Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Sep 2006, p. 29

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The Cunudian Champion, Tuosday, Soplombor 12, 2006 - A29 If vou have anv questions these 11Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 nr Fax tnt 97944. srce onaSpheqaec Cahlgùpientr A: Ay Shdi pnpeechiandLanguage Pathlogst s a n irfsin l whoi asundK assess and provide intervention tri childeen ami adults with speech and language diffieulties. A Speecis-Language Padhologist provides a wide range of services Ko ussîst people in the developmenl of effective commamication skills. These services include: /heiping people wiKh speech sounds <articulation) difficulties; aassisting childeen develop langsîage skills; /helping people KO improve foreign accent, utilizing the Compton Pronouncing English as a Second Language Program:; o' helping people who stutner ldysfKuency) to speais moee flaently; / ielping people icitis voice disorders KO improse Kiseir voîce. Iassisting peoiple who have difficulties swallowîng as a resuli of ilîness or stroke. .helping peoiple with apisasia language impairnenl as a resut of head trauma or sroke). *developing augmentassve and alternative communication sysleins for people wKKt sesene speech difficulties. Iconsulting with indisiduals and communit-, geoups in omys Ko present speech and language disorders and tri enhance commanication effectivenessi n es'erdari use. Speech-Language Paiisologisis practicine in Ontario are regisieresi o is the College of Speech-Language Paiholoeitls andi Audiologisis of Ontio. Speech-Language Pathologiels pros ide sersices in mats differeni sellingsi ncluding client homes. schools, hospilals. c 1inics. arts hoe.prshoril peograis andi pris aie practic. If %ou %%ould lîke furiher informaticon about 3 Speeis.Lariguage Panhoogist or thse services tisai tise: proside please contact tise Halion HiKîs Speech Centre. # PARNERSIN PLANNING PFINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. *Fisanioal Pianntin * Reneemeet Planinîg Ë *Mula Fonds R R S.P'sg *Line tnsurance 421) Man Strut EmIt~ Suite M0, U R &CU R MIIon, OntrioULT 1P9 ,I W C Q: Qustim: Ms usiai faudi bave am hem perfaruîag weil rStImtly. Wk«i "Wl 1 de? A: %ci att mitain funds r lise tais Soine ius il perocm heaeu i ose ecrats esnnen dmt in anuitr St tise Cannre. these saine Canidi ma> Joie valse. stule iodavs s ndec-perfsensecsase Recnis. tise Canadin çlock maiket iss reflaclil tise eatog performance of rang> anal resouice socks. If s maui" fanal insesid in ihoe sitocks, il anoulal have haro saccessful in lise cuitent msairket. Rack in 1991-98. tiss sane sucesi came froin Candi ins'esring in tise financial seciot In 1999- 2000 il desceshesi tise performance oif mutual funsis învesttgî in tecisnologs stocks sucis as Bell Canada. JDS Utîphnse ansi Norltl Unforisinaiels. ciliser tise Cuns tisai did hest in ose of these tirer markets floandereal in ie iîenv og î woald hase plammeles i aslue in heturen market rses. Ittemirs de mro 55e coller cous i des, so le careful'Cet tise fans In al lu escamies. tise gcod nies came Ici an end The muiries Eors dais tnee esut Uîifonunarl. notiisg is forreet %wa wntealtarit tranr. cart le anacîici lustorv sent seat Muta Cund înscsîtg reolairci patience. disipltte ansi s dîsersîifiei ponrtfio. nou-nu tise mandat andi decisicyn making peoces )f vise muta] Candis deciso mikers %l islpi van assesi tise wbî 's andsi a «sof a Candsi Neyer asseiçs huue performance hasesi spot psu peeltemrance ct tise lest information on mînîmizing titi. ansi masîmîrîrif inscstmetts' tetuens. asLlwauvi consali a qualifirsi fmancial advisot sprcaalîztng in muatCnsi peoît desge Renininhet veqrda% s inchvidus] Cansi coulis is sot important Ji s wniai your üntfoIi asI doit lie hissre usali