Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Sep 2006, p. 30

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A30 - The Canadian Chamoion. Tuesdav. Seotember 12. 2006 If you have any questions these "Ask The Prof essionats" c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 Marilyn J. Samuels, LL.B. Lanayer 11084 Fifth LUne, Milton 's- Ph. 905-854-4942 Fax: 905-854-5211 Marilyn J. Samuela Q. Part 2 of wehat do I need to know bnefoire creating a seUIenent agreement mufti mey spoune. A. If you have a pnivaee pension is etill haie in-be ancladed ina your asseau, A ponton of te penston îusually the portion accuimulateti during voue maet-aage) may Se subjeca for division tike any oter fatssly anses. Thse Canada Pensaion Plan also pt-octaes for the staaeing ofI pension credits accumulateal iunng a maeniage. Orne cannoct negoiate out ofI tise nigt t o obsasin a stace oflute penston ci-edis. This nplasning onl> applies tsi Canada Pension Piltn cedits aiccumutatei iuring thc caitonne cfatIhe noliage. In additton t reciremest plans. man> emplasceci pronîde other finngc besefits ani incentlses ro Sacir emptoces Tisese bersefits inialude bs-nases. accratet vascation rime. stiat uie. itealtit lnsusancc. tle insurance. dtsabalitc ansorance. expense acs-uis. uni stock toperons. Sanne ofI Usese Senefits ma> bc stcluietin s oue lest s-I assets; s-User Senefits mals bc ancluici as assome. anti some mav, ns-t Se incluieti ai all Lis nsor peunanal possessions. pasicuai sts-se nsat ai-e iinpcitu to loti. anal ns-te ho%% the\ are cîsîng ti Se, is is'd Titis ais-aid instutie bi,-,tket îtcnîs. -ast a- sers' bs-ais. anisa mîrtor tomes. as oseil a., lient-s susit as îeoi- fuitui-c phtos, and pi-nl papers. KLep the nalue tif ihese e-îcs sn perspeclise. Vese ait teeri s-f ts-se ca:es ate-e petrie s pend thutsa'nai of dolilars figfatasg oner as asnei tisai s as-et leNs than StalIe Reel estate include-s Nour mari itonme anal an% s-User tomes. svasation pis-pensies. tinestaes. anti rensul pis-pernies - commercial anal rcsitienttal -as celles ac business, pis-peins Ttc propeenies stoulti Se salucti anal listeal Lantl% dont ts-iget ttc follosc ingý lile-insaeanse po.lictes tat taN e cashi salue, Irequent ftcee mies. s-tact-c anrngs s-r s-User pe aà atatamp. club dues anal annuai membership tees. AUl tese aie conotdercd assens anal muni Se lacltdcd. 75 Main St., Ste. 10 J. .fl Milton Medacal Buildings 905-878-0800 .Bilan Sra Wîndy Cook Cateleefe Mclaeesh Ryaei Mulet (HM.) 8. Se. RNu AM RI 8.3., BUT The Muscle Spasm The phitioleogacal resotase of muscle lu stama of tsy type ovemuse. oerload. bo- pentensits. impact) ta tagitsenasp. This lagitsesng is lacilitateai by aise nersoas svstem andi resaltsitnt a pton ai te exaect spot citere the traumat ittrarreti A opaasm is o groap of mscle fibers fadin contînOato Itetasacl contraction, anable to sectre os netsn relea-ws- a nigal kseoi Because optos ase an exteson of te normai contracton