The Waîer Depot .'i ensure nobody goes thirsiy I-lton's ernergency services wiIl also he nhanti, partîcîpating and provîdîng ntertainment. Participants can choose to cornpleîe the Sue's quîck to rerninti residents the vent îsn'î a race. Participants are encour- igeti to cornplete the event however they ;ce fit - whether by walking. running, pashing a stroîler. rolîerblading or biking. Furry frientis are also inviteti to waîk aîongside their owners. Can pledge on-line Pletiges can be rnade on-lîne ai ,, The site is also a valuable source of info--rmation for people inieresteti in parîîcîpatîng. Participants shoulti brîng their pletige forrns and rnoney wîth thern on run da. if possible. unîess thev're collecting pletiges on-hne. This vear. the 26îh anni'.crsarv of the mun. the Milton event valî continue its 'Meters of Mernorv« tradition. which hegan in 200)2. For a donation of S50, cornrunî- ny members can desîgnate 10 meires of the mun route to the memro of a loved one, rnarkcd by a sîgn hcanng hus or her narne. The .sîgns can bc purchased in advance b'. calhing ç905ý 7-95 NicNarnara 'aid hie firsi hegan to won- der v.hat \w.rong uhen the olKe-strong athiete could bard'. climb a f1îcfhi of staîrs, He stopped eaîîng anti started losîng weiîghî. A visit 10 the doc.ior and subsequent tests revealeti a 23-centirnetre mass in hts. chesi hf was cornpres'.ing one of his Iungs. explaing hîs diffhcultv brcathîng. -h shocked nie. I had 10 minutes of crving and then '.tartcd thinking boss 1 would deal %%ith it.- he saiti Cherno began promptl. %ith a session e'.er-v I have a sîrong %vife "hes been m% angel through this- NIcNamara said. Being diagnoseti wnth c.ancer is. ob'.i- ousîx; a life-altening expenience. People ask if îî . cacr has cbanged rne in anv wva-' Ant irn a \vav ut hax-, It' taught me I cant '.11t anti do notbînc, MlcNarnara sai., explaninz Ilfe E, mcant to be liveti to the fullest- Sttp!ianîc Thicssckn cm bc rechwt ai '.uhics-,cl4snîluo'uýcanatiianchanipc'fl oni To' ý.ctia-.ara - -ns 'ea-5 Te"-is Tea f4eno' o M '- a 'S a c' ' Dao'>- o' .Ojss'. OGECO 500 Locie 4eu %,ýor. ON LgT 4R3 905.878-fl1 Cogc Cable Channel 14 Programming SchedUle - JÙestay, September 12 - Monday, September 18, 2006 -ib - us. %Md w mu .

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