s iniportalit -us» a&MW ym i*w w ' pevloeaare' Comec -w arveieeupmferm" jlafr a waeeapnsai il *5764120. AeeIiiAuED WMH- PhaRNEbS IN PLANINGva IsSAsICC SERVCE vs Ca Iln Dn"17 Wilsn A enue PHSeTHERAPsSs (cormer of Wilson & Maim) 876-1515 I took amy tree month old baby to the doctor for a check-uap, and she OUd me ia my baby hadlat head syndrome. What u isaI,4 and cant physiotherapy do anything for dut? Rlat bead syndrome is a probiem that babies cao get because thir skuis are so soft, and tise skull becomes fluttened wisen tise baby lies in one position for a prolonged peniod of tirne. Because il is important Ko lye the baby on tiseir back Ko sleep to peevent SIDS (Sudden Infant Deuils Syndrome), thse baby tends Ko spend a great deal of urne in titis position ut Isglst and duning tise day sleeping. Au well, tise infant car seuls. aithougis tisey are so convenieal in tisat tisey convert into a stroller as weIl as a car seat tise baby tends Koi spend a great deal of time in tise seat. aguin wits pressure tri tise back or sîde of tise skull. Over time. tise suil cao become flattened. and tise muscles of tise neck sbortened on rine hide because of tise position of tise bead. Wisat cao you do? Wisen tise baby is nt sleeping or in a stioller. ti'y tri gel tise baby in a neo position - upeigist while holding tise baby. or dring îummy lime. Gel tise baby used to being on ils tummes. Il is greal for infant des'elopmrent. If you notice tisai tise baby consistenîly bas ils bead turned tri the same sîde %iie sleeping. try tri lun il 10 tise otiser side once in awhîle to balance tisings ont. If vou notice your bab>y dcselopîng flat bead syndrome. talk 10 vouir doctor about il. Tisey may suggest N'ou attend pbssiotserapy tri ,Aori. on steetching and slreltlenlng lise neck muscles tri ensuit proper aligoment during growlb-t and deseloproct Gise tise tiserapisis aI tihe Haiton Commuait> Reblabîlîtation Centre a Uns if N our infant bus fiai bead syndeome. I I, 311 Commweial St Suite 109, Milton >VOM 9056875-3345 www.hearsay.ce Obeipim TERI.FÇIHOO1T5, 1*O'it HF&uARLNC >.IfS ifyoier ha-wang ai i a a,*ag chack tie demi: ttMRi put tirnsi non tirin in dtis heug ai Be sure dt htie i, 'the eglttzomand 1i.tinciedi tese "J l.ria attrelutter î. err>oudtriesrw - lien a banen etL tu icit repaces BASTERN D00K B5e sute the Sariers douei s' .tote.i_ coniptreei snauped sri .-heentise heaume nitt t' lig o'ed W5AX Loos ai me coail end ci ther seang rit ond ftd thetlune uhi0e stuonc tube L7hcclto sr Iftlheantead isplticgrittstttriai licii aill nrd tcoU, trehi lni cser ittoihersiand lbt I lthe tueoisplgged. Use itltnle racc)]v prosî&id dssoSme5tnaid and ueeloJuý pIte.ea, oi BE C REFIL rir i posfithe aaoseri outhe tube Remenriesicteee àrtuàrttealheier 'Md (is te tale .so, ic, ttritl,frutite i CORRECT POSmTO'.1NG Be toure îlo trie hering aoi uoed .1tir i t ar and possotd fieS' trio the rt ,:aîU. Uol i tht top ndgt (if tht ocie: car tir htli a ndtesoeetheoiop oftheaîud :'iocrd ttle ind theskv Loe c the heunolif he cr andmalt sue the hrýaucodt'inside thetnih Be soce the heatinotdt'sLniEe vitcirai Simtnaid îhaeedetaeLi rthtiien ctri d Nuea li te tIit Il àleani i Soit' a'iu AuIoisit.o htip' SssirCH SETTI'tGS Il tht- t'aon isoffIilor, tthe harisgo' wzt su trie ln irzi, ,'M'lteoiptt "T' ce ieipoe e"lro of fTU-ING 1osoth tiri:iud I b 't'nrittttat ,-eoea.ckcr io osc e ucI t5OL ecetetub TR0L h&'ý nce Srneî' trd tr i ie;:î ii., it' =0 àltet' ,i, Il on.saltsio trialihue a, ve Fcenu: e ri!plUt SStLTLIGIthe ietatteîai, sictt.ý ahrues mehotIiriî mýni io-n..tie lfens.ti-vt hite soi-e rme ai, ý n9:o tuth eur 1ano. tst i tithe aUe tnects: .a), Irri me titu ai cînohoîta ri"n"e. BOOKLtETS Rtd t însteuaiîîîe rt m a mt , à,meticannïa If pan hue frte quemm u seu dg eliw& an ".diaiag si lis Hew cha' SpSrhi & Honing Cviaire îWSirTt3345. Ie oem hdpý GREG J. LAWRENCE B. sc., D. cm. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST 350 Main St E., Milton, Ontarlo, L9T lPS 1lA Princems Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 r«W . Laence(905)>702-1611 B.~ ~ ~ ~~h s. .C. mnw ofm ntado Soetafy of ChteopOdt and The. Ontario Cottage of Chlropodgata Q.Every fal when 1 participate in indoor sports, nsy feet ae A. Thsis is tise fime of year wisen many chsanges occur. The environnent around us starta Ko cool in temperature, leaves stail Ko change colour, our boues of work in tise gurden corne toi an end, kids start back Ko scisool, winter outdoor and indoor sports begin. Many of us do not realized tise potentiul for injury wisen participutbng in sports. It is usually only wisen a serious injury resuits, tisat we seek medical attention. Many kids and parenta alike, often complain of nagging acises ansd pains, but stil compete on scisool sports teums, tise adult sports leagues, or even in grade scisool gym classes. We mut remember thut indoor sports involve uctivities on isard concrete floors wisicis are isard on our joints. Sometimes aIl tisat may be required is footwear best suitcd for tise sport or best suited for YOUR particulur foot structure. If fooîwear is no1 tise problem, braces may be rcquircd for tise knee or arcis supports for tise feet. Witis tise ielp of tisese devices, you cari parlicipate in sports or everyday activilies. pain free. If you or your cisildren are constanîly plagued by ongoîng knee or feet problems. thisk about wisat lise end result migist be ta 20 vears - arthritis. A career in sports starts aI a voung age. IK is neyer too young 10, deîect and teat potential problemns. j Hawkins Animal Hospita Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM DIoc5r of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton (Pizza Hut Plaza) B. se, Phnone (905) 875-6888 Fax (905) 875-6853 THE PANOIRS 0F WASP Sn§&$S t tiii tisai Septemiser is. b> Car. Uic oorst monts for oasps Ili s tise ose month tisai t detesi eaîîng onidoors. rîtiser ai home or a restaurant for feux rif geting snung t treat more dogs for wasp bites in tise month comparei tri an,> le monts in tise summet Tisere are 3 dîfferent types of reactîions tisai animal and humans tan suifer aller iseing stun. ise fîrsi is pain and mîtd soelting ai tise site This is a normaIt> uhat isappens tri an indîsîduat tisai duies toi hase an oser reactise immune ss stern andi genera)> does nul requtre immediate attention Some individuats isitsroser reactise immune ss'stemrs cas have an attergit raction, In drigs. titis cao be anytising from massive suettîng of tise iseas angîioneurotic edema Ito difficat breathing, intense ittis att ovet circutatre sisotk and esen sudden deats Latis,. tin 15 :ears oft practise. 1 hase ritit once esi.ountered a dog uho dîrd of a uasp stingi Mosi reactioris or sre insole sssellîng oft tise iead asnd are rassIsN treaird a iti inject aiste antîhîstamînes and anti- tnflamimatoes Ih is %ers important tri serS medical attention il )(iuî dog sisros tisese sNmpiims r i I our drig hus suffeeed a reaction in tise pasi Successisetreactlots can hase moresening symptocons If >ou are going _4omeuhere remote uoti %our drie tl is aloass a griod ides tri c ares ome Renadnil ît iris oun o if N out drir Sas had an entreme ructirin in Uic past. crinsîdet cure tng ar epîpen Your seteeltartan clit ad ise tris on tout dosing Oset ofas reteirîces DIil oft Dol]- lamte) onui ha, ti. loo. ai a oasp and t hase trijump mrir, action mitIi aI1erg> reaction medî,.ation ktsumas. enijot uhat s rfi oif tise sommet, and ut -11 se %ou ai tise Milton Fa]) Fate Pet Shriu ai tise rnof rthtie monts M W-7 - .

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