proccss. noting wiii sito%% tp os o ra: s or daagnosic imagang. tl is. itooeser. a malasnciion. tnai any porton of t Masc titat as nti ocorkasg lor N ot s workang agasit voit -ACUELY' A spass i t noa sle sait seser-els impact lis abity 10 s5on at ad i-clan Irelease) Tise portion ol ttc muscle insuisein lte spas i s uaahe tn co-k. fori-atg te remanies s- Aork excessiels. A somprosusai muscle iSa taet soc., aýih fatigues quickiî. Waith cosîjotol use thc spasmt becames agcatee and eniarges. caaaasg pain andi iassoilr Veorse %et. Sac sitîsteoca ire' ae tce apa'ir 'c-Ina-i thc tli\ i-f thî,le losI i le tîrethed ofll ieî:th A macle'lhiae ano!s iscmm(idjOc lae rn,)iemwi pased nil ý uil! pul1 a-r esen aleur Tlas. ees-in\emcl os-i-mals -iahin site âe 5iexi besOine asaie Àaien hlsieninog eut ipessa ire pi-c test Thbe ,,ee-- os- sý,%ei fori -te finaI s-seistrelh tisersiail ailaslÀai;i peanliase itai maîsue 'passa aa sharle.% hoise ort st-ait-i ilte IIs-te Me1ssage Tlteeaps a' effectase treintr forî manile -passe, antid ililt lite Sacradpisi 'iîl]s toechitnques In i-dcaue paon anal instrease lise cicultionit i t elp i-eiute spasmn Moere unpj i, ils trapaso A ill tcip prteno lesarrie o-f tte spasan h% sonsiicrasg th ases 1er costiuin ua racts anti retltsutg theo difcti c huE MuM S- U L 1-2 e Cbsh M a HE~U~. aO!.U. V'W~ $55 Madm St. next te Fa Wo"t Crsnen Joensn Instead of Over Eating fhýa kes tc soirsan i, ha-e' l'ars/ca: tri;,7e7': -c_ I c iu ai a" il cis cThen &ises vna--aseI osa" 'c le ai-nt'( uetaS cieslici a sai'sei-ete i' a-ce vou i-5 assit'aif ht ýa -ii- Uo ee- h 1 lst- i î at. p i' aet t a e' s-ct--, ii--a atue accýrd1ag la-Ob theoa'aiisl ci ire cse t ai ,l n at i ai- '- ti-c' -e sour liare-lin eer v 'res-ei-i th e m ittrs a-ti cttse litEar s-i-e ideas Coises zhK-sI Werta dccii si icau hsa\E carter, ir teh(0 das fie ci]tclp yc0 tii %reaaie e rittai anal pies eis vD os-afla meuagmg as oim-lim ot sbhouiie t tMalsc a grats nt att sralthoodi, toit-g as-uS so,u sieslmai oas s.s, Mlakai somi bei-l t-e anti fhlp lioeougb amaasi t' aies ena M£ n mina- * 1, fot- a ceait. "Lssisalt tepaal anceitcmcctroad carai Ekeorreoriaiau dcotin tnue weet, ,ou bal cacceos andti n-e lade tle again * lri-ttc n cdhai o foitrial hb- s-ca are Ifeelig about s-o-ar pisiguce -a fat LX, -as taise mo re Flte o -li s satin bois image' L them ans'ifmg fraoii-ng cota wouli itke ta- 'ane abs-nt' 1ina oaac a latai hm W-e trna- as M " Lxik fr riet reespai ideas " icar Dui s-car cets ant iinati aies ctiei rit ai ten big ta-,ari GeC'ab a greasboji, anal gei !,Ktrimîo " jailanaftpretl Keemi-voir-oanis-idasmeaîbu--% wcskecpitcem s-ai oi toodi * Fine a loc-al ataraiciât ai hav, e' et vise-i ir tgc anal tea!tiesli ta-a tas das outl 1 am pregnawe andl woeud i tu "ask some cargo clasct. 15 theru' a differrisce beturen a rgaam ae<nid a pre -nata ont? Recular 'as are Ji ases 1: a- aia.'_i& rf w'eii hc :errr; â-i-i.a -ci'- rra-'a-nctas-h'u Ir, c ee-naUa .âs- i- ;, le îpçiclamle1' mec: cher l 7 pregnail and de, clopi a ippS s.asieir iatiere iu 'a ai dissah ýncM andi make Inends Ai ile suii caýinlng lâc benea ofia L cge pmsrlict Pie natal zIassea ame e Ion~s heap iiiL keep acwie anal place i ceaie: fotus on breatitig. %isaalizain astd relaxatiaon lciisaqaes Io help xitha labour. delîs en astd te gcneraI ache, andl pains ltai N ci masý enpenence opreenancý i ngrsses. mc-sement and fccatig ofieni becn more diffesali bcause if tte bat,\ gr-'aiù and a pre-nalai. Ias mIII aflea you te con5tinue ai suouin comtntr iai ta ite fislng à pr-aciace tisat worksý hes for %ou ioea ls a persarnai proecsý Tite sioaid be ni ene daan emanias or asonspenosl wesan ste clams You noei tciibc pernnted te ceeri ai vou- own paèce, andi the insscoar musl be able to accommodafc andi aiâus:, poKutres to keep sot zcoilorrubie anal sait A >aîga ,ias aiS fee wanierfati energiog andi adlng a! the same lime Wtt-- %,ou ltae vot nal t' e lookmtg fi-tuan-i t' he iecil lime. .iecauî afteiaill a gi tae rite ccteselsei, àS~ w TCan .6e'f»4m .ow autidhy IAAMortgageNeLoain IeArch-tects ltoreîty Key Moflpei Pîtaocaf -R878-7213 eu L.w Pw- Refooation Nation: Canadiens use thoîr home aqily ta toath8r thOir n8ats Maie lthas a decale ali, tendspoltets itepan totel as abaut te latane trend af »ccoating". Titey ptedacufad MIa demtratsçg magann1 es, homne tenoation itasnesme ami luary hante fastears and tmitlongs testaI tee a boomttu. Bas in 1991, we cottasaili tu look teitsale lte homse for att ettiertaismeit. and lte ide of rieslingi aitahome mmei tnIkel Bat lte fttras eere agit ami Casadan h otaeme toime et masse: tar tes foa pWa, ta saciaite ami tu treat Nat tarrneey e are re-slaWng ltes ittnen toa icsemmte Mr lint-ew passitn fot tnt Ide. Canada has itecome tse rensovatun nation, tOit maie Man tnt-third of Casadmt itamers planieng a sgnifteant tenasiata n in t eat falte, accaidee ta CMHC. Sales in itome Inbsoaet are expecta tu rntl $31] b aillen tin eat - an Iran $24.6 iiosn tn 1999. Il yot te irt iit a paifang spact ai Home Depot onit Stlandayr northg, lits infomaioni wnt mme as t surrise, o aStre s oie mnes going? lite oni-ioalati chen renotisatu tas ben sarpassel Oit etteffor reeOoaliont landscaet. rIoittg, deOs fesorg, etc.) tahutioon mnrnOs, and aapeLflosting KrItaiens att the foat titusot poplt rtotatati pîoecl tor Catadians. acaioritg to a CMHC sutaey, Dut yiitsti ittoaaoit ate nos liity Io tihie ret row es itiottOi or tiaii and tetlpapti Mieore yu emtaito lat ienovtlisr ofect yoa stotild cosiei aheliter u art inpisaitg youi nosie for yoiî oies aînofr oritu iittitt5t lie value of yoti Soie Retiovatiots are nti aittltd emai aid sot *il petiot oetner UniaitsW ltrtSi cones 10, alidim value to yuî toite Most i.snoaallis inl impilit oMe atî I ahi flîursome bt lIa shomis' exttitIol iilly iteovi joir -toaon ost hiSeî art ssaie exceplttiosr e5aist andtre lite 50 var Irorr te flior ID ttoaet li ^hii dues pisote a geneiti ctate geidelie For taiale. asu Ur. etittI ecasai 681ic 7le DîI s'u ti nwstrnerr i a Ke,,e îe'ato, ta t thet smarteli, tiatatti IrieSla8t e OMY1 tas n-/' ISa Se0155 al 6d-'t l ' î b'esctti e' 0'allir5 -/5;tel tasii ',r Sia-fi c, ta WCi i tci-Oe aioitlels e' e5iaaeae 'eaalfig ita'it aiti ai es w ai 5aatlaas ast easti t eit iii 5 lives re ~O lia bllaaes ric, ae Dtti leasa;. ,î lUri piatsnýcsis3l t osnlai- assti lin, a lenwatoti-les o ata. tataelase t tai-eiaeitlO' nWC aour MlitOtt tiea' Ia 00i( ai ui 'iiaataait orons 'Sos ait sVriat options tîialie otlieidit oi aoar itation A ste e ait taaiedir bsted procie yoa nmm lt 'ml atau fet Os espu ma1 wns ll asoe a vaatoieraie seonmurle oi p Si-O idlti 0 no ýaaiat ai tels cmlieWlie raies tii terno aim nt sas De piaiu 0in a mnte: mal mets yot teets Garcies gazio ieieaentitt Drste tai mateses eoti sent sn nia se mmte ta ltsli John Canais a Coaftata witt Modgage Ae Mlto. neen stressiîemotgagn. a Gai-pet - Vînyl Ceramecs -Hardeeooal Paint -WallcooairingS Sh)owroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Grairn Biesont "S b. St. L gflm ns.8b.4180 Designing a bathroom 1tinkll th a I a (jýl :iics la ne arih aa ý h aier ,sir ot s 1, 'ioa oc bhis mare ai zuo i ýmall isesa Sbit jo gaparttie Fa-,ils trie -ve J lhe p,ici 'e heIer if, osie!r, and asiîrk arnd ehatîsý, a , aecri ii lhe eil ad-e, amp Clotl The teeri, ceca.shU se, 'p"r J-e I .- ' pluifig5 ana lle a rctce -d -lhe ltc aisa haaall5 ;mpc,,ibi u, f u sp andS Vi-eaeas 'er ici mafa 'more sou oi d siti i eý -cs Ks's oeI ascot lte sine tnd repente i pi-ee a-aocz craoei,' ii s-cees and .aaih aI thie'eteosaiceanage l'-.e1CK- & aili - ies anLaîrpe-eaocd 0--gehtier -x 2 m5,saa ---e eha basa i .- cor siii-ser. m betaken ai- le ual,1 a sht ,ýa t olitLt à5 a arget tIe loIj2 . 14' oi6. en lIf look-msg lit a fanase tee c lthe as,- of a btordiler or some dessinr itigit fac y ar shitieý a' large a' possible se lte main fteiaur is- cct expansai. maobc- tecon-iersiete ol a i s u c ot ,-at ba% bcef L, stoetse attd a tab nepal-asci aioa a glass partition. mach ae knec cri '2 %%al îeraroass aicild look quate arnfutectuaai bcnisg g asicttaer dimension ta the area Esen) the adi ii asidtouY cf a iensa in the ssaoser talea i meKInatic ot snic in ltai anIl ou facild cote bath pi-odasîs Trs 45'a C on the iapç)itsa : ro s, a- fi-cm tab anal liae sta itsl t'a-a large tale Thte lanesi concepti althe usai al totai% lç u10 eles Betii c ait andl flor se- mot siec aima shape' -are -asailable A geisat iepatabit installer nitrlil fac titi or) preiecot' cf tbis nature asti ce c-an, recomosend psafeionaiacs"iii afaen needed alMake saie aise- vca planticawta plenra of time a, mosi 5iintracllir, litpo i- uticc ne, a are asitall bookinag a fle- et.' ahtad, se ,i, ti-migznaiasn asd sarcfl planning. c î i a isae'c anc -sairi--ii 'ou hase tilcao dccamned Vie ni-ai sheîai a a%-er liet if nie, in- sui! ai tasses anal tnnai' ,fais, M_- -------

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