Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Sep 2006, p. 26

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26 - The Canadfian Champion, Tuesday September 12, 2006 RétO nieSlsSalas Hl Salslllp 8 as i lliSae ~ i HSlelal sai KSai s sle p KWA_ AgOnIS M lAgnt epaIs AeltAcSt E &Aef SRIG s iooking for Genoral Labourers for *Cfeanîng of heavy machinery *Climbing toto cernent mixers and cleaning D oing moderate flifting on an occasional basis *General labour duties as required Stevens. il-225 Main St. E Fax: 905-878-8312 P: 905-878-7789 e-mail: mto sevnrsourceroup com CONCEPT FORD INC. SALES OPPORTUNITY We are looking for a career onsnfted indîvîdoal f0 add to oor sales teamt and a groiwing market area. No experiece reqoired. *Top comnmission pan *Bonuest *Bextefit padkage andt dent SCopny DmrY CLAEr S SHRN JohnTIM skw Mone MaFn agerOp $5000 Sioning bonus! ...b qualdlied individuals. We offer a chooce of psy plans to ltf you and your families needs. Selling Satums is nof about havimg technical expertise or mecinia aptitude... Vrs about enfoymg people. having fuan and deving long ferm business relatiorsisps ifi lfiem. If titis sounids sxciting - Hl la! We are seeking prolessional salespeople Maie or Fernale (Aufomnotive or Offle) tlo our higtt energy. dynaméc teain. You mustI be self-motiaed. ttinve on good finanoial rewatrd in retum for your exipertise in conoise Communication. sharp tiseIng ails and strong dosing abeity Entaï your resurm f0: or Fax 90&W076611 Loca inh cýs 1 »bisfry Suda k dhs * g bfI.S o w mmoi We nis ira*s postions avalabls for Lot SUaU NewfJsed Cmr Fbak 1~~af1w Sel -.1î The rgM candiati tises: Excelent nae- bon - Be reahonard - o we ftoh ron Plasm foirwur reuxsm ta Or drop ef resume Io: NewCwlmmagi-eKawbCuy Uséd Car Mnger - Dmv Umm=t Usod Car Si4svlsoe- Rab Mclii No Mar* ai apçicaniru app W onvt litse orsicired sfW erUsdsd Adverlising Salmi Jacqaeinex Vinceot-Gîlmore Gold 'Book HFALTON N E l t. ; 1 L Tise Qairville Beaver. a division of Hatoin Media Group. la seeiong a: BONUS PAK SALES REPRESENTATIVE Tire quaiiied candidats i be a moti- vated. indepandent. self-starter cîtir the abiltfy bo woro in a fast-paced. dsad-line focused envîronment. You ciii possesa excellent written and verbal communica- tion tuf las In tis rois, you cii b. customer focussd aid cxli buildi strong relaflonsips wrth clh- enta by ensuring tisat their advsrtiaing nseds are met. You cii b. goal-onesnted and capable of meeting ceecly targets- tf you could ics to corr for a leader in the media industry thîs opportunity may b. thi ght onesfor you. We offer acor- petidive compensation and bonefit pack- age as coul as possibitibes for futurs ca- reer grocts. A reliabie vehicleis a e- quxrod. if ieresfad pisas forcard your resume. no laier tisa Seçlernsbee 151h. 2006 to We apreciWal Ie inwter Of ail 4pÀcwef howeunir onty 11505e seiscfed for an irniew w#l b. contacted No phtone catI or agerfcsex pilease trumgproidaL~~eiisno uT'ami Pls fax you rma la Jayr 905.681.5545 or drm off i pffait Zrbje Cana.hîan Cbjampiun a in .0-i e Doe nos isness groctir, ce are seeking dynamîx indînîdoals for dix faîl-tîce position of AOVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE tor the Milton / Georgetocn ares. Goîri Boak / 7Oicone, a Division ai Torstar Corporation, is a Dirxciory Bosiness servîcing local markets in Onfario, providing consomers with complete listings ai irasinosses and services relevant ta their local cammanîtxo. Tire qualifîod candidate wîlI ho a motîoated, independent, sel'f-siarier cîtir prevous retail. ootsîde or însîdx sales experience. ou wil1 pasoxas excxllent crînten and verbal communication siîlîs and wîlI ire motioatxd 10 acieon resairs. In this raie. yoa cîlI ire costamer focuseri ard cîlI boîld snrong rxlationshîps cir nec and existîng clixnts by xnsarîng tirai tiroir directory adoxitising reedn are met- You cîlI ire goal-orîentxd and capable of mexting montirly targets. A reliairîx veicle la rxgoîred. If Co coulri lîke ta corr for a lxadxr in tire media undostiy dhii appartonlty may ire the rîgiri onx for you Wx oitxr a campexîsoxe compxnsatin and irenefît package încloding: * Hehaite anad Desali Boegit * Pension Plas * Lits isancs .3 Wsiixs Voaion ta Stert Sul S ais, nivis and Coutist *13 WUeMs Pid Tmniîg * cerser Devsliommm d Aiviancmmîsa Oppasiialha * Flexible Woîinq Haoe If irterested nleasn forcard yoar rxsame ta: nmastrm@701.coss or Fax: (905) 632-030 Fado.0 r, c s J-aslxi cipes n Zk caf naslrt s in s aC 'uil il 1c.ok people? No are baok- xi lai a career- *orienteet ul&rdudal i * loin our teaine time tieakh ccxanselor in a prailssiaxua enirneaeni Training Pis fax reaumne to 905028-7 PART TIME SALES HELP REOUIRED Pari-time Sales Associate required for downtoywn Aifton grill store. Appircant must be outgoing andf enjoy dealîng with the public- Shifts cîlI include Thursday anmd Fnday everngs and Salurdays, as cet as sortie adiditional evening hours and Sundays duntng December. S.nd res».i by FAX AX. or EMAL5 toi: JAS SI4OES FASMION OPPORTUNITi JAS a %jau»j borof, o' pridng nrg" iýasn01 No ars opsnig Oune os location on tse Lalkeshoqs in docafoie Darlie. ai.o-eu sains ass-,a-re 7. o.ucJAS *Einu- a.s a r'Ask us About... À..o~j ,Rurnl &12 5 . ,PorcveYOUNG Forever Yoang, Canada's ieading publi- cation for 50-i consumers and a division oi Metroland Prîntîng, Publishing & Dis- tnibutîng Ltd., iras an immrrediate opening for an expenenced Retail Advertising Sales Representative The candidate mast possesa a minimum oI two years pnint advertising sales expe- nience. An impressive business develop- ment record and agency experience is alan an asset. The selected candidate Mil have an entrepreneurial spiri, fIhe abiity fa worir both as part ai a teamn and independcenty, and *11l be extremey welI organized. We are looiîg for a self - starter wfio is rigirfy motivatled and has excellent communication skîlls, botir cnt- ten and oral. in tiNa roIs, you MN b. customner focused and Mill buildI slrong relationsiripa citt nec clients by ensunng ttsat tiseir adiver- tison needs ame met. Ycan cii b. goal- onented ami capable oi meeting regular mon5fsiy budgets cithin a deadlonie f o- cused envrronmrreni. If you wouldl ics to corir for a leader in tise media industry thîs opportunity may b. tise nght one for you. We ofser a com- petiae cmMpensaton package and bene- fils as ceil as possibilities for future ca- reer growth. If intereSted piease fosward yOur resuIme. rua lafer tisan Septexiber 13. 2006 f0: icbresSo@ftweveqoufgl5WLcOff fax: (905)337-U71 We appreciate the inferesi of aIl appli- carits trowever arsfy itios seieced for an interview wîll b. contact ed. No phone cahis or agerices please PROFESSIONAL SALES ASSOCIATES required Bell World is seeking full tîme sales associates for per- manent full time employment. Candidate must be seek- ing long term employmenf in a fast paced, professional environment. Key Dufies and Responaibilif les: - High achool diploma or equivafent - Solid customer service and sales experience - Excellent communication skills - Aptitude for working in a computerized environment - Abilify to learn quickly in a changing environment - Team player - lntegrify Please apply in person with resume and cover letter or online at Bell World, 377 Main Street East, Milton, ON V u~Ïn brxo Tire Milton Canadian champion, a division of Metnoland Printing, Puiruishing & Distnibuting Ltd., is seelang an expenienced, Inside Sales Representative The qaalrtied candidate culi be a motivated, independent. selI-ofarter wîth previous telephone sales experlence. Yoa ciii possess excellent critten and verbal communication sills and be familiar cati Microsoft applications. ln luis role. yoa ili be castomner focused and ii baud strong relationships cwt new clients iry ensunng that theur advertising needs are met. Yoa wil be goal-onenined and capable oi meeting regular monlirly buodgets witin a deadline iocased environment. If yoa would like t0 worx for a leader rn tire media indastry tris opportunity may ire tie nght one for yoa, If unterested please forcard yoar resume. no later tItan Sept. 3Otlr, 200610o: W. apprmcis Éli. intar~ of ail appollcant howevex only tos seilci.d f«r an lntavlw wili b. coxitacted. No phone colis or agencis Pi--.